Bedroom Tax meeting in the Meadows (10th April) and Council Tax non-payment stall in Hyson Green (13th April)

BEDROOM TAX meeting in the Meadows – Wednesday 10th April, 7.00 pm.

Come to a public meeting in the Meadows to learn more about the Bedroom Tax and in particular how to fight back against it. Starts 7pm at Queen’s Walk Community Centre, NG2 2DF. Download flyer:
Bedroom Tax Flyer – 2 April

More info:
See also comment about the Nottingham City Council policy by NCC Lols:
Bedroom Tax – When Is a Two-Bedroom Flat not a Two-Bedroom Flat?

See also – bedroom tax demo in Loughborough (photos): and meeting tonight (9th April), details here:

DON’T PAY COUNCIL TAX STALL IN HYSON GREEN – Saturday 13th April, 11.00 am.

People responded positively to the ‘Oppose Cuts, Don’t Pay Council Tax’ campaigning stall held at Bulwell on Saturday, 6th. April. Around two hundred leaflets were handed out and there was little dissent.

Many people in Bulwell on low incomes already are not paying Council Tax because they can’t afford it. Some have been summonsed to court for non-payment. (These people should be supported by pickets at the Magistrates’ Courts.)

There is widespread awareness of the incoming bedroom tax and much opposition to it. Some passers-by recalled the successful Anti-Poll Tax Campaign and as a result are seriously considering withholding Council tax payments. (Leaflets were available which spelt out the consequences of not paying.)

This was an encouraging start to the campaign and there will be a follow-up stall at Hyson Green (near the market) at 11.00 on Saturday, 13th. April. Come along and help get some effective opposition to the cuts off the ground.

Contact email:

Council Tax and Bedroom Tax demos/meetings/leafletings

Don’t Pay Council Tax!

Bulwell Market Place, Saturday April 06, 2013. 11.00am

A campaiging stall at Bulwell Market Place to urge people not to pay Council Tax as a protest against cuts in local services, bedroom tax, council tax benefit cuts, etc. Already thousands of people on low incomes in Nottingham are not paying Council Tax.

Contact email:

Bedroom Tax: Leafleting the Meadows and Meadows Meeting

On Sunday 7th April the Notts Campaign Against the Bedroom Tax will be leafleting homes in the Meadows to which the Bedroom Tax may apply. The leaflets, maps and other details are all in hand and we already have 10 volunteers. If YOU would like to join us to do something about the evil Bedroom Tax meet in the parking lot of Queens Walk Community Centre (Queens Walk, The Meadows, Nottingham, NG2 2DF) at 2pm. It will probably last a couple of hours and will go ahead whatever the weather.

Meadows Public Meeting – Wednesday 10th April.
Come to a public meeting in the Meadows to learn more about the Bedroom Tax and in particular how to fight back against it. Starts 7pm at Queen’s Walk Community Centre, NG2 2DF. Download flyer:
Bedroom Tax Flyer – 2 April

More info:

Photos of the anti-workfare demo in Nottingham City Centre on 23/3/2013

Here are photos of the anti-workfare demo in the snow, that took place in Nottingham City Centre yesterday to highlight the continuing scandal of forced unpaid work for people who receive welfare. Four shops were visited that are involved with workfare (Burton, British Heart Foundation, Debenhams, Poundland). Leaflets were handed out and shops were entered to speak with workers and customers. Workfare profits the rich by providing free labour, whilst threatening the poor by taking away welfare rights if people refuse to work without a living wage.

The Boycott Workfare campaign, which is acting as an umbrella for actions such as the Nottingham one organised by Notts Against Workfare, has compiled a list of workfare providers including the four visited on Saturday in Nottingham and is also asking for information about any other shops or companies who are using workfare (they may be local independent businesses as well as the more well known high street names). You can contact Nottingham Against Workfare by emailing nottsagainstworkfare [at] and visit the Facebook page to find out more (details here: ).

Also read this shocking evidence of a ‘league table’ amongst Job Centres who are competing over targets for getting claimants ‘referred’ for supposedly not complying with precise rules for job searching etc., showing that the attack on welfare is concerted and ongoing with the complicity of Job Centre managers who are doing the government’s bidding and who are making hitting targets a performance measure for staff who work there:
Jobcentre was set targets for benefit sanctions, The Guardian, 21/3/2013.





Council Tax Benefits information meetings in Nottingham – Every 2 weeks starting Thursday March 21, 7pm – International Community Centre

Unable to pay your Council Tax Bill?
Worried about getting into council tax debt?
Want to build solidarity with other claimants to fight these cuts?

