Here are anti-cuts events coming up. Also take a look on the right for more details of Forthcoming Events, Comments and Twitter feed columns for more info, reports and comments. Join Notts SOS Facebook group at or follow us on Twitter!/NottsSOS
Anti-cuts diary dates in May and June 2011
Monday 16th. Save Hayward House Daycare Campaign Meeting. Carlton Fire Station, 7pm. Details:

Tuesday, 17th May. NHS Healthcare Reform ‘listening’ event at Edwinstowe – 6pm to 8pm at South Forest Conference Centre, Edwinstowe, Mansfield, NG21 9JF. Details:
Wednesday 18th May. Notts SOS stall and leafleting picket outside the local NHS “Listening” event to raise concerns about the Health and Social Care Bill. Belgrave Rooms, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham Wednesday 18th May, 5.30pm. To go inside you’ll need to book a place in advance through Katie Ford, Personal Secretary Communications & Engagement (NHS Notts Primary Care Trust) Tel: 01623 673333. Internal: 43333. E-mail:
Saturday 21th May. Visit (and/or help with) Notts SOS health campaigning stall from 12-2pm in Market Square, Nottingham. There also will be an opportunity to sign a ‘Keep the NHS public’ petition.
Sunday 22nd May, Green Festival, Arboretum, Nottingham, 12 noon to 6 pm. Visit Notts SOS stall.
Monday 23rd May. Notts SOS Planning meeting. Regular fortnightly meeting at the International Community Centre, Mansfield Road, Nottingham. 7.30pm until 9pm.
Friday 27th May. ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) students are handing over their massive petition against hikes in their course fees to Lilian Greenwood MP this Friday at 3pm. Please go down and show your support. The fee increases mean that 84% of those currently learning English (including many refugees and asylum seekers) will not be able to carry on with classes from September. TIME AND PLACE – 3pm at Lilian Greenwood’s Office, 12 Regent Street, Nottingham, NG1 5BQ.
Saturday 28th May. This is a callout from UK Uncut for a national day of action, this time focussing on NHs reforms. Nottingham Uncut are Meeting outside Parliament Street Boots at 12 noon. Details: See also Facebook event page: Notts Uncut Emergency Operation.
Tuesday 31st May. Spanish ‘Real Democracy’ meeting. Meet Victoria Centre Clock Tower to go to the meeting venue.
Saturday 4th June. Visit (and/or help with) Notts SOS health campaigning stall from 12-2pm in Market Square, Nottingham.
Monday 6th June. Notts SOS Planning meeting. Regular fortnightly meeting at the International Community Centre, Mansfield Road, Nottingham. 7.30pm until 9pm.
Tuesday 7th June. Rally at Gedling School to oppose the closure. Open invitation. 5.30-6.30pm. Details:
Tuesday 14th June. The proposed closure of Hayward House daycare has now to be examined by the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee of Nottingham and Notts. The meeting at which HH will be on the agenda starts 10.15am in room LB41, Loxley House (Nottingham City Council, near side entrance of Nottingham station, Station Street). Written submissions (please make one) are needed by 23rd May. Details:
Monday 20th June. Notts SOS Planning meeting. Regular fortnightly meeting at the International Community Centre, Mansfield Road, Nottingham. 7.30pm until 9pm.
Thursday 30th June – Coordinated strike action by NUT/UCU/ATL/PCS unions and support activities. March, Market Square demonstration and conference (Albert Hall), all in Nottingham. Coaches from Notts. Details forthcoming.