Leicestershire Solidarity Group – Whose pensions are ‘GOLD-PLATED’?

Leicestershire Solidarity Group have recently formed and have produced a great leaflet about public sector pensions.

While ‘greedy and selfish’ public sector workers are vilified by politicians and the media, remember…

David Cameron’s publically funded pension is £32,978 a year with a pot of £550,725
Francis Maude’s publically funded pension is £43,825 a year with a pot of £731,833
George Osborne’s publically funded pension is £32,978 a year with a pot of £550,725
Nick Clegg’s publically funded pension is £28,404 a year with a pot of £440,000
Eric Pickles’ publically funded pension is £43,825 a year with a pot of £731,833
Vince Cable’s publically funded pension is £39,551 a year with a pot of £660,507
Andrew Lansley’s publically funded pension is £39,551 a year with a pot of £660,507
Danny Alexander’s publically funded pension is £28,404 a year with a pot of £440,000

Average public sector pension is around £4-6,000 a year

Whose pensions are ‘GOLD-PLATED’?

Whatever they tell you WE ARE NOT ALL IN IT TOGETHER!

Public Sector and Private Sector Workers UNITE AND FIGHT THESE ROBBING PARASITES

Download the flyer: leicestershire solidarity group pensions leaflet Dec 2011