CTB Information Meetings
information, support, campaign
Every 2 weeks starting Thursday March 21, 7pm

Download flyer, or read on.

Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Defend Council Tax Benefit Campaign is running regular sessions in the city centre from Thursday 21 March to monitor the impact of Council Tax Benefit cuts, provide information to people who may not be able to pay their bills and invite them to join the campaign.

The Government has scrapped the national Council Tax Benefit scheme and from 1st April this year local councils have to start their own scheme with less money. Under Nottingham City’s new Council Tax Support Scheme, council tax benefit is being cut by 8.5% for all working age claimants and from April 2014, Nottingham City Council proposes a cut of 20%.

Council tax bills are arriving on peoples’ doorsteps this month causing anger, anxiety and distress as many claimants already on the breadline are being asked to pay amounts they can’t afford. The cuts affect people on low incomes, in part time work, unemployed or unable to work because of sickness (pensioners are not affected at the present time)
This is not an individual problem for claimants, we need to build solidarity to support people who can’t pay and build a campaign to fight these cuts.

The sessions are:

7pm Thursday 21 March and every alternate Thursday
International Community Centre
Mansfield Road

For more information (and to check re holidays etc.) contact Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Defend Council Tax Benefits Campaign on 07505 135 807 or defendcounciltaxbenefits [at], ,!/groups/450355785005204/, tweet us defendbenefits

Burton blockade against workfare – Saturday, 23rd March 2013, 2.00pm

Nottingham against Workfare have announced a local action during the Boycott Workfare week of action.

Saturday, March 23, 2013. 2:00pm until 5:30pm.
Burton Mens Clothing, 11-13 Beast Market Hill, Nottingham NG1 6FB

NaW say,

As part of the workfare week of action Nottingham against workfare will be taken action against Workfare scummers Burton’s. Part of the Arcadia group notoriuous for their tax doging way, Burtons have been using those forced into workfare to stack their shelves and clean their floors for quite some time without ever paying them. We plan to close down their shop amd let them know how disgusted we are with them and others like them who continue to abuse the working class.

Facebook event page for Burton blockade:

NaW facebook page:

Background to the week of action

Workfare Can Be Broken – Join the Week of Action on 18-24 March and help make it happen

The Government is pushing ahead with increasingly savage workfare policies despite the fierce resistance to the scheme causing many high street names and national charities to pull out.

Unemployed people can now be sentenced to six months compulsory unpaid work as part of the Community Action Programme. On December 3rd last year – International Disabled People’s Day – the DWP introduced forced work for sick and disable…d claimants.

Companies such as Superdrug, Argos and McDonalds, who have all been quick to take on unpaid workers on government schemes, have seen a year of boycotts, pickets, demonstrations and occupations due to their involvement in the scheme. Many national charities have pulled out as a result of protests, but some, such as The Conservation Volunteers (TCV), Salvation Army and Sue Ryder Foundation are unrepentent about their army of government subsidised unpaid workers. Many of the new workfare programmes depend on charities like these to provide placements.

Workfare can be broken by showing these organisations that the public have clearly rejected unpaid work. Evidence has shown that mandatory work has no impact in actually helping someone find a job, the stated aim of the scheme. Instead workfare is used to replace real jobs, with some companies even caught taking on unpaid workers to fill temporary Christmas positions.

Join Boycott Workfare on 18-24 March for a week of action against workfare exploiters everywhere. Take action in a town or city near you, join in online and show all those who profit from forced labour that we mean it when we say “if you exploit us, we will shut you down”.

Fuel poverty protest in Nottingham, Thursday 14 February 2013 at 12:30pm

Fuel poverty protest against E.on.

Event venue: Eon Open House, 33 Lister Gate, Nottingham, NG1. [Map]

Thursday, 14 February 2013 12:30 until 14:00

Eon and the other five big energy companies (EDF, Centrica, SSE,
Scottish Power and npower) are a cartel which controls 99% of the
domestic energy market. Domestic energy prices for us are constantly
rising whilst every year these companies declare record profits.

According to a recent survey, this winter 1 in 4 families have had to face
a stark choice between heating and eating. Whilst e.on executives and
shareholders spend bumper profits on second homes and holidays abroad,
people in the UK are freezing because they need to eat.

We are starving to stay warm!

On June the 17th and 18th the G8 world leaders will be meeting in
Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, to discuss how to maintain the capitalist
system which enables and justifies this daylight robbery. While we allow
our lives to be governed by these crooks profit will always come before
people. The only way to achieve real change is to break from this
vicious cycle of exploitation, smash capitalism and reorganise our
communities in a way which ensures everyone has access to the
necessities of life.

