Students’ march in London #DEMO2012 on 21st November

The national demo is called ‘#demo2012: Educate, Employ, Empower’. It will take place on Wednesday 21 November, and will involve a march through central London.

The current government has put the future of an entire generation at risk. Jobs are hard to come by, students are saddled with unprecedented levels of debt, it’s a struggle to get onto the property ladder, and state pensions are being phased out – it’s easy to feel despondent.

But NUS members have decided to take action. At our National Conference in April, delegates voted to hold a national demonstration in the first term of 2012. We need your help to show the government how angry we are at their betrayals and broken promises.

Details: See also: Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts!

Demonstration Against the Government & Financial Crisis plus Celebration of Occupy’s First Year Anniversary

People from Nottingham Occupy who took over slab square a year ago will be running an information stand next weekend on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st October 2012 to demonstrate Against the government & financial crisis plus a celebration of Occupy’s first year anniversary.

Meet in front of the Council House (Old Market Square, Nottingham) from 12 Noon.

If you’ve had enough of the financial crisis, the cuts & loss of services affecting your lives & family, sick of the unjust tax evasion, tired of commodities being so expensive when their is no need other than to increase profit margins for the rich, sick of the wars being fought for power & control of resources to create higher profits, or the planet being destroyed & polluted to provide products, then join us, bring posters, banners & instruments, shout about what you are not happy with, dance with us & most importantly be part of the positive change you want to see & stand together united in defiance.

We are the 99%

More details on Facebook event page:

Oct 20th anti-austerity demonstration in London – coaches from Nottingham

A Future That Works: 20 October 2012

UPDATE POST-OCT 20th: Reportz from Indymedia:

List of coaches:

Demo info:

Boycott Workfare – new day of action on 8th September 2012 – role of charities in forced work-for-benefits highlighted

Take part in the day of action against workfare on 8th September –
charities should know better!

Last time groups across the UK got together to tackle workfare, Holland &
Barrett – one of the biggest workfare offenders – announced that they
would be pulling out. A big shout out goes to SolFed who organised pickets of Holland and Barrett all over the country.

With workfare amongst corporate companies in retreat, we are turning our
attention in September to charities who are set to receive a huge influx
of workfare as the government roll out their Community Action Programme

We will be taking to the streets to remind charities that workfare is
never for ‘community benefit’ – as the government are trying to claim by
involving charities – and that they have a duty to stand up against such
punitive and exploitative schemes. Join an action on Saturday 8th
September on your local high street. Check the facebook group to find your
local action or arrange one on your high street. Also, keep your eyes
peeled for ’10 top reasons charities to oppose the involvement of
charities in workfare’ blog coming soon on the Boycott Workfare website.

UK wide day of action against charities’ involvement with workfare and

Actions against public organisations that are taking workfare will be
coming soon too and pressure on corporate companies will continue!

Visit website for Boycott Workfare

London anti-austerity demo ‘A future that works’ 20th October 2012

‘A future that works’, anti-austerity march and rally in Hyde Park in London takes place on 20th October 2012.
Similar rallies are also planned take place in Glasgow (although with some opposition from the local council) and possibly also Belfast.

Details of the London one are here:

Coaches from Nottingham and Notts:List of coaches:

Build the resistance – Notts TUC public meeting, 18 July, New Mechanics Institute, Nottingham.

Build the resistance is a public meeting called by Notts Trades Union Council to take place on Wednesday 18 July, New Mechanics Institute, Nottingham, 7-9pm. The purpose of the meeting is to plan for the 20th October 2-2012 march against austerity in London. Speakers include: Jim Aspinal, Save Kirkby Hospital; Andreas Bieler, Prof Political Economy, University of Nottingham; speaker from Parents Against the Five Term Year (PA5TY).

Flyer for meeting:
Details of the October march can be found here:

Other recent TUC news:
On 14th July, Rally for our future: defend public services, took place in Sheffield.
Transport from Nottingham was organised by the NUT. See link:—8224.pdf

Notts Uncut ‘Street Party’ – Nottingham City Centre – Saturday 26th May 2012 [plus UK Uncut video]

Notts Uncut are holding a ‘Street Party’ in Nottingham City Centre on Saturday 26th May 2012. Everyone is invited.

Starts at 12 noon on Listergate outside Topshop. For more info find Notts Uncut on Facebook – Notts-Uncut Part-of UK-Uncut, Twitter @nottsuncut or look for event info on Nottingham Indymedia.

Download colourful flyer: Notts Uncut Street Party 26 May 2012

Visit Facebook event page for the Street Party:

Check out the UK Uncut video here:


Text of the Notts Uncut flyer as follows:

Let’s go on a journey back in time to the year 1948 …

Fast forward to 2012 and things feel rather different. The government is not playing fair: its spending cuts are the deepest for decades and it’s cheating ordinary people by forcing them to suffer for an economic crisis they didn’t cause.

The government is also lying: it actively enables big business to dodge tax and slashes tax rates for the wealthy. Right now, for us, for ordinary people in this country, the future’s not what it used to be.

So now is the time to party like it was 1948. Street parties are going to be all the rage for the Queen’s Jubilee. But let’s make ours have a twist.

On Saturday 26th May join UK Uncut’s Great British Street Party to demand that we keep our public services, our rights and our welfare system and to celebrate a new future that isn’t dictated to us by a handful of millionaires but decided by us all – together.

Join Notts Uncut at 12 noon on Listergate outside Topshop. For more info find us on Facebook – Notts-Uncut Part-of UK-Uncut, Twitter @nottsuncut or look for event info on Nottingham Indymedia.

Britain was emerging from a World War and had a huge national debt. Much bigger than the one we face today. Did we see painful cut backs and austerity measures?

No, quite the opposite. We saw the birth of our National Health Service and the Welfare State. The UK was the first country to make health care, social care and financial security accessible to all.

1948 saw the launch of ground-breaking new laws designed to protect and care for everybody in our society, including universal unemployment benefits, universal child benefits, disability benefits, rights to housing and the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

1948: a year when the Olympics were last in town; and the people of Britain were, at last, looking forward to the future.

Britain back then really was “all in it together”. The future looked better than the past. So, we partied in the streets and dreamt of what we could achieve as people and as a country.

Nottingham Mayday (Saturday 5th May 2012) videos

Four videos from Saturday’s May Day (international workers’ day) celebrations in Nottingham city, march into town from the Forest Recreation ground to the city centre and rally in the Congregational Hall, Castle Gate.

Mayday march video:

Video of march and start of rally (MC speech):!

Video of the Meale protest (at the start of the May Day Rally event) and Notts Unison speaker (password is indymedia).

Notts Uncut speech at Mayday Rally:

Events tomorrow and during the month of May – including May Day and forthcoming strikes

Diary dates for May

Reminder: Notts SOS Meeting tonight, 30th April, Nottinghamshire YMCA (International Community Centre), 61b Mansfield Road NG1 3FN, 7.30-9pm.

Tuesday 1st