‘SAVE OUR NHS – KILL THE BILL’ public meeting in Nottingham on 21st April 2011

Petitions handed to Anna Soubry (Con) MP today, 19th March 2011, at Beeston library

Public meeting: SAVE OUR NHS – KILL THE BILL

Professor Colin Leys and local experts will explain the threat to the NHS from the Health Bill and answer your questions.

Date/time: THURSDAY APRIL 21ST, 7pm until 9pm.

Venue: MECHANICS INSTITUTE, 3 North Sherwood Street Nottingham, NG1 4EZ.

Download poster/flyer: Save our NHS public meeting poster 21 April 2011.

Read: Ten Good Reasons to Kill Lansley’s NHS Bill!

The Health Bill now before parliament will destroy our NHS: http://www.38degrees.org.uk/page/s/Protect_our_NHS_Petition

Public meeting organised by: Notts SOS health group, Keep Our NHS Public and 38 degrees.