From the 10th of June there will be a week of action, workshops and
meetings in London to protest against the G8 and to work towards
building the sort of world that we want to live in.


Stop the Great Fuel Robbery weekend of action… One week to go

Hi everyone,

Next weekend, between 15th-18th February, hundreds of people across
the UK will be taking to the streets to Stop the Great Fuel Robbery in
our national weekend of fuel bill assemblies and action
( ) All
the details of what’s going on are at the end of this email. But,
first, here’s a round-up things you can do to help.


We’ve launched an online forum for people to speak out about their
experiences of the likes of mammoth fuel bills, greedy landlords,
rip-off energy companies. If you can’t make it to an event on the
weekend, submit your testimony online in advance (make sure you let us
know if you want it read out at a fuel bill assembly.
Find the online speak-out forum here:


We’re asking trade union branches to offer their support for Fuel
Poverty Action and our weekend of action. If you have union contacts,
email and we’ll pass on a model email and
letter and motion of support.


The facebook event for the weekend of action is here:
Please join the event, invite all your friends and share it as your status.
And, don’t forget to follow @FuelPovAction on Twitter.

Warm wishes,

Fuel Poverty Action
Twitter: @FuelPovAction
Email us at fuelpovertyaction [at]
Tel: 07586 482 157

Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Defend Council Tax Benefits Campaign – JOIN THE LOBBY ON MONDAY 28TH JANUARY AT 1.00PM OUTSIDE THE COUNCIL HOUSE

Heed your own warning on “chaos” of Council Tax Benefit changes: Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Defend Council Tax Benefit Campaign urges Nottingham City Council

The campaign group have written to the Council asking them to take seriously their own criticism of their latest proposals for a Council Tax Benefit Support Scheme for 2013/14. Instead of going ahead with an 8.5% cut to all Council Tax Benefit recipients of working age, they say the Council should delay passing on the cuts. The Council are permitted to pass a scheme with zero cuts to Council Tax Benefit for 2013/14 and still be entitled to transitional funding. If they did this, they would have a year to build a campaign with local residents and other groups across the country to demand a sustainable and fair alternative and prevent the introduction of a minimum 20% cuts in 2014/15.


Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
Defend Council Tax Benefits Campaign

Read the letter to Nottingham City Council. Council letter Jan 13

Defend Council Tax Benefit – Lobby and Rally in Nottingham – 18th December 2012, 12.30pm and 5.30pm



Lobby: Loxley House, Station Street 12.30pm.

Rally: Nottingham Market Square 5.30pm.

Organised by Notts Defend Council Tax Benefit Campaign or!/groups/450355785005204/ (tweet us @defendbenefits).

See also

* Nottingham City Council pay freeze battle:
* Elderly and families to feel the pinch as Nottingham City Council makes £25m savings:

Reply to Notts SOS from Nottingham City Council about 2012-3 budget petition – add your comments

In response to the Notts SOS petition with over 1700 signatures submitted in March 2012 prior to the Nottingham City Council 2012-3 budget setting meeting, against cuts to services, we have received a letter from Tony Kirkham, Director of Strategic Finance (please note any errors in the scanning of the printed letter to text are ours). Feel free to add your thoughts and comments.

Notts SOS has previously condemned the decision by NCC to set a cuts budget:

Download PDF: NCC Budget Petition Reply Letter 12 April 2012

12 April 2012

Dear Mrs Peterson,

Councillor Chapman’s office has forwarded on to me your petition regarding the Council’s budget for 2012/13. Please find below the
response to the issues raised within your petition.

Under the 1992 Local Government Act the Council is required to calculate its budget requirement for each financial year and budget to meet its expenditure after taking into account other sources of income. The 2003 Local Government Act also places an explicit obligation on the Chief Finance Officer (CFO) to report on the robustness of the budget.

Within the legal framework outlined above the City Council’s budget has been set in response to a challenging financial situation. Above average cuts in Government funding (7.4% in 2012/13) and other pressures means the City Council has had to take difficult decisions on the kind of services it can continue to provide. A further £20m of reductions will be made in the budget above and beyond those already implemented in the recent past.

Our priorities include supporting jobs and the local economy and protecting services for vulnerable people where it can – although growing numbers of people needing adult care and children in care add further pressure on the council’s finances. To meet these pressures the City Council has been looking at how it delivers services and either finding more efficient ways to do so or, in some cases, stopping services where demand has fallen.

The City Council has decided to increase its Council Tax for 2012/13 by 3.4% because it, like a number of other authorities across the country, does not believe that it would be financially responsible to “freeze” council tax at the current level as this would result in significant on- going pressures in future years budgets.

