Demonstration Against the Government & Financial Crisis plus Celebration of Occupy’s First Year Anniversary

People from Nottingham Occupy who took over slab square a year ago will be running an information stand next weekend on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st October 2012 to demonstrate Against the government & financial crisis plus a celebration of Occupy’s first year anniversary.

Meet in front of the Council House (Old Market Square, Nottingham) from 12 Noon.

If you’ve had enough of the financial crisis, the cuts & loss of services affecting your lives & family, sick of the unjust tax evasion, tired of commodities being so expensive when their is no need other than to increase profit margins for the rich, sick of the wars being fought for power & control of resources to create higher profits, or the planet being destroyed & polluted to provide products, then join us, bring posters, banners & instruments, shout about what you are not happy with, dance with us & most importantly be part of the positive change you want to see & stand together united in defiance.

We are the 99%

More details on Facebook event page:

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