Biggest Notts SOS meeting so far – forthcoming Saturday Nov 20th demonstration, weekly meetings & more

Last night’s Notts SOS planning meeting was very well attended with 30 participants in all. As well as the three major Nottingham demonstrations last week, and our interventions at the City Council consultation, we were pleased to hear from a new campaign in Lincoln that had held an anti-cuts meeting and march. The attack on welfare claimants in the Spending Review was highlighted. Sub-groups were formed to put together publicity, handle communications, and collect funds. A Nottingham demonstration was proposed for Saturday, November 20th.

A leaflet and Notts SOS newsletter will be produced for this. Please send us your stories and news of workplace or community campaigns and events for the newsletter. Individuals as well as groups are encouraged to share experiences which we would like to put in the newsletter and on the website. We know that the cuts and economic crisis will affect many people in many different ways, and all are important. You can add them as comments to the website or facebook page.
We agreed to meet weekly at least until after the demonstration so the next meeting will be Monday November 1st at 7.30pm at the usual venue (ICC/YMCA on Mansfield Road). The campaign welcomes new participants at these.