University and college strikes next week including Nottingham city centre demo on 24th March 2011

UCU logoNottingham staff and students have mounted a united campaign at our local universities and colleges to support University and College Union strike action on the 22nd and 24th of March (Tuesday & Thursday next week in Nottingham). There will be picket lines on the 22nd and 24th and solidarity action by students from both universities and FE colleges via Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts. A joint staff/student leaflet has been produced at Nottingham University. Download student side of leaflet. UCU staff side of leaflet. The context of the strike is not only pensions (or forthcoming action on pay and condidion) but the commodification of education.

On Thursday 24th March, UCU members from all FE and HE institutions in Nottingham and across the country will be on strike together. AS PART OF THIS A PUBLIC RALLY WILL BE HELD THURSDAY 24th MARCH at 11 noon until 2pm OLD MARKET SQUARE NOTTINGHAM CITY CENTRE. Everyone is invited to support the rally. University of Nottingham UCU branch is also running coaches to London for the 26th TUC ‘March for the Alternative’. Nottingham University UCU office Tel: (0115) 9514976 Email: ucu [at]

Later in the afternoon on the 24th will be the ESOL day of action against cuts to English for Speakers of Other Languages. Nottingham open air meeting will take place in the Old Market Square at 3.30pm. Download flyer: ESOL Day of Action flyer 24 March 2011. Help us show the importance of English classes.

See also: Photos from student anti-cuts fundraiser

Background: Tomorrow (Thursday 17th March 2011) members of the University and College Union that represents lecturers, researchers, admin staff and part-time students in universities and colleges in Higher and Further Education will begin a week of strike action to defend pensions. The action will begin in Scotland, followed by Wales, Northern Ireland and England (on Tuesday 22nd) before the final UK-wide day next Thursday 24 March. Employers have ignored attempts to meet employers at ACAS to negotiate. Due to continued support and negotiations, the proposed changes have been temporarily postponed but the employers still refuse to meet. See: The union does not claim a monopoly of wisdom on the Universities Superannuation Scheme, only that as one of the fund’s co-founders more than thirty years ago it is dear to our hearts and central to terms and conditions. The union remain committed to negotiations and are willing talk any time, anywhere, to the employers to protect members’ interests, but if they won’t talk we have no option other than to take action.