Anti-cuts diary dates in March 2011 including City Council demos on 5th & 7th, plus coach info for 26th

picture of a diary to add the following anti-cuts dates toHere are anti-cuts events coming up. Also take a look on the right for more details of Forthcoming Events, Comments and Twitter feed columns for more info, reports and comments. Join Notts SOS Facebook at

Anti-cuts diary dates in March 2011

Saturday 5th March Notts SOS rally in Market Square against the forthcoming City Council ‘cuts budget’. Stall from 12 noon to accompany rally. We’ll be there to set up from 11.30am. All welcome. Bring banners, placards & things to make noise including yourself! Add your name to the 5th March facebook event.

Monday 7th March Notts SOS day of action in Nottingham 12.00 noon-7pm. The City Council’s budget for 2011/12 will be considered at a meeting of the full City Council to be held at the Council House, Old Market Square, Nottingham. Full council meeting starts 2.00pm, with public gallery open, expected to go on for many hours. The Notts SOS stall will be set up in the Market Square at 12.00 noon at least until 2.00pm.
Then again in Market Square 5.00 -7.00pm
if you cannot make the earlier time, or as well. The agenda for the meeting is out and Item 8: NCC budget report 2011-12 is attached for convenience. Agendas for all Council meetings can be viewed by following this link|32. Also SIGN THE E-PETITION or contact councillors by phone.

Tuesday 8th March Anarchists Against the Cuts meeting, 7.00-9.30pm. Venue to be confirmed.

Tuesday 8th March Anti-Academies Alliance public meeting, 7.00pm. Friends Meeting House, 25 Clarendon Street Nottingham NG1 5JD. Download flyer [Word] [PDF].

Tuesday 8th March International Women’s Day Centenary. Market Square at 5pm then event 5.30pm hosted by Thompsons Solicitors 4th Floor, City Gate (East), Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham, NG1 5FS. Download poster. Website: Facebook event page: There are various other local IWD events in and around Nottingham. Some events will focus on the disproportiate events of the cuts on women.

Wednesday 16th March – Bassetlaw SOS Public Meeting at the Crossing Church & Centre, Newcastle Street, Worksop. Starts 7pm. Download public meeting flyer. Download Bassetlaw anti-cuts flyer.

Wednesday 17th March – Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts are putting on a fundraiser to raise money and to publicise the campaign. Make Music, Not Cuts – Live Music and *Bring and Buy* Rummage Sale Fundraiser at The Maze, Mansfield Road, Nottingham. Doors and Open Mic at 7pm, Show at 8pm.

Saturday 19th March Nottingham CND & Notts SOS are holding a joint stall in the Market Square, at 11.30am. The theme is ‘Cut Trident not Public Sevices/Jobs’. See also CND adds support to TUC march against the cuts. Stay on for the UK-Uncut event at 1pm…

Saturday 19th March Notts-Uncut Part-of UK-Uncut. 1pm-3pm. A protest against tax evasion and the cuts. Maybe a march through the streets to target the banks, Vodafone etc. Invite everyone you know 🙂
We will rendevous either at the lions or the Brian Clough statue, details tbc. Here is the event on UKUncut and on Facebook:!/event.php?eid=129737010431818

Thursday 24th March ESOL day of action against cuts to English for Speakers of Other Languages. Nottingham open air meeting will take place in the Old Market Square at 3.30pm. Download flyer: ESOL Day of Action flyer 24 March 2011. Help us show the importance of English classes.

Saturday 26th March – TUC ‘March for the alternative’: Put this in your diary now! London – initial details of route are here – Loads of coaches through local union branches:

Corporate tax avoidance actions in Nottingham – various reports and media from 26th Feb 2011

Natwest 26th feb 2011 - Notts SOS Notts Uncut protest
Natwest 26th feb 2011 - Notts SOS / Notts Uncut
Notts Uncut action in Nottingham on Saturday 26th February 2011:

Nottingham Indymedia reports:

National and international news: UK Uncut and US sister group stage more protests at banks, Guardian, 27/2/2011

Boots protest 26th Feb 2011

Vodafone protest 26th feb 2011

Natwest 'read-in' 26th feb 2011

3rd National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts – April 14th 2011 – supported by Nottingham Claimants’ Union

A 3rd National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts has been called for Thursday April 14th 2011 and Nottingham Claimants’ Union is supporting the event.

Millions are set to be affected by savage cuts to housing, disability, sickness and welfare benefits. People with disabilities, illness, the unemployed, single parents, carers the low waged, part time students, volunteers, homeless people and college students are all likely to see a devastating drop in disposable income with many slipping even further below the poverty line.

Facebook page:

Read more about the event:

See also, Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC):

And also read:

March, demo & strike at Notts County Hall – reports from 24th Feb 2011 [photos & videos]

Here are links to reports about Thursday demo at County Hall against Notts County Council cuts and job losses with photos and video:

More coming soon at City Council on 5ht and 7th of February. For inspiration see reports of occupations of town halls and council buildings in London this week:Haringey and Lambeth, and protest at Southwark

Watch video on Notts Unison/Youtube


And some links made here in another Notts video about the hypocrisy of the government over egypt, libya and bahrain, selling arms to dictators, and business deals. Why the cuts here are not necessary. And let’s all learn to ‘fight like an egyptian’!


Thanks from the Communication Workers Union [plus photos via Nottingham & Notts Trades Council]

On behalf of my Branch, its members and the CWU, I would like to thank all who supported the March & Rally this Saturday, in Beeston.
With over 1,000 attending, despite bad weather, it was a great turnout by all.
Again many thanks, and see you on the 24th of Feb in support of Unison.
Darren Glebocki, On behalf of the Central Committee of the, Nottingham & District Amal Branch – CWU.
Read report and watch slideshow of photos of the event via Nottingham & Notts Trades Council website: Also at
See also: slide show of Valentine’s card demo on 12th Feb.

Notts Uncut UK Uncut Day of Action – Big Society Bail In – Saturday 26th February 2011, Nottingham

Notts Uncut UK Uncut Day of Action -Big Society Bail In
Time: Saturday, February 26 · 12:00pm – 3:00pm
Location: Nottingham City Centre

Click ‘Continue Reading’ for details or visit:!/event.php?eid=147859968609249. All welcome. Just turn up.
Continue reading “Notts Uncut UK Uncut Day of Action – Big Society Bail In – Saturday 26th February 2011, Nottingham”

Notts County Council workers to strike – and County Hall march/demo on 24th February 2011

Workers at Nottinghamshire County Council are to strike on Thursday 24th February, following the announcement of a yes vote in the ballot for industrial action. Full story:

Thursday 24th Feb – Nottinghamshire County Council Lobby. Major lobby of County Hall, West Bridgford on the day the full council meets to set its Council Tax budget. Download Lobby flyer: Alternative to Notts County cuts lobby 24 Feb 2011. Assemble Embankment, 10am for an 11am start of a march to County Hall. It will set off from the war memorial which is about half a mile down the embankment from Trent Bridge. The lobby will finish at 1pm. There are free coaches laid on from round the county. Details are on the notts unison website:

NOTTS SOS Newsletter No. 3 – February 2011 – out now!

See also: events diary.

NO CUTS IN NOTTINGHAM! Notts SOS demands to City Councillors about budget meeting on 7th March 2011 – plus other events leading up to it

Nottingham City Council are planning to cut tens of millions from their spending in the year from April 2011.

These cuts will reduce services and support for vulnerable people such as:

– Sick, disabled and old people needing support
– People who need help because of mental illness, drink and drugs misuse
– Women fleeing domestic violence and children at risk

In addition there are to be cuts in leisure and cultural facilities such as public libraries. Also 368 Council employees are scheduled to lose their jobs. Further cuts to public services in coming years are planned.

Notts Save Our Services, the local anti-cuts campaign, are urging Nottingham City Councillors not to adopt their cuts budget when they meet on 7th March. They should:

• Declare that the financial situation of the Council is an emergency

• Work with relevant organisations in the City to draw up a budget based on the real needs of local people

• Demand that the Government return the £60 million it has chopped from Nottingham City’s allocation

Sign the paper petition and/or e-petition to the Council urging them to resist bringing in cuts to public services. You, your family and friends can sign this petition at one of our many stalls in the Nottingham Old Market Square, Clifton, Sherwood or Hyson Green (Market Place) or at the Playhouse: download the schedule. Please phone the number on the schedule if you want to help. You can also collect signatures yourself and get them to us before March 7th. Again – phone the number on the schedule to find out where to send them. Alternatively send the e-petition link to all your friends, put on social networking sites etc.


It was the reckless folly of speculative bankers that in 2008 necessitated a £86 billion government bail-out of big banks to prevent them failing. Now the Coalition Government want us to foot the bill for propping up their rich banker friends. That is why the Government is imposing public spending cuts, especially on local councils. Notts SOS says that ordinary people should not pay the debts of the billionaire bankers.


• Sign the petition to Nottingham City Council. Here is the e-petition which is easy to sign online. If you want to collect petitions use this form and contact us to return them when complete, before 7th March.

• Phone-up your ward councillors to tell them not to vote for the cuts budget. (Download a full list of phone numbers here [Word] [PDF])

• Come to the UNISON picket outside the Council House at 12.30 on Tuesday, 22nd February. (Download leaflet Budget cuts protest 22 Feb 2011 Nottingham City Unison).

• Notts SOS rally in Market Square against the City Council budget. Starts 12 noon on Saturday March 5th. All welcome. Bring banners, placards & things to make noise including yourself!

• Come to the Notts SOS picket outside the Council House at 1.00pm on Monday 7th March (stall set up from 12 noon), the day the Council vote on their cuts budget (Budget meeting starts 2pm when the public gallery will be open – will probably last many hours). We will also be outside 5-7pm for those who cannot be there earlier in the day (feel free to participate in both of course).

• Go on the TUC March for the Alternative in London on Saturday, 26th March.

NOTTS SAVE OUR SERVICES – Defending jobs, services, welfare & education against cuts in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

There are also events against County cuts – see
for details of all anti-cuts events that we know about.

A few news items about the cuts – Nottingham, Notts, national

Here are a few of the recent cuts stories linked on Notts SOS is preparing for action against the budget decisions pending in both the City and County. For details of events, see: