Nottingham students are in occupation – University of Nottingham Great Hall – 30th November 2010 – part of another UK-wide day of action

Solidarity march in Greece for British students' actionSoldarity with student occupations - sabotage all systems of social control - poster

NEW: Press Release late evening 30/11/2010: Nottingham Students Plan to Keep Occupying University. “A General meeting, open to EVERYONE will take place 1pm tomorrow (Wednesday) at the great hall here at the uni of Nottingham! Come along!”

See also: Emergency Motion passed at UCU Special HE Sector Conference, Manchester 25/11/2010
The message announcing the occupation came on Facebook at around 12.40pm today. Nottingham is now added to the cities where students and supporters have occupied university buildings over education cuts and fee rises in the last couple of weeks. The occupation is of the Great Hall, Trent Building, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD. [Map]. Download campus map (building no. 11). See also NSAFC website: To follow on twitter: follow @nsafc

Listen to Guardian interview with one of the 150 Nottingham occupiers.

UK wide live coverage via the Guardian website: BBC news : Tuition fee protesters in ‘cat and mouse’ with police. WATCH USEFUL VIDEO about week long occupation continuing in London. USEFUL LINK to UK-wide actions: NEW: Guardian round-up of 30th Nov action [long video].
From the occupation:


Students of the University of Nottingham and their supporters are currently occupying the Great Hall to add pressure to Nottingham University management to meet the following demands:

1. We demand that the University of Nottingham lobby the Russell Group and the government and issue a statement condemning all cuts to higher education, the EMA and the rise in tuition fees.

2. We demand that the University of Nottingham implement a complete open book policy in regards to existing budget constraints.

3. We demand that the University of Nottingham ensure no redundancies for teaching, research or support staff.

4. Ensure that no victimization or repercussions for anyone participating in the occupation.

5. Allow free access in and out of the building.

Links to Facebook, website, twitter:

UK updates:

Quick updates from students around the country (and beyond!)


Thousands of students marching in London. Going down Whitehall the Police attempted to kettle them, students ran back and are now going down Oxford Street. Bus drivers honking horns in unison, chants of “Workers and Students – Unite and Fight”.

60 people have occupied Birmingham City Council Chamber

Brighton and Hove have removed staff from offices in anticipation of demonstrations.

Liverpool University roof occupied and banners hung.

ITALY – Thousands marching in Rome, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Naples, Venice, Palermo and Bari. Chanting “They block our future, we block their cities”.

Hundreds outside Vince Cable’s office in Twickenham chanting “Shame on you for turning blue”.

700 students have occupied Leeds University. Again!

Hundreds marching in Sheffield to Nick Clegg’s office chanting “Nick Clegg we know you – You’re a ——- Tory too”.

Three banks closed in Leeds anticipating occupations.

2,000 marching in Manchester. University occupation continues.

UCU and PCS union members join march in Leeds.

School and sixth form students walk out in Hardenhuish, Chippenham, more from Sheldon on their way to join.

Edinburgh march with coffins “RIP Education” on the side.

Leeds police attempt to kettle students. Students chant “Too many kettles – not enough tea!”

Several hundred marching in Bristol.

King’s College London occupied.

Plymouth University in occupation for EIGHTH day.

Mass walkouts in Cardiff.

Many hundreds protesting in Colchester.