November 30th – support the strikes in Nottingham & Notts!

On November 30th, public sector unions will strike together in defence
of their pensions. The government-led attack which they are fighting
is part of the wider cuts agenda. Notts SOS will be supporting what is
likely to be the largest strike in decades and we urge you to do so as

Check out some of the things happening on November 30th that we know
about below.

The former Conservative Social Club on Church Street Lenton has been
occupied as a free space to support the strike. There will be events
there on Wednesday and throughout the week.

More details: – note this venue has been evicted so please check indymedia to check if the events marked Free Space are going ahead.


Early morning onwards – Pickets outside all public buildings, schools,
universities, etc. affected by the strike. Notts Uncut with the help
of Occupy Nottingham are planning to do a roaming soup kitchen feeding
the pickets.

List of pickets in Nottingham:

Contact Notts Uncut:

10.30 – Start assembling for the march on the Forest

11.30 – March leaves the Forest for the Market Square

12.30 – Trade Union rally at the Albert Hall (tickets available from
trade unions)

13.00 – Critical Mass solidarity bike ride will leave from Market Square

More details:

15.00 – Soup & Discussion of N30 and the future of workers’ struggle
at Notts Free Space

More info:

19.00 – Nottingham journalists campaign to save public broadcasting
meeting at New Mechanics

More info:

19.30 – Dinner and film showing of The Take at Notts Free Space

More info:

Notts Save Our Services
Twitter: @nottssos

ATOS 2 defiant and plead not guilty to aggravated trespass – much support at courts in Nottingham

On Friday 25 November 2011 the “Atos Two” who were arrested during a protest at the ATOS Healthcare medical examination centre on Stoney Street in were due in Nottingham Magistrates Court. Bailed for 9.45am a solidarity demo had been called outside at 9.30am which was very well supported (see photo). There is already national awareness of the action taken by the authorities over this protest. ATOS (or SEMA in Scotland) has been the subject of protests all over the UK for its role in the government’s attack on disabled and ill benefits claimants. The ATOS Two trial will be held from Monday 27th February 2012.

Full story and more photos:

Press release:

More about benefits from Notts SOS:

Notts SOS newsletter no. 7 – November 2011

The anniversary issue of Notts SOS newsletter, no. 7, November 2011 is out. Our latest newsletter includes an overview of the year’s campaigning plus forthcoming action. We welcome new and updated information about local campaigns and about cuts to services.

Download screen readable version: NOTTS SOS NEWSLETTER 7 – NOV 2011 – Word version

Download PDF: NOTTS SOS NEWSLETTER 7 – NOV 2011 – PDF version

N30 DAY OF ACTION FOR PENSION JUSTICE – support the action, demonstation and rally on 30th November 2011

On Wednesday November 30th, up to 3 million workers are expected to take strike action in defence of pensions, in what is going to be an historic day for UK trade unions. Notts SOS will be supporting the local action. Many of us will be on strike.

As well as the picket lines at workplaces across the region including offices, schools and universities, everyone is invited to come and demonstrate against the cuts on Wednesday 30 November, supporting the public sector strikers. Download: Nottingham pensions flyer 30th November 2011

Nottingham demonstration and rally

Gather 10.30 at Forest Recreation Ground and marching to Albert Hall at 11.30am. Bring banners and placards and anything else to make this a noisy demonstration. The march will start at 11.30am, proceeding along Mansfield rd, Upper Parliament St, Market Sq, Derby Rd and back through College St to get to the Albert Hall. The rally at Albert Hall will start around 12.30pm – 1pm (tickets from local trade unions). Speakers (locally and nationally via video links), music and contribution from 1pm to 3pm – and beyond!

There will also be a Notts SOS stall at the rally. Sign the Notts SOS petition against council cuts that we will present in the New Year.

If you are not based in Nottingham, have a look at the Midlands TUC website, where information about local protests and rallies will be regularly updated:

On November 19th, Trade Union stalls will be run across the city and county – if you would like to help please email the following

  • Nottingham Market Square, 12 noon, contact nottstc [at]
  • Beeston 12 noon, contact Thomas.unterrainer [at]
  • Sutton in Ashfield town centre, 12 noon, contact Mick at mansfieldcentralbranch [at]
  • Mansfield town centre, 12 noon contact Danny on maggiekind [at]
  • West Bridgford, Outside Oxfam Shop contact Martin Sleath on martin.sleath [at]
  • Sherwood Nottingham, 12 noon, contact Richard Buckwell, richardbuckwell [at]

Meeting about Nottingham City Council’s Budget for 2012/13 on Thursday 17th November

Information about an important meeting taking place on Thursday:

You are invited to a learning network briefing on
Nottingham City Council’s Budget for 2012/13
Thursday, 17 November 2011
12:15 to 1:15 pm
Room LB41 at Loxley House

This briefing has been specifically arranged for voluntary sector partners to attend.

The speakers will be:
Councillor Jon Collins, Leader of Nottingham City Council
Councillor Graham Chapman, Deputy Leader of Nottingham City Council and
Councillor David Mellen, the Chair of One Nottingham and the Portfolio Holder for Children and Families in Nottingham City Council

If you would like to attend this event, please RSVP to: with your name, role, organisation and email address.

Light refreshments will be available and feel free to bring your lunch to munch!
I look forward to seeing on 17 November.


Nigel Cooke
One Nottingham
4th Floor
Loxley House
Station Street

Telephone (0115) 8764997 or (0115) 8765000

Notts SOS stall on 19th November plus pensions leaflet and pamphlet

There will be a Notts SOS campaigning stall from 11.00 to 13.00 in Old Market Square on Saturday, 19th November. The main theme will be pensions with an emphasis on the Public Sector Strike on 30th November in defence of pensions. A leaflet on pensions will be distributed and the David Cameron dummy with the label ‘Pinching Our Pensions’ will be on display.

Volunteers are needed to run the stall so if you can help, please get in touch or come down on the day.

Download: NottsSOS Pensions Leaflet November 2011

Download: Fair Pensions for All – informative joint trade union pamphlet.

Notts Uncut mark a year of protest against the cuts and corporate tax avoidance

On Saturday 12th November 2011, meeting outside Boots on Upper Parliament Street, protestors and activist of Notts Uncut proceeded to Vodafone in Clumber Street, to remind them of the £8 billion pounds that they owe in taxes. This day of action marked one year of activity by Notts Uncut who have protested relentlessly against the companies who have been highlighted as moving their operations off-shore to avoid paying UK tax, linking this to the cuts in services that are supposedly due to lack of money in the public purse.

Other usual suspects were also visited including Topshop, Dorethy Perkins, another Vodafone, BHS in Broadmarch and of course Boots, eventually arriving back in the Market Square for tea and cakes at the Occupy Nottingham camp.

Full story:

More on Notts SOS about corporate tax and UK Uncut:

Notttingham’s ‘Atos Two’ Charged

Two Nottingham residents, a pensioner and a wheelchair user, have been charged with aggravated trespass. The pair, dubbed the “Atos Two” by supporters, were arrested following a peaceful protest of the examination cente of Atos “Healthcare” on Stoney Street on September 30th.

Full story and forthcoming events on Notts Indymedia:

More on ATOS and benefits on Notts SOS:

Notts SOS statement on forthcoming co-ordinated strike action on 30th November 2011

Notts Save Our Services supports the 30th November Public Sector co-ordinated strike action and we support all public sector workers who take strike action.

The Con-Dem Government proposals are for public sector workers to pay more, work longer and receive less. The Government wants to privatise public services. The Government and the private sector see public sector pensions as a barrier because employees transferred out of the public sector must be offered “broadly comparable” pension schemes under the Fair Deal on Pensions. That is why George Osborne wants to end the Fair Deal on pensions. The strike against attacks on pensions represents a strike to defend public services and is therefore in the interests of all of us (and our families) who use or will use public services.

Public Sector pensions are neither “unfair” nor “gold plated” and have not been the cause of hardship in our communities or in the private sector. The unfairness lies between the rich and the poor, with the richest in society receiving pensions averaging £175,000 a year, 97% of executive directors in FTSE 350 companies having company-sponsored pension arrangements (compared to one third of private sector workers), and with most executives able to retire at 60. This is on top of growing income inequality with top incomes growing by 64.2 % over the past decade while average earners’ income has increased by 7.2 % so that at the present time the total income of the richest 10% of the population is higher than the combined income of the poorest 50% of the population.

Public sector pensions are not “unsustainable” and in March 2011 George Osborne himself told parliament that cutting public service pensions is about “filling the hole in the public finances”, demonstrating that these attacks have nothing to do with demographics and people living longer but are further attempts to make working people pay for a problem that they did not create.

The suggestion that strike action is falling into a Government “trap,” as Labour Party Ed Balls has stated, can only undermine the strike and does not serve the interests of the public. We call on everyone to respect the Unions’ decisions and to wholeheartedly back co-ordinated strike action on November 30th.

Notts SOS values and respects our public services and those who work in the public sector. We acknowledge that they carry out some of the most important work in our society, including nursing, midwifery, care of those of us who are elders, vulnerable, have disabilities or are children; providing emotional as well as practical support and often working more than their paid hours. We defend their right to take strike action.

Support anti-cuts prisoners – appeal from Notts SOS

It is now a year since the inspiring action of a number of students at Millbank during last year’s student fees protest in London. As a result of that and other anti-austerity protests a number of people have been sent to prison. It is important that we as a movement support our imprisoned comrades. Remember: they are inside for us and we should be outside for them.

We list details of some of those imprisoned below. Please consider writing to some or all of them.

Information and advice on writing to prisoners can be found here:

Joseph Binney is on remand for violent disorder from March 26th
Joseph Binney
HMP Wandsworth
PO Box 757
Heathfield Road
SW18 3HS

Charlie Gilmour pleaded guilty to 2 counts of violent disorder on student protests 2010 and is serving a 16 month custodial sentence. (Note: Charlie wishes to thank everyone who has written to him but that he is kind of snowed under and has suggested that people write to some of the other prisoners.)

c/o London ABC
Freedom Bookshop
Angel Alley
84B Whitechapel High Street
E1 7QX

James Heslip was sentenced on October 5th to 12 months for alleged violent disorder during the Millbank protests. Please include his name on the letter inside and address all mail to him to:
London ABC
c/o Freedom Bookshop
84b Whitechapel High street
London, E1 7QX

Omar Ibrahim sentenced to 18 months for violent disorder for throwing a smoke bomb at Topshop on March 26th demo. Write to him at

Omar Ibrahim
c/o London ABC
Freedom Bookshop
Angel Alley
84b Whitechapel High Street
E1 7QX

Michael Newton is serving a 12 month sentence for June 30 action and multiple other minor charges. Hopefully out on early release on 30th December. Michael welcomes letters, posters and pictures.
Michael Newton
HMP Preston
Wing C4 17
2 Ribbleton Lane

Benjamin Sunderland is serving a 12 month sentence for violent disorder from the student protests. Please write to him:

Benjamin Sunderland
HMP YOI Feltham
Bedfont Road
TW13 4ND

Harry Webb is serving a 12 month sentence for alleged violent disorder during the March 26th demonstration despite having been violently attacked by the police. Write to him:

Harry Webb
HMP Wandsworth
Heathfield Road
SW18 3HS

Edward Woollard was sentenced to 32 months for violent disorder following the Millbank protest last year. Write to him at

Email – writetoedwoollard[AT]

or by post (please consider enclosing a stamped addressed envelope)

c/o Chris Rawlinson,
Student Union
Brockenhurst College
Lyndhurst Road
SO42 7ZE

More info on Ed’s support campaign:

Notts Save Our Services
Twitter: @nottssos