Nottingham’s contribution to the 2011 ‘Spanish Revolution’ – next meet up 31st May

Beginning on May 15th, a wave of protests with a strong anti-austerity message swept across Spain, with demonstrations in around 60 cities with occupations of many town squares, as in North Africa and the Middle East. Rallies have continued despite being officially banned under Spain’s electoral law, and police repression. There have also been solidarity protests across the world, with several in the UK, including in Nottingham where a protest was held in the Market Square on Saturday 21st, plus a presence at this year’s Green Festival and a meeting forthcoming on 31st May, meeting at the Victoria Centre at 7.30pm ( Clock Tower entrance) and then to meeting venue.

Facebook event for May 31st:

Pics of earlier local protests:


Brutal response by Police in Barcelona, 27/5/2011 :