Notts SOS conference and EMA protests – reports from Saturday 15th January 2011

Combating the Cuts: planning for action! – conference held yesterday

Yesterday Notts SOS held it’s first conference in the Dunkirk and Old Lenton community centre.

Over 70 people were present during the day to discuss cuts and plan anti-cuts activity from now on in 7 sub-groups: Trades Unions, Local Government, Health/NHS, Education, Environment, Benefits/Pensions and Local Communities. A plenary session in the afternoon allowed space for participants to feedback from the groups and to discuss general points about the way forward for the Nottingham and Notts anti-cuts campaigning. A card was signed to be sent to Edward Woollard, the 18 year old student who was recently jailed after the Millbank demonstration. Food and refreshments were provided by Veggies.

A full report from the conference will come soon, but be assured there is lot to get involved with. Get in touch! Notts SOS meets next on Monday 24th January and there will be several events between now and then. So watch this space! In the meantime look at a couple of photos from the gathering:

Loads more photos on Facebook:

Nottingham Protests against the scrapping of Educational Support Allowance

On the same day students took to the streets again in Nottingham with a demonstration in the Market Square against the scrapping of EMA. For details see:

Nttm Students another Protest Against Scrapping EMA:

Notts students protest EMA cuts

More is planned, especially leading up to the demonstrations in Manchester and London on 29th Jan.

Also on the same day in Manchester, the first day of the Network X gathering went ahead, continuing today. Students from Nottingham participated.