If we had accepted the Government’s Council Tax ‘freeze’ grant for 2012/13 there would have been a significant negative impact on the City Council’s budget position for 2013/14 onwards. The Government’s proposed Council Tax Freeze Grant for next year would involve a single one-off payment with no further funding locked into future financial settlements. This would have had an adverse future impact on our services and priorities; the City Council would either have had to increase its council tax by c6.0% in 2013/14 or find additional savings of £3.5m on top of the Medium Term Financial Plan assumptions of a 2.5% Council Tax increase.
For this important reason Nottingham, like a number of Councils across the country including locally Gedling Borough Council, has not accepted the Government’s offer to freeze our level of Council Tax in 2012/13.

As part of the budget setting process consultation is carried out with a range of interested parties. For 2012/13 consultation on the budget was conducted in two phases. Before the budget settlement was announced, pre-budget consultation was carried out with citizens and with the voluntary sector. An insert into the residents’ magazine, the Arrow, in Autumn 2011 included a survey, which was also available online. In addition, a series of local consultation events were held, attended by local councillors and, where possible, by an Executive Board councillor.

The draft budget was considered by Executive Board on 17 January 2012 and this was followed by further consultation. Due to the need to feedback to the 21 February Executive Board meeting, this consultation could not be run through the Arrow. Instead, citizens were invited to comment via the Council website. Additionally, further local events were arranged and Neighbourhood Management teams publicised these locally. Voluntary sector consultation has continued alongside this as well as consultation with Council colleagues and business.

Appropriate action has been taken in relation to any representations made and feedback from that consultation process has been taken into account in finalising the proposals approved by Full Council on 5th March 2012.

In January this year, the City Council wrote to the Secretary of State, Eric Pickles, explaining the future financial difficulties it would face if it accepted the Government’s grant on a one-off basis and asked it to consider funding the freeze on the same basis as 2011/12. The Government has however, responded by saying that they are not willing to change back to the previous system.
I hope that the information provided has been helpful in explaining why the background to the difficult decisions that the Council has had to take in setting the budget for 2012/13. If you require any further information please feel free to contact me again.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Kirkham
Director of Strategic Finance
Direct line .: 01158764157

Notts SOS update for week beginning 19th March 2012 and forthcoming events

This is the latest update from Nottinghamshire Save Our Services (Notts SOS).

While there isn’t as much happening in Notts over the next week as the last few, the struggle against the cuts continues. The government are
not relenting (indeed they’ve just announced plans to further attack public sector workers by abolishing national pay arrangements) and neither will we.

We meet every two weeks. The next meeting will be Monday 26th March.

Meetings start at 7.30pm and are held at the International Community Centre, Mansfield Road. Meetings are usually finished before 9pm and there’s often an opportunity to carry on any discussion informally in the pub afterwards. Please do come along and get involved.


Occupy Nottingham was in court to challenge Nottingham City Council’s eviction order on Tuesday 13th. The case was adjourned to Friday 16th,
but on Thursday the occupiers were informed that the judge had granted them a 3 week adjournment until 5th April.

Press release:
On Saturday 24th March there will be a benefit night for Occupy Nottingham at the Sumac Centre.

This will include Dub Reggae, Ragga Bashment, D+B, Dubstep & Jungle Bizness! All in aid of Occupy Nottingham!

Headliner: YT (SATIVA RECORDS) + DJ’s: Shrug Knight; Buda; Vinyljunkie; Remington; Spread; Jake5nake. £4 on the Door!!!

Food will be available at ‘Peoples Kitchen’ from 6.30pm, a great vegan meal for a small donation to Occupy Nottingham, it is hoped that there will be an open forum discussion before hand from 5pm.



Wednesday 21st MarchBudget Day

Saturday 24th March, 6.30pmOccupy Nottingham benefit night at the Sumac Centre

Monday 26th March, 7.30pmNotts SOS planning meeting. International Community Centre, Mansfield Road

Tuesday 27th March, 7pmHands Off Notts Schools meeting. Beeston Library, Foster Avenue, Beeston:

Wednesday 28th MarchPossible national strike action over pensions by PCS and NUT (and maybe other unions).

Thursday 5th AprilOccupy Nottingham court date:

Saturday 12th April, 2pmLegal observer training organised by Nottingham Defence Campaign and run by Green and Black Cross. Held at the Sumac Centre:

Friday 27th April, 7.15pm-lateNotts Trades Council May Day social. The Polish Eagle Club. £5 on the door/concessions.

Saturday 5th May, 10amMay Day march from the Forest Recreation Ground for a rally in the Market Square. Speakers to include Mark Serwotka from PCS.

Nottinghamshire Save Our Services (Notts SOS)
Email list: