Benefit claimants fight back! – Nottingham and national coverage of action against ATOS Healthcare on 30th September 2011

17 towns and cities around the UK saw actions and protests outside Atos offices as part of the National Day of Action Against Poverty Pimps Atos ‘Healthcare’ who work on behalf of the Dept. of Work and Pensions.

ATOS are responsible for carrying out the notorious Work Capability Assessment, a ruthless health testing procedure which has led to thousands of sick and disabled people being denied or stripped of vital benefits.

Full report:

More on Nottingham action including photos and video of occupation of ATOS Healthcare examination centre on Stoney Street:
Nottingham Indymedia report:

See also: ‘Independent’ testing for Mobility Citycard in Nottingham:

More on Notts SOS about opposition to welfare cuts: