Save our NHS: Kill Lansley’s ‘amended’ Bill – public meeting in Nottingham – 22nd Sept 2011

Public meeting hosted by UNITE the union with Keep Our NHS Public. Supported by Notts TUC and Notts SOS.

Save our NHS: Kill Lansley’s ‘amended’ Bill
7:00-9:00pm Thursday 22nd September – refreshments from 6:30pm
Nottm Mechanics Institute, 3 North Sherwood Street, NG1 4EZ (Near to Orange Tree pub)

Speakers: Wendy Savage : co-chair Keep our NHS Public
Barrie Brown : UNITE – Health National Officer
Gill George : UNITE NEC
Chair: Garry Guye UNITE Officer – East Midlands Health Section

Download flyer: UNITE KONP public meeting

Some useful reading matter:
For-profit companies will strip NHS assets under proposed reforms, British Medical Journal, BMJ 2011; 342:d3760, 15 June 2011.
Department of Health guidelines falsely inflate NHS costs, False Economy website.