Monday 25th October – Notts SOS meeting – 7.30pm. Plus details of Bassetlaw campaign

The scale of the cuts in the County is now apparent. Consultations in the city have been little more than form-filling exercises so the City Council can work out what to cut with as little bad press as possible. Councillors were rude to campaigners in several of these meetings and left little time for questions about the cuts. It’s vital that residents of Nottingham and Notts, and those that work in the region, get together to work out a plan of action. Come to our next planning meeting if you can.

Notts SOS meeting: Monday 25th October, 7.30pm at the ICC (International Community Centre), YMCA, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3FN. Please just turn up.

The SOS campaign is also taking shape in Bassetlaw. Activists recently attended a Save Bassetlaw Hospital meeting along with 150 other people. Continue reading “Monday 25th October – Notts SOS meeting – 7.30pm. Plus details of Bassetlaw campaign”

Hundreds protested at Notts County Hall on Thursday 21st October

Today Nottingham Evening Post reports on the campaign protest at Nottinghamshire County Council HQ in West Bridgford on Thursday 21st October, the same day that Councillors voted to implement £75m worth of cuts over the next four years. 164 proposals were ‘debated’ to help the authority save £150m and Councillors gave the green light to more than half. These ‘category A’ proposals, will be made shortly, while the rest will be put out to consultation. Cuts next year include axing 1,300 posts and many services will be affected. And this is only the beginning. This is the challenge that we will be facing in the County from now on.

See also: a commentary and lots of photos from the demonstration, posted on Indymedia the Sunday following the event.

To get involved with Notts SOS come to our next meeting, contact us, or join the Facebook group. Feel free to add information about your events, your experiences, comments and opinions to our website. Continue reading “Hundreds protested at Notts County Hall on Thursday 21st October”

Hundreds protested at Notts County Hall on Thursday 21st October

Today Nottingham Evening Post reports on the campaign protest at Nottinghamshire County Council HQ in West Bridgford on Thursday 21st October, the same day that Councillors voted to implement £75m worth of cuts over the next four years. 164 proposals were ‘debated’ to help the authority save £150m and Councillors gave the green light to more than half. These ‘category A’ proposals, will be made shortly, while the rest will be put out to consultation. Cuts next year include axing 1,300 posts and many services will be affected. And this is only the beginning. This is the challenge that we will be facing in the County from now on.

See also: a commentary and lots of photos from the demonstration, posted on Indymedia the Sunday following the event.

To get involved with Notts SOS come to our next meeting, contact us, or join the Facebook group. Feel free to add information about your events, your experiences, comments and opinions to our website. Continue reading “Hundreds protested at Notts County Hall on Thursday 21st October”

‘Youth Fight for Jobs’ on the Notts SOS Market Square demonstration on 20th October

The Comprehensive Spending Review, launched by the government on Wednesday October 20th, marked cuts D-Day. Notwithstanding the super-rich who caused the economic crisis in the first place, nobody will be untouched by these cuts – jobs and services are set to be haemorraghed by the government.

Youth Fight for Jobs held a national day of protest on October 20th to tell the government loud and clear that we do not agree with the cuts. Continue reading “‘Youth Fight for Jobs’ on the Notts SOS Market Square demonstration on 20th October”

Get involved with Notts SOS – appeal from a Nottingham City NHS worker

Nottngham City NHS logoA Nottingham NHS worker speaks frankly about his, his workmates’, and his family and friends’ situations under the continuing threat of cuts that will no doubt be familiar to many others, and urges everyone to get involved with Notts SOS.

I work in one of the support services within the Nottingham NHS Citihealth organisation. We provide community health services to the Nottingham area. We have heard the current government promise to ring fence frontline health spending, however the reality on the ground is somewhat different. Continue reading “Get involved with Notts SOS – appeal from a Nottingham City NHS worker”

Photos of Birmingham ‘Tory conference’ demonstration – 3rd Oct 2010

Banner in Birmingham - 'Keep Calm and Carry On' replaced with 'Get Mad and Put Your Foot Down!'7,000 march on the Tory Conference called by Right to Work. Report and pics:

Other reports/pics:
Notts SOS Facebook group photos:
See also: Disabled people led the protest on October 3rd against the Tory cuts

What cuts are we opposing?

Things will become a lot clearer when the Con-Dem coalition’s spending review is announced next month. In the meantime, here is a list of mainly local cuts mooted before the General  Election (as of Mayday 2010), some already being made. Since May there have been further announcements including the abolishing of some NHS Trusts, Authorities and Organisations over the coming years, plus a additional cut of £4 billion in the welfare budget.  Locally we can add Carlton Road to the list of library closures which will probably get ‘merged’ with St Anns. Continue reading “What cuts are we opposing?”