Notts SOS newsletter no. 4 including NHS, academies & forestry local campaigns [plus video ‘Andrew Lansley Rap’]

We are pleased to bring you the Notts Save Our Services newsletter no.4 for March/April 2011 including several articles on local action taken against the cuts plus advertising of forthcoming events [Notts SOS No. 4 Word version] or [Notts SOS No. 4 PDF version]. In addition this week’s events include UCU strikes and rally, an ESOL day of action and a Budget Day protest. Also read this report from Bassetlaw SOS after their latest public meeting. And what is likely to be the biggest protest in London against government since the anti-war march, is talking place on Saturday 26th. See diary for details. The next Notts SOS meeting is Monday 28th March at the usual venue.
