Reports, photos & videos from Nottingham City Council ‘cuts budget’ day protests (7th March 2011)

Notts SOS protest on 7th march 2011 Nottingham City Council budget setting day
Notts SOS daytime protest
Here are initial reports and links to photos & videos of the lively Council House demonstrations in the Market Square and ‘public’ gallery that Notts SOS and other protesters were ‘escorted’ from (one carried out) by police so that the City Council cuts budget meeting could continue behind closed doors after being suspended during the action. Protesting started at 12 noon and continued until 7pm. Council leader Jon Collins was harangued in the Market Square in the evening and there was a ‘Fight the Cuts’ banner drop on Main Marian Way during the day. This was after over 1800 signatures were handed to him from a petition urging the council not to cut services, but to implement a ‘needs-based’ budget. On the same afternoon, Vodafone was targetted by Notts Uncut for its corporate tax evasion and was shut down yet again. There is a lot more to do now cuts budgets have been passed in both the City and County. Come to the next Notts SOS meeting at the YMCA/ICC on Mansfield Road, Monday 14th March at 7.30pm.
Jon Collins harangued during evening protest
Jon Collins harangued during evening protest

Also come to the Market Square again today (8th March) for the International Women’s Day centenary events at 5pm focussing on the disproportionate effect of the cuts on women (then at Thompson’s Solicitors at 5.30pm).

Many more forthcoming events in March 2011 listed here.

Reports/photos videos from 7th March 2011

Videos from 7th March 2011 from various individuals, on YouTube

See also, mainstream media coverage:
BBC News: , Nottingham Post: and Nottingham City Council approves £33m of cuts as angry protesters ejected, also reminding us what the cuts will mean (& a lot more besides this):

COUNCILLORS last night approved some of the most swingeing cuts seen in the city for a generation.

Around £33 million of cuts were given the go-ahead at a Nottingham City Council meeting.

It comes after the Government reduced the council’s grant by 8.4%.

The controversial savings plan will see libraries closed, museum opening hours reduced and employee terms and conditions changed.

The council also approved plans to cut its supporting people budget, which helps vulnerable people in the community.

NEW – Support from singer/songwriter Billy Bragg who visited the University of Nottingham occupation last year:
I wish to add my voice to those of Notts Students Against Fees and Cuts and Notts Save Our Services in urging Nottingham City Council to stand up to central government and passed a needs based budget. The big society that I want to live in should to be driven by compassion, not market forces.

Billy Bragg

On 07/03/2011 16:31, Notts Students wrote:

Hi Billy,
Thanks for giving your attention to this. This is what has happened and what we’re passing to the press.
(Notts Students against Fees and Cuts)

City Council Budget Meeting Halted by Protestors

Nottingham City Council are meeting today to pass a budget passing on sixty million pounds worth of cuts, which will hit the poorest and most marginalised in our society. While protests continued outside the building, members of Notts Students against Fees and Cuts and Notts Save Our Services spoke passionately from the public gallery, urging the council to stand up to central government and pass a needs based budget. After a brief exchange the councillors closed the meeting, refusing to listen to the views of their constituents.

The protestors then staged a good-natured, peaceful sit-in. They were offered a private meeting with the leaders of the council, which was refused because it was conditional on the end of the sit-in. Eventually the police forcibly removed the peaceful protestors, including a wheelchair user and a young woman who was carried from the building.

The meeting has now reconvened in private so that the council can force through its budget against the will of the people of Nottingham. Protestors are gathering again today at 5pm.

Inside the council house 1

City Council cuts update – DEMONSTRATE ON MONDAY 7th MARCH – plus International Women’s Day events

Here is latest update from Notts SOS about the campaign against City Council cuts and events on International Women’s Day. For many more diary dates and details of forthcoming events, see:


Many thanks to the 150 or so folks who braved the rain at the rally
today (Saturday 5th March) in the Market Square.

See photos on Notts Indymedia:

For those who couldn’t make it, we heard from community and disability
campaigns, unions, service users, homeless people, and students about
how angry they are at the cuts facing these sectors. It was a lively
rally that lasted a couple of hours, with stalls and singing.
Afterwards Vodafone, Natwest and Boots were visited by UK Uncut.

It’s really important that we now take this anger to the council
directly, this Monday 7th March, when it plans to pass the cuts
budget. We start our protest for a needs-based budget at 1pm outside
the council house (our stall will be there from 12 noon). The council meeting starts at 2pm.

The public are allowed to attend the meeting. In fact the council has
been in touch with us pointing out that they will try to accommodate
as many as they can without breaching health and safety regulations,
so we are expected. We can still influence this process!

The meeting itself is likely to go on into the night. Last year it
took until 1am the next morning. So we plan to have a presence outside
for the whole day and a second rally at 5-7pm for people who can only
come after work. Please come down to the rally, attend the meeting
with us, and help us to keep up a lively presence outside.


There are 2 cuts related events in Nottingham on Tuesday 8th March,
marking the centenary International Women’s Day. Download poster.

(1) Women at the Cutting Edge – Rally in the Market Square (5pm)

Bring your banners, placards and voices and join us to celebrate the
tradition of International Women’s Day and demonstrate our resistance
to the cuts!

Old Market Square, Nottingham City Centre

(2) Women Against the Cuts – public meeting (5.30pm)

The Notts Trades Council are organising a meeting at the offices of
Thompsons Solicitors.

* Cheryl Pidgeon, regional secretary of Midlands TUC
* Melanie Jeffs, Nottingham CVS
* Chris Cutland, Women’s Aid Integrated Services

Thompsons Solicitors Office, 4th Floor, City Gate (East), Tollhouse
Hill, Nottingham, NG1 5FS

For more diary dates including more IWD events around Nottingham, see:

Anti-cuts diary dates in March 2011 including City Council demos on 5th & 7th, plus coach info for 26th

picture of a diary to add the following anti-cuts dates toHere are anti-cuts events coming up. Also take a look on the right for more details of Forthcoming Events, Comments and Twitter feed columns for more info, reports and comments. Join Notts SOS Facebook at

Anti-cuts diary dates in March 2011

Saturday 5th March Notts SOS rally in Market Square against the forthcoming City Council ‘cuts budget’. Stall from 12 noon to accompany rally. We’ll be there to set up from 11.30am. All welcome. Bring banners, placards & things to make noise including yourself! Add your name to the 5th March facebook event.

Monday 7th March Notts SOS day of action in Nottingham 12.00 noon-7pm. The City Council’s budget for 2011/12 will be considered at a meeting of the full City Council to be held at the Council House, Old Market Square, Nottingham. Full council meeting starts 2.00pm, with public gallery open, expected to go on for many hours. The Notts SOS stall will be set up in the Market Square at 12.00 noon at least until 2.00pm.
Then again in Market Square 5.00 -7.00pm
if you cannot make the earlier time, or as well. The agenda for the meeting is out and Item 8: NCC budget report 2011-12 is attached for convenience. Agendas for all Council meetings can be viewed by following this link|32. Also SIGN THE E-PETITION or contact councillors by phone.

Tuesday 8th March Anarchists Against the Cuts meeting, 7.00-9.30pm. Venue to be confirmed.

Tuesday 8th March Anti-Academies Alliance public meeting, 7.00pm. Friends Meeting House, 25 Clarendon Street Nottingham NG1 5JD. Download flyer [Word] [PDF].

Tuesday 8th March International Women’s Day Centenary. Market Square at 5pm then event 5.30pm hosted by Thompsons Solicitors 4th Floor, City Gate (East), Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham, NG1 5FS. Download poster. Website: Facebook event page: There are various other local IWD events in and around Nottingham. Some events will focus on the disproportiate events of the cuts on women.

Wednesday 16th March – Bassetlaw SOS Public Meeting at the Crossing Church & Centre, Newcastle Street, Worksop. Starts 7pm. Download public meeting flyer. Download Bassetlaw anti-cuts flyer.

Wednesday 17th March – Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts are putting on a fundraiser to raise money and to publicise the campaign. Make Music, Not Cuts – Live Music and *Bring and Buy* Rummage Sale Fundraiser at The Maze, Mansfield Road, Nottingham. Doors and Open Mic at 7pm, Show at 8pm.

Saturday 19th March Nottingham CND & Notts SOS are holding a joint stall in the Market Square, at 11.30am. The theme is ‘Cut Trident not Public Sevices/Jobs’. See also CND adds support to TUC march against the cuts. Stay on for the UK-Uncut event at 1pm…

Saturday 19th March Notts-Uncut Part-of UK-Uncut. 1pm-3pm. A protest against tax evasion and the cuts. Maybe a march through the streets to target the banks, Vodafone etc. Invite everyone you know 🙂
We will rendevous either at the lions or the Brian Clough statue, details tbc. Here is the event on UKUncut and on Facebook:!/event.php?eid=129737010431818

Thursday 24th March ESOL day of action against cuts to English for Speakers of Other Languages. Nottingham open air meeting will take place in the Old Market Square at 3.30pm. Download flyer: ESOL Day of Action flyer 24 March 2011. Help us show the importance of English classes.

Saturday 26th March – TUC ‘March for the alternative’: Put this in your diary now! London – initial details of route are here – Loads of coaches through local union branches:

A weekend of anti-cuts activity in Nottingham & Notts (5th/6th February 2011) – Libraries, Shelters & Housing, Vodafone

Yesterday, Saturday 5th February, as part of a countrywide protest against library closures ‘Voices for the Library’, library read-ins and other protests were taking place in Beeston, Carlton, Chilwell, Stapleford, Sneinton and Toton. In London at New Cross one library was occupied last night. Read more in Evening Post prior to Nottingham and Notts library events.

Carlton Library, Station Road, Carlton - 5th Feb 2011

Say No To Cuts stall, Market Square, Nottingham, 5/2/2011
Also on the same day in the Market Square, Nottingham, a ‘Say No To Cuts’ stall was run by some of those involved with local homeless shelters and women’s refuges that are facing huge cuts or closure, also highlighting cuts to Refugee Action and housing support for vulnerable young people and adults. Leaflets and petitions were used to encourage more people to get involved. A set of letters written by local homeless teenagers was on display, explaining the vital importance to them of the housing and shelter facilities in Notts that are threatened by funding cuts. Campaign organisers described the cuts as ‘disgusting’ and vowed to prevent a return to large numbers of people sleeping in city centre doorways.

Update post-event. See some photos on Facebook:

On Sunday 7th February 2011 at 1pm a UKUncut protest is due to take place at the Vodafone store on Clumber Street. Vodafone was let off billions off its tax bill by HM Revenue and Customs, money which could have been used to avoid public sector cuts. This is also the next local demonstration since one week ago it became clear that police had used CS spray and hospitalised UKUncut activists at the Oxford Road, London branch of Boots (who are another subject of this ongoing campaign against corporate tax avoidance).

Today’s UKUncut protest in Nottingham makes a further link with the situation in Egypt where revolutionaries are being subjected to CS gas and worse. According to the Financial Times, both France Telecom and Vodafone transmitted pro-government text messages and “Some texts on Vodafone’s network appeared to urge Mr Mubarak’s supporters to confront the anti-government protesters.” According to Mark Steel, writing on Egypt in the Independent newspaper last week, “The Big Society taking place in Egypt means for a moment that the place has become the most democratic country on the planet.” UK UNCUT will therefore be highlighting demands that Vodafone pay their taxes and that they do not support dictators.

See also: Report from a previous UKUncut protest in Nottingham, 30th Jan 2011.

ukuncut demo photo nottingham
Previous demonstration outside Vodafone in Nottingham

Lots more photos on Notts SOS Facebook:

What’s coming up next week? Take a look at