Join Notts SOS for a major anti-cuts march and demonstration in Nottingham – Saturday 20th November 2010 [plus ‘Liar Liar’ video]

Image of Notts SOS Flyer for November 20th demo - same as PDFThis is an advance call out for the next Nottingham Save Our Services demonstration! Following protests in town and at County Hall during the week of the Spending Review, we will assemble at the Forest Recreation Ground at 11.30am and then march to the Market Square in Nottingham at 12.30pm on Saturday 20th November where we will hold a rally.. The event is ‘Demonstration Against the Cuts’ and we say “There is an alternative. Make the rich pay for the crisis.” Hopefully this will give you time to make your own banners and placards. Lets make it as big & noisy as possible! Download leaflet advertising the demo.

We call on all workers, benefits and pension recipients, community groups, charities, school and college students, to unite and show opposition to the cuts in our region. Campaigners from nearby areas are welcome to join.
Download Flyer for Notts SOS 20th November 2010 Demonstration (A4 also suitable as poster). Alternative download Flyer for Notts SOS Nov 20th Demo – two A5 leaflets per page.

Download Notts SOS Newsletter No. 1: [Word version] [PDF version]

Feel free to visit the Notts SOS stall in the Market Square this Saturday at 12 noon this weekend (6th Nov) and join the Clumber Street Vodaphone protest at 2pm if you can. From now until the demonstration we will be having stalls around the city and surburbs. We will also be meeting each Monday at the International Community Centre (YMCA Mansfield Road) from 7.30pm until 9.30pm. All welcome.


Biggest Notts SOS meeting so far – forthcoming Saturday Nov 20th demonstration, weekly meetings & more

Last night’s Notts SOS planning meeting was very well attended with 30 participants in all. As well as the three major Nottingham demonstrations last week, and our interventions at the City Council consultation, we were pleased to hear from a new campaign in Lincoln that had held an anti-cuts meeting and march. The attack on welfare claimants in the Spending Review was highlighted. Sub-groups were formed to put together publicity, handle communications, and collect funds. A Nottingham demonstration was proposed for Saturday, November 20th.

A leaflet and Notts SOS newsletter will be produced for this. Please send us your stories and news of workplace or community campaigns and events for the newsletter. Individuals as well as groups are encouraged to share experiences which we would like to put in the newsletter and on the website. We know that the cuts and economic crisis will affect many people in many different ways, and all are important. You can add them as comments to the website or facebook page.
We agreed to meet weekly at least until after the demonstration so the next meeting will be Monday November 1st at 7.30pm at the usual venue (ICC/YMCA on Mansfield Road). The campaign welcomes new participants at these.

Monday 25th October – Notts SOS meeting – 7.30pm. Plus details of Bassetlaw campaign

The scale of the cuts in the County is now apparent. Consultations in the city have been little more than form-filling exercises so the City Council can work out what to cut with as little bad press as possible. Councillors were rude to campaigners in several of these meetings and left little time for questions about the cuts. It’s vital that residents of Nottingham and Notts, and those that work in the region, get together to work out a plan of action. Come to our next planning meeting if you can.

Notts SOS meeting: Monday 25th October, 7.30pm at the ICC (International Community Centre), YMCA, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3FN. Please just turn up.

The SOS campaign is also taking shape in Bassetlaw. Activists recently attended a Save Bassetlaw Hospital meeting along with 150 other people. Continue reading “Monday 25th October – Notts SOS meeting – 7.30pm. Plus details of Bassetlaw campaign”

Hundreds protested at Notts County Hall on Thursday 21st October

Today Nottingham Evening Post reports on the campaign protest at Nottinghamshire County Council HQ in West Bridgford on Thursday 21st October, the same day that Councillors voted to implement £75m worth of cuts over the next four years. 164 proposals were ‘debated’ to help the authority save £150m and Councillors gave the green light to more than half. These ‘category A’ proposals, will be made shortly, while the rest will be put out to consultation. Cuts next year include axing 1,300 posts and many services will be affected. And this is only the beginning. This is the challenge that we will be facing in the County from now on.

See also: a commentary and lots of photos from the demonstration, posted on Indymedia the Sunday following the event.

To get involved with Notts SOS come to our next meeting, contact us, or join the Facebook group. Feel free to add information about your events, your experiences, comments and opinions to our website. Continue reading “Hundreds protested at Notts County Hall on Thursday 21st October”

Hundreds protested at Notts County Hall on Thursday 21st October

Today Nottingham Evening Post reports on the campaign protest at Nottinghamshire County Council HQ in West Bridgford on Thursday 21st October, the same day that Councillors voted to implement £75m worth of cuts over the next four years. 164 proposals were ‘debated’ to help the authority save £150m and Councillors gave the green light to more than half. These ‘category A’ proposals, will be made shortly, while the rest will be put out to consultation. Cuts next year include axing 1,300 posts and many services will be affected. And this is only the beginning. This is the challenge that we will be facing in the County from now on.

See also: a commentary and lots of photos from the demonstration, posted on Indymedia the Sunday following the event.

To get involved with Notts SOS come to our next meeting, contact us, or join the Facebook group. Feel free to add information about your events, your experiences, comments and opinions to our website. Continue reading “Hundreds protested at Notts County Hall on Thursday 21st October”

Get involved with Notts SOS – events in week starting 18th October [plus School Support staff demo video]

Events and meetings below. See also: Drop in Consultations continue in City – Wollaton, The Meadows, Clifton, New Basford, Radford & Lenton.

Monday 18th October – Unison protest: SAY NO TO PAY CUTS FOR SCHOOL SUPPORT STAFF. 4.00pm (onwards). OLD MARKET SQUARE IN FRONT OF COUNCIL HOUSE. Download schools protest flyer 18 October 2010 and GMB union Midland and East Coast Region newsletter supporting the demonstration. All welcome.

Wednesday 20th October – COME TO THE FIRST NOTTS SOS GENERAL ANTI-CUTS PROTEST IN THE MARKET SQUARE ON THE DAY OF THE SPENDING REVIEW. Starts 5pm and will continue at least an hour. All welcome. Bring banners, noisy things, leaflets and most importantly your workmates, friends and family.

Thursday 21st October – Anti-cuts event at Nottinghamshire County Council. Lobby of County Hall, West Bridgford from 12.30pm when the County Council is due to publicise massive proposed cuts and privatising most of its services. If you want coach seats for the protest at Notts County Council on Thurs 21st Oct please contact Pete Watson; or the Notts CC Unison website
Coaches are coming from Worksop, Mansfield, Newark & Beeston.. All welcome.

Next week: Monday 25th October – Notts SOS meeting. 7.30pm on Mon at the ICC (International Community Centre), YMCA, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3FN. Please just turn up.

Bassetlaw campaign gets going

Bassetlaw, the northernmost district of Nottinghamshire is facing massive cuts due to Notts County Council’s plans released last week (see for details of these wide-ranging cuts).

A leaflet/poster, which also features our brand new logo, has been produced by Notts SOS campaigners in the area to highlight how this will affect Bassetlaw residents and workers: Bassetlaw SOS leaflet no.1

PRESS RELEASE – Notts Save Our Services campaign launched to fight the public service cuts

Notts Save Our Services campaign launched to fight the public service cuts. Also download leaflet that accompanies press release (pictured).

jpg image of notts sos press release 29 september 2010PRESS RELEASE

A coalition of organisations representing the people who provide public services and those who use them has been launched to fight the public sector cuts taking place across the City and County.  It will also spell out the alternatives to reduce the public sector deficit. Notts Save Our Services (Notts SOS) campaign is launched today as millions of workers take to the streets across Europe in a Day of Action to protest against government-imposed austerity measures. Continue reading “PRESS RELEASE – Notts Save Our Services campaign launched to fight the public service cuts”

Notts SOS is launched

Notts Save Out Services was launched on Monday 29th September 2010 following the packed public meeting at the Mechanics Institute in Nottingham on the 22nd and a follow up meeting at the ICC on the 27th.

We aim to inspire workers, service users, claimants and anyone else affected to get together and take action to defend services, jobs and welfare in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. And we hope you’ll join us!

We aim to support meetings, demonstrations, industrial action, social events and general acts of rebellion against the government’s plans.

We hope you will be inspire to act whereever you are.

Who was involved with the pre-launch meeting on the 27th?

22 people participated. These included members of unions: UCU (higher education), RMT (transport), NUT (schools) and NUS (student union), Unison and the IWW (Instrustrial Workers of the World). Participants were employed and/or studying, unemployed and retired. They were socialists, communists and anarchists in various parties and organisations, and individuals. Some had been recently been made redundant, some threatened more immediately by the cuts, others with family members being affected by services closures or privatisations. The name of the campaign was agreed at the meeting. The offical launch date is 29th September, the date of the first Press Release.

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