In the News

Notts SOS poster - 'No to the cuts'
Notts SOS poster
This page highlights articles on cuts and anti-austerity protests in the media – Mainly local plus national and international.

Jobcentre was set targets for benefit sanctions, The Guardian, 24/3/2013.

Up to 84% on low incomes will not pay council tax, local authorities believe, The Guardian, 27/2/2013.

Mansfield HMV store to close administrators announce, Nottingham Post, 20/2/2013.

1,700 chase just EIGHT jobs at new Costa Coffee in Mapperley, Nottingham Post, 19/2/2013.

Elderly and families to feel the pinch as Nottingham City Council makes £25m savings, Nottingham Post, 18/12/2012.

Residents to protest at new council tax benefit scheme, Nottingham Post, 18/12/2012.

Nottingham City Council pay freeze battle, Nottingham Post, 15/12/2012.

European workers stage austerity protests, BBC News website, 14 November 2012.

October 20th Anti-Austerity Demonstration, Indymedia UK feature, 24/10/2012

BMA letter opposing NHS reforms (Full text of letter sent by Dr Laurence Buckman, chairman of the BMA’s GPs committee, to 22,000 family doctors in England),, Thursday 1 March 2012

Unemployment set to rise in 2012, suggests CIPD, BBC website, business section, 28/12/2011.

NHS cuts have affected patient care say four out of five doctors, Guardian website, 27/12/2011.

Nottinghamshire County council cuts officer leaves early, 2/12/2011.

Nottinghamshire County Council cuts library book budget, BBC News website, 21/11/2011.

Nottinghamshire County Council announces extra £12m cuts, BBC News, 1/11/2011.

Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested on Brooklyn Bridge
, The Guardian website, 2/10/2011.

‘It’s exploitation and it’s repellent’: Retailers, councils and charities benefiting from workfare, Corporate Watch, 26/09/2011.

Unite leader Len McCluskey calls for protests and strikes against cuts, The Guardian, 11/09/2011.

Private sector have huge NHS opportunity – minister, BBC News website, 07/09/2011.

Hospital protest at plan to close ward, Nottingham Post, 06/09/2011.

Cuts will affect domestic violence jobs benefits – TUC, BBC News website, 01/09/2011

London rioters point to poverty and prejudice, Reuters, 9/8/2011.

Public sector workers need ‘discipline and fear’, says Oliver Letwin, Guardian, 30/7/2011.

Mark Steel: Time to inflict pain on the terminally ill, The Independent, 27/7/2011.

Sack-or-sign council ‘has £4m stash’, Morning Star, 11/7/2011.

County Hall spin cannot hide scale of savage cuts, Nottingham Post, 9/7/2011.

Charities threaten legal action over benefits cuts for disabled, The Guardian, 2/7/2011

Striking Commons workers feel ‘let down’ by Miliband & Ed Miliband’s failure to support strikes ‘a disgrace’, BBC News online, 30/6/2011.

Lloyds Banking Group to cut 15,000 jobs in effort to save £1.5bn, Daily Telegraph, 30/6/2011.

Greece gripped by general strike over austerity package, BBC news online, 28/06/2011.

Doctors reject coalition’s changes to health plans, The Guardian, 28/06/2011.

Nottingham Supports the Spanish revolution! At the Green Festival in the Arboretum, Spanish Students and residence of Nottingham have been promoting the anti-austerity events in Spain. Demonstrations in the Market Square, Nottingham and elsewhere in UK have also taken place. Nottingham Indymedia, 23/05/2011.

Notts Rejects Plans For NHS, Nottingham Indymedia, 23/05/2011.

Hospice day care service for terminally ill is saved, Nottingham Post, 17/5/2011. There is also a letter written about Hoayward House in the Post by one of its users, a little while ago:

NHS reforms live blog – what is happening to the health secretary’s bill?, The Gauradian website, 9/5/2011.

Art Attack: How are arts in Nottingham surviving the cuts? Impact Magazine (University of Nottingham official student magazine), 8/5/2011.

Jobcentres ‘tricking’ people out of benefits to cut costs, says whistleblower, Guardian, 2/4/2011.

Video on the Guardian website shows police deception leading to arrests of 139 UKuncut activists on March 26th 2011 in London on the day of the TUC demonstration and occupation of Fortnum and Mason (the vast majority of the ‘record’ number of arrests that day). Published on, Monday 28 March 2011. See also – evidence of state paranoia about anti-cuts protests on the Policy Exchange website.

Judge backs Nottingham cuts decision, Local Government Chronicle, 25/3/2011.

How the government cuts are hittting the worst off hardest, Daily Mirror 11/03/2011.

Nottingham City Council cuts budget protests on 7th March:

Reports from 5th March protests:

County Council’s ‘ruthless’ cuts will total £150m over three years, Nottingham Post, 25/2/2011.

Forest farce: Cameron to axe sell-off policy, The Independent, 17/02/2011

Sure Start cuts, ITV News, 17/02/2011

DON’T SLASH PENSIONS, MPS URGED, Daily Express, 17/02/2011
Sick? Who gives Atos?, The Mirror, 16/02/2011.

Women’s refuge chief returns OBE in protest over cuts, The Guardian, 15/02/2011.

Cuts protesters march into Mansfield, The Chad, 12/2/2011.

Nottingham City Council’s court triumph in cash battle, The Nottingham Post, 12/2/2011.

English forest sell-off put on hold, The Guardian, 11/2/2011.

Gove loses court battle over cancelled school building projects, The Guardian, 11/2/2011.

