Nottingham City Unison: “NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL PREPARED TO PASS ON CON-DEM CUTS” – press release 14th Jan 2011. Plus Notts Unison Press releases about Country Parks, Care Homes & NCC Lobby on 24th Feb

Read Nottingham City Unison press release 14th Jan 2011 about City cuts: “NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL PREPARED TO PASS ON CON-DEM CUTS” [Word] [PDF]. Source:

For Notts County, see also: Unison: alternatives to proposed Nottinghamshire service and job cuts.

Plus: FOR YOUR INFORMATION forwarded on from: Mike Scott (Notts Unison Branch Organiser)

(1) Please find attached letter we would like you to distribute to anyone you know who may be a user of our local Country Parks.

Notts County Council budget cuts will have a particularly devastating affect on the service provided by our local country parks and it is important we campaign vigorously against these disgraceful cuts.

Please get involved in this campaign and together we can stop this attack on our natural heritage.

(2) Equally unpaletable please circulate press release about closure of ALL existing 35 day care centres providing specific care support
-Replacing them with just 10 ‘generic’ centres providing ‘one service for all’.
-Only opening new centres for 46 weeks per year, not 52
-Cancelling meals and drinks provision unless this service can break even in each centre.
-Reducing staffing by half from 377 to just 192
-Cutting access to the centres for elderly care home residents to just 2 days per week maximum

Please respond to the County Council’s consultation on this matter by the 21st Jan and prepare to attend a major lobby of County Hall, West Bridgford on Thursday 24 February when the full council meets to set its Council Tax budget.

Dowload Lobby flyer: Alternative to Notts County cuts lobby 24 Feb 2011