Here are links to reports about Thursday demo at County Hall against Notts County Council cuts and job losses with photos and video:
- Notts County Council workers on strike
- Notts County Council strike: March . More photos of Notts march here
- Notts County Council strike: Rally. More photod of Notts rally and speeches here
- Some local blog comment from the Parish of Nottingham including some choice quotes – “Cllr Carol (Peppa Pig) Pepper describing voluntary sector workers as ‘a bunch of whingers and moaners who are only interested in looking after their own jobs’.”
More coming soon at City Council on 5ht and 7th of February. For inspiration see reports of occupations of town halls and council buildings in London this week:Haringey and Lambeth, and protest at Southwark
Watch video on Notts Unison/Youtube
And some links made here in another Notts video about the hypocrisy of the government over egypt, libya and bahrain, selling arms to dictators, and business deals. Why the cuts here are not necessary. And let’s all learn to ‘fight like an egyptian’!