Notts SOS Newsletter No.1 plus meetings, stalls & events in the week starting 8th November 2010 [with video of stall]

You may have picked up a copy of our first newsletter at the Market Square stall in Nottingham City Centre on Saturday. If not, you can download it here. Send us your contributions and we’ll aim to put them in the next one. alternatively email us copies of your own anti-cuts newsletters and leaflets. As well as articles and opinion, the Newsletter
contains details of the march and demonstration in Nottingham on 20th November, mentioned elsewhere on our site. We really want to make it a big one and hope you’ll join it. See leaflet advertising demo.

Download Notts SOS Newsletter No. 1 – Word version: nottssos_newsletter_1_nov_2010_final.doc

Download Notts SOS Newsletter No. 1 – PDF version: nottssos_newsletter_1_nov_2010_final.pdf

Dates for week starting 8th November 2010

Monday 8th November. Regular Notts SOS planning meeting. The International Community Centre, YMCA, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FN. 7.30pm until 9.30pm. All welcome.

Tuesday 9th November. Anarchists against the Cuts, The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields, Nottingham, NG7 6HX. 7.30pm. This is the second meeting. Details.

Wednesday 10th November. UCU and NUS demonstration in London. Nottingham coach details are here as mentioned previously on Nott SOS website. Some coaches are going from Castle College and we will have leaflets to give out to those going on the demo, about Notts SOS campaign and the forthcoming Nottingham demo on the 20th. Please phone Stewart on 07599 735853 if you’d like to join him to do the leafleting.

Thursday 11th November. Sumac Debates: Is Capitalism the Crisis?
The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields, Nottingham, NG7 6HX. 7.30pm. This is one of a new series of open debates at the Sumac Centre.

Saturday 13th November. Notts SOS street stalls. There will be at least the following. Come and talk to us! Even better come along and help us give out leaflets.

  • Nottingham Market Square (near the Lions): 12 noon – 2pm.
  • Beeston: 11 am on the High Road outside Boots the Chemist.

Watch video from one of our stalls in the Market Square.
