National walkout against student fees – Wednesday 24th November 2010 – with East Midlands links [plus video of Millbank demo]

Following the huge and lively students’ and education workers’ demonstration on 10th November a National walkout against student fees has been called for Wednesday 24th November 2010.

Details of the walkouts are being compiled on, the NCACF site and on Facebook

In our region, so far there are walkouts being advertised in Leicester, Lincoln and Loughborough and Nottingham.

In addition occupations have been taking place over the last few days at Sussex University in Brighton and also in Sheffield, plus websites have been set up to support those on last weeks demo: and

LATEST NEWS 22/11/2010: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, has just occupied the Brunei Gallery in protest at rising education fees and swingeing cuts. The occupation was proposed and decided on at an emergency general meeting of the Student’s Union last week. Please send messages of solidarity to: soasoccupation2010 [at]
UPDATE: First message of solidarity was from Kathmandu! Thanks Aksel Lydersen – typical SOAS

Watch edited video of protest and direct action ourside Millbank Conservative HQ on 10th November 2010.
