Nottingham City Council’s draft Budget for 2012/13 published – public consultation meeting dates

Nottingham City Council’s draft Budget for 2012/13 has only just been published.

For a summary see

These include 195 job cuts and a council tax increase of 3.49%.

Additionally, the council are looking at

* encouraging staff to volunteer to work 35 hours rather than 37
* selling-off Portland Leisure Centre
* closing two centres for older people, Marlstones Elderly Person’s
Home in Bulwell and the Willows Centre in Beechdale
* closing the Museum of Nottingham Life at Brewhouse Yard
* cutting food waste collections and closing nine recycling centres
* reducing funding to Connexions, a support service for young people
* reducing redundancy payments for laid-off staff to the legal minimum

The budget will go before a full council meeting on 5th March.

We’ve already begun a campaign to encourage councillors to vote
against the budget. Keep an eye out for stalls and protests around the

Public consultation meetings are being held as listed below. It is important that as many people as possible go to these meetings to pressurise councillors not to implement this cuts budget. Get yourself there and urge your contacts to attend.

Saturday 21 Jan 12, Sherwood District Centre, Outside Co-op., 684 Mansfield Rd., NG5 2GE, 10am -12noon. Contact telephone: 0115 883 8469.

Tuesday 24 Jan 12, Clifton Cornerstone Southchurch Drive, Clifton, NG11 8EW, 6:30pm 915 3079

Wednesday 25 Jan 12, Indian Community, Centre (ICCA), Hucknall Road, Carrington, NG5 1QZ, 6pm 883 8469

Wednesday 25 Jan 12, Bentinck School Bentinck Road, Radford, NG7 4AA, 4pm 883 8469

Wednesday 25 Jan 12, Greenway Centre Trent Lane, Sneinton, NG2 4DF, 6.30pm 915 3079

Monday 30 Jan 12, Top Valley Community Centre, Top Valley Way, NG6 9DD, 6pm 915 9127

Tuesday 31 Jan 12, Loxley House LB41, (BSL interpreters will be present), Station Street, N2 3NG, 5pm 876 4955

Wednesday 1 Feb 12, Thomas Hewly’s Baptist Church, Church St, Lenton, NG7 1SJ, 2pm -3.30pm, 883 8469

Wednesday 1 Feb 12, Southwark Primary School, Park Lane, Basford, NG6 ODT, 6pm 915 9127

Friday 3 Feb 12, Bulwell Market Place Bulwell, NG6 8HD 9.30am 915 9127

Monday 6 Feb 12, Meadows Library Wilford Grove, NG2 2DR, 6-8pm 915 3079

Wednesday 8 Feb 12, Chase Neighbourhood Centre, Robin Hood Chase, St Ann’s, NG3 4EZ,4.30pm 915 3079

Wednesday 8 Feb 12, Sheila Roper Community Centre, Baslow Drive, Lenton Abbey, NG9 2SU, 7pm 883 8469

Thursday 9 Feb 12, Bilborough Market Bracebridge Drive, NG8 4PN, 9.30 -11.30am, 915 9127

Thursday 9 Feb 12, Kingswood Church Lambourne Drive, Wollaton, NG8 1GR, 7pm 883 8469

Thursday 16 Feb 12, Nottingham Salvation Army, 397 Aspley Lane, NG8 5RR, 6pm 915 9127

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