Nottingham Claimants’ Union formed

Welfare not workfare placard on a demonstration

Update December 2011: – this initiative did not last but please see activities of
Nottingham Defence Campaign instead.

There hasn’t been a claimants’ group in Nottingham since the time of Nottingham Claimants Action in the late 1990s. With the news that the ConDem government is introducing workfare on top of all of the changes to benefits already announced, the gloves are off and a claimants’ organisation is needed more than ever. Nottingham Claimants’ Union has now been set up and to get things going there will be a meeting with a guest speaker from Derbyshire Unemployed Workers’ Centres this Wednesday.

For details about the initiative and the meeting, see Nottingham Claimants’ Union article on Notts Indymedia and get in touch.

Notts SOS Newsletter No.1 plus meetings, stalls & events in the week starting 8th November 2010 [with video of stall]

You may have picked up a copy of our first newsletter at the Market Square stall in Nottingham City Centre on Saturday. If not, you can download it here. Send us your contributions and we’ll aim to put them in the next one. alternatively email us copies of your own anti-cuts newsletters and leaflets. As well as articles and opinion, the Newsletter
contains details of the march and demonstration in Nottingham on 20th November, mentioned elsewhere on our site. We really want to make it a big one and hope you’ll join it. See leaflet advertising demo.

Download Notts SOS Newsletter No. 1 – Word version: nottssos_newsletter_1_nov_2010_final.doc

Download Notts SOS Newsletter No. 1 – PDF version: nottssos_newsletter_1_nov_2010_final.pdf

Dates for week starting 8th November 2010

Monday 8th November. Regular Notts SOS planning meeting. The International Community Centre, YMCA, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FN. 7.30pm until 9.30pm. All welcome.

Tuesday 9th November. Anarchists against the Cuts, The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields, Nottingham, NG7 6HX. 7.30pm. This is the second meeting. Details.

Wednesday 10th November. UCU and NUS demonstration in London. Nottingham coach details are here as mentioned previously on Nott SOS website. Some coaches are going from Castle College and we will have leaflets to give out to those going on the demo, about Notts SOS campaign and the forthcoming Nottingham demo on the 20th. Please phone Stewart on 07599 735853 if you’d like to join him to do the leafleting.

Thursday 11th November. Sumac Debates: Is Capitalism the Crisis?
The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields, Nottingham, NG7 6HX. 7.30pm. This is one of a new series of open debates at the Sumac Centre.

Saturday 13th November. Notts SOS street stalls. There will be at least the following. Come and talk to us! Even better come along and help us give out leaflets.

  • Nottingham Market Square (near the Lions): 12 noon – 2pm.
  • Beeston: 11 am on the High Road outside Boots the Chemist.

Watch video from one of our stalls in the Market Square.


Vodafone pay your taxes! [with videos]

On Clumber Street in Nottingham city centre today a demonstration was held outside the Vodafone shop about their non-payment of tax in Britain and in other countries. Why are services and jobs being cut when this could be covered by getting corporations and the rich to pay up? Noone was available to answer this question as the shop had been closed before the demonstration got there, and a small police cordon was there too (to protect business, as usual?). The Nott SOS demonstration clearly stated it was not directed at Vodafone shopworkers or shoppers but at the directors, owners. This message was not lost on passers-by. As well from those on holding placards in front of the shop, down the whole of Clumber Street the cry of “Vodafone pay your taxes” could clearly be heard.

View [Photos] on Notts Indymedia.

Watch videos: [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video 3]. More information can be found on Indymedia UK and

NEW: leaflet –

Join Notts SOS for a major anti-cuts march and demonstration in Nottingham – Saturday 20th November 2010 [plus ‘Liar Liar’ video]

Image of Notts SOS Flyer for November 20th demo - same as PDFThis is an advance call out for the next Nottingham Save Our Services demonstration! Following protests in town and at County Hall during the week of the Spending Review, we will assemble at the Forest Recreation Ground at 11.30am and then march to the Market Square in Nottingham at 12.30pm on Saturday 20th November where we will hold a rally.. The event is ‘Demonstration Against the Cuts’ and we say “There is an alternative. Make the rich pay for the crisis.” Hopefully this will give you time to make your own banners and placards. Lets make it as big & noisy as possible! Download leaflet advertising the demo.

We call on all workers, benefits and pension recipients, community groups, charities, school and college students, to unite and show opposition to the cuts in our region. Campaigners from nearby areas are welcome to join.
Download Flyer for Notts SOS 20th November 2010 Demonstration (A4 also suitable as poster). Alternative download Flyer for Notts SOS Nov 20th Demo – two A5 leaflets per page.

Download Notts SOS Newsletter No. 1: [Word version] [PDF version]

Feel free to visit the Notts SOS stall in the Market Square this Saturday at 12 noon this weekend (6th Nov) and join the Clumber Street Vodaphone protest at 2pm if you can. From now until the demonstration we will be having stalls around the city and surburbs. We will also be meeting each Monday at the International Community Centre (YMCA Mansfield Road) from 7.30pm until 9.30pm. All welcome.


Coaches to the NUS and UCU education demonstration in London – Wednesday 10 November 2010

Poster to advertise the NUS and UCU demo-lition event on November 10th 2010The UCU (Universities and College Union) and NUS (National Union of Students) are jointly organising a national demo, ‘Fund Our Future: Stop Education Cuts’ on Wednesday 10 November 2010, in central London. Nottingham Trent University and University of Nottingham UCU will have a coaches running for members and non-members who want to attend the demonstration (contact local unions for information). The NUS at University of Nottingham will also be running coaches.

Protest outside Vodafone, Clumber Street, Nottingham City Cente, 2pm Saturday 6th November

Notts SOS have called a protest outside Vodafone in Nottingham City Centre over their huge unpaid tax bill. Protestors will be gathering outside the store on Clumber Street in the City centre at 2pm to say that business should pay tax too.

The protest will take place directly after the Notts SOS campaign stall that will be present from 12-2pm in the Market Square.Full details for the Nottingham action can be found on Notts Indymedia & Notts Trades Union Council websites.

Read more about the Vodaphone campaign and previous actions on Indymedia UK. For photos of protest across the UK see:

Housing under attack – join a flash mob in Market Square, Tuesday 2nd Nov at 6pm

Logo of Framework, homelessness charity in Nottingham and Notts

At the Notts SOS meeting last night it was announced that Framework workers have called for a “flash mob” – that is, a mass of people to turn up in Nottingham City Centre in the Market Square today Tuesday 2nd November 2010, to make a poignant protest.
Update: Framework flash mob took place – read a report on Notts Indymedia.
Continue reading “Housing under attack – join a flash mob in Market Square, Tuesday 2nd Nov at 6pm”

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