Liberal Democrat council leaders attack spending cuts, BBC News website, 10/2/2011.

Tax avoidance protesters turn their attention to Britain’s banks, The Guardian, 10/2/2011

‘Axe’ public sector union rights, say business leaders, BBC News website, 7/2/2011.

Cuts undermining ‘big society’, says senior charity chief, The Guardian, 7/2/2011. Also reported on BBC News website: Cuts ‘destroying big society’ concept, says CSV head.

Campaign group being formed over woodland sell-off fears, The Nottingham Post, 3/1/2011.
See also:

Call for an inquiry into use of CS spray, Letters, The Guardian, 1/2/2011.

Postcode care lottery denounced as council charges soar, 20/1/2011.

First in the cuts firing line: the homeless and socially excluded, Patrick Butler’s Cuts Blog, The Guardian, 19/01/2011. Focus on Nottingham City.

Tax avoidance protesters UK Uncut to target Boots, The Guardian, 19/01/2011.

Rushcliffe residents first to be hit by lights switch-off?, The Nottingham Post, 17/01/2011

Notts voluntary sector writes open letter to county council over cuts, Nottingham Post, 11/01/2011.

Debt concerns as Citizens Advice Bureau cuts announced, BBC Nottingham website, 10/01/2011.

Notts Cuts Watch #12 (covering Jan 3th-9th 2011):

Corrie star Chris Gascoyne, Weatherfield’s Peter Barlow, slams the Tories over library cuts, by James Lyons, Daily Mirror, 7/1/2011.

Student protesters: ‘We will continue to fight’, BBC News website, 10/11/2010

Schoolboy warned by police over picket plan at David Cameron’s office, The Guardian website. 10/12/2010.

No mention of city protests
, Letters, Nottingham Post, 4/12/2010

Nottingham Students Evacuate Great Hall after Successful Negotiations with University, Impact magazine, 3/12/2010.

Nottingham students stage overnight sit in at university to protest against cuts, Nottingham Post, 1/12/2010.

BS comes to Nottinghamshire, Notts Indymedia, 27/11/2010

Notts County Council cuts will leave ‘thousands of vulnerable people’ without support, 26/11/10.

Government stays quiet on Big Society Bank reports, Third Sector Online, 26/11/2010.

Students continue university occupations, BBC News website, 25/11/2010.

Choice media article of the year: Austerity cabinet has 18 millionaires, The Times, 23rd May 2010.

Free free to add your news or links to news as comments.

NEW on Notts Indymedia: Notts Cuts Watch highlights local press coverage about cuts in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire:

Notts Cuts Watch #12 (covering Jan 3th-9th 2011):

Week 11 Covering Dec 19th-26th –

Week 10 Covering Dec 13th-19th –
Week 9 Covering Dec 6th-12th – Week 8 Covering November 29-December 5, 2010 – Week 7 Covering November 22-28, 2010: Week 6 Covering November 15-21, 2010: Week 5 Covering November 8-14, 2010: Week 4 November 1-5 2010. Bulletin no.3
Bulletin no.2, Bulletin no.1

More press coverage: local, national and international


Protesters march into city centre for public services to be spared. Good to the title has been changed from ‘Protester march on city over county cuts’ as used in the printed edition this morning – need we have to spell it out we are opposing both City cuts and County cuts! And as for the police estimate of 400 – think they may be advised to cut their demo-counting division for incompetence. Evening Post, 22/11/2010.

Councillors to have crunch talks over Gedling School’s future. Evening Post, 22/11/2010.

Nottingham City Council axes funding for more than 200 beds, Evening Post, 22/11/2010.

Hundreds to take part in “biggest demonstration since the Poll Tax” tomorrow, Although note that while the assembly point is 11.30am, the march will leave the Forest at 12.30pm towards the Market Square. It won’t leave at 11.30am!. Evening Post, 19/11/2010.

Tory headquarters in Nottingham strewn with graffiti and windows smashed, Nottingham Evening Post, 19/11/2010.

Nottingham Evening Post on County Cuts (October 11-16 2010):

Voluntary groups express concerns over the future of Notts County Council funding, Evening Post, 30/09/2010

Nottingham City Council reveals details of £800,000 transport cuts, Evening Post, 29/09/2010

Public asked for Nottingham budget cut views, BBC Nottingham website, 28/09/2010

Nottinghamshire County Council says 3,000 jobs at risk, BBC News website , Nottingham, 11/08/2010


Public sector unions warn of co-ordinated strikes, Independent, 17/11/2010

Student protest shows a generation finding its voice, The Mirror, 12/11/2010

Protesters against cuts occupy bank in Glasgow, Indymedia Scotland, 21/10/2010.

Spending review: thousands join anti-cuts rally in Westminster, The Guardian, 19/10/2010.

Spending Review: Cuts watch, department-by-department, BBC News website, 15/10/2010

George Osborne hits child benefit – and elderly may be next, The Mirror, 5/10/2010

Welfare budget ‘could lose £100m’, Belfast Telegraph, 28/09/2010

GMB strike off after victory deal ends Veolia’s threat of cuts, The Morning Star, 21/9/2010

Town hall staff may be asked to work for nothing to save jobs, Manchester Evening News, 06/09/2010


Dublin students demo rows with cops and attacks Dept of Finance, Indymedia UK, 3/11/2010.

Thousands take to French streets in pension protests
, BBC news website, 16/10/2010

Workers rally across Europe to protest against cuts, The Guardian, 29/09/2010