Keep up the pressure on Saturday 4th December, 1pm-5pm

BREAKING NEWS: The University of Nottingham occupation is voluntarily suspended. The University management has agreed to a meeting with students and staff on Monday, for a discussion about the demands of the occupation from Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts.

The hundreds of students involved are now free to join the events in town on Saturday!

1pm: Protest tax avoiding corporations! Starts 1pm at Vodafone on Clumber Street in Nottingham City Centre. Other shops may be visited of corporations that are avoiding tax using off-shore headquarters and other dubious methods.

then stay for

2pm-5pm: Third day of action on student fees and education cuts in Nottingham on Saturday 4th December 2010, Market Square, in Nottingham City Centre.

Let’s keep up the pressure in the run up to the vote on student fees on Thursday 9th, and beyond. Elsewhere, the 4th has also been called as a general day of action against austerity, and against welfare and housing cuts. The students’ occupations and demonstrations have sparked enthusiasm and strong will such that anti-cuts activity cannot be ignored. Much more will be needed but last month has surely provided the beginning we needed.

Read the latest Notts SOS Newsletter – Issue no.2, December 2010.