UPDATE: Occupation of Great Hall now suspended – meet 6pm instead at Portland Building. 03/11/2010.
UPDATE: Billy Bragg visited the occupation 03/11/2010.. See also: http://nottingham.indymedia.org.uk/articles/757
UPDATE: Press Release Thursday evening 02/11/2010
Students from the University of Nottingham peacefully occupying the Great Hall of the Trent Building in protest against rising fees and cuts in higher education spending have been told to leave the building by 4pm today or they will be in violation of the code of conduct. However, following countless emails of solidarity, numerous donations of money, food and other supplies, and visits from professors, lecturers, teachers, school students and parents to show their support, the students have decided to peacefully continue the occupation. Website: http://nsafc.wordpress.com Email: nsafac [at] gmail.com
The occupation of the Great Hall in the Trent Building at University of Nottingham continues into its second day and more people are invited to get involved in the day, to stay over night or both. People are currently free to come and go. There have been meetings and lecturers speaking on various subjects. There is a quiet study area, huge meeting area and some free food. Amongst the things occupiers are asking for are stationery and art materials, films on DVD, internet (GPRS) dongles, games, more food, microwave cookers, blankets and heaters. If you are going take warm clothes and a sleeping bag plus blankets. See website ‘Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts!’: http://nsafc.wordpress.com/ for the latest news and more about events that have taken place so far, and what is planned for the rest of the week and beyond.
Download occupation leaflet with information about daily meetings at 1pm: nottingham_university_occupation_leaflet_1_dec_2010 [PDF]
Trent Building is Building 11 on this map:
Download PCS union letter of support: [Word format] or [PDF format].
Text of statement by UCU to Vice-Chancellor:
This is a copy of the message sent earlier today to the VC
Dear Professor Greenaway,
We are aware that a group of students has occupied the Great Hall in protest over the planned increase in tuition fees and proposed cuts to HE funding. We share similar concerns about the financial cut-backs in Higher Education and urge you to engage with the students constructively and treat their concerns seriously.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Byrne
Secretary – University of Nottingham UCU
(on behalf of the local UCU committee)
Read more solidarity messages.
Original demands (to be added to, including turn the heating and internet back on!):
Students at Nottingham University have occupied The Great Hall in The Trent Building on University Park.
They say:
1. We demand that the University of Nottingham lobby the Russell Group and the government and issue a statement condemning all cuts to higher education, the EMA and the rise in tuition fees.
2. We demand that the University of Nottingham implement a complete open book policy in regards to existing budget constraints
3. We demand that the University of Nottingham ensure no redundancies for teaching, research or support staff.
4. Ensure that no victimization or repercussions for anyone participating in the occupation.
5. Allow free access in and out of the building.
Contact info:
Website ‘Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts!’: http://nsafc.wordpress.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/nsafc
Email: nsacaf [at] gmail.com
Elsewhere in the UK ….
Occupation in Sheffield: http://sheffieldoccupation.tumblr.com/
Watch University College London ‘dance-off video’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEkk2eUCY1Y&feature=player_embedded