Snienton Against the Cuts meeting – Monday 6th December, 6.15pm

The next Snienton Against the Cuts meeting has been called.


Monday 6th December, 6.15pm
Bakersfield Community Centre
312 Sneinton Dale

– FOR fairness, justice, and integrity in dealing
with the recession and the National Debt.
– FOR a solution tackling the underlying causes of the recession without blaming or penalising victims of the recession – eg. the unemployed, people on low incomes.
– FOR Public Services, which are key to a democratic and just society.
– AGAINST targeting and blaming particular groups or communities
– AGAINST setting communities against each other in a battle for resources.

Join our Facebook group or email SneintonAgainsttheCuts [at]

At this Nottingham City Council “We Asked, You Said” event, the council will tell us the results of a recent survey sent out in the arrow about which services should be cut.

But why should services be cut when there is a fairer way?

Say NO to £1 charges for library internet.
Say NO to another increase in social care
charges for day centres for the elderly.
Say NO to cuts in services for the homeless.

This is the thin end of the wedge – Say NO to cuts in our services.
• Come and tell the council what effect these cuts will have on us: our elderly, our young, our disabled, our vulnerable, our communities.
• Ask them how they are planning to fight these cuts and defend our services.

No one asked us when the Government decided to slash public services and target the poorest and most vulnerable to pay for the banks’ mess.

No one asked us when they decided to “reform” the benefits system in the middle of a recession when it’s even harder to find full time work.

No one asked us when the Government picked on benefit claimants, large families and the disabled and ignored huge bank bonuses, tax evasion and banking mismanagement.

Why should we now be asked to “choose” which vital services should be cut and who should lose their jobs?

The government says we are “all in this together.”

• But they have taken away money and services from the poorest people.

• They have provided £850 billion to support the banks who are still giving out huge bonuses to their richest employees and creating no new jobs.

• The 1000 richest people in the UK are still seeing their income rise by £70bn in the past year, and the average chief executive still earns 88 times the average pay of a full time worker.

The City Council are our local representatives – they should be on our side – they know more than anyone the devastating impact the cuts will have on our communities. They need to send a clear message to the Government that these cuts are unfair, that they are damaging and that we will not accept them. They need to demand a fair solution.

Come to Bakersfield Community Centre at 6.15 on December 6th and make your voice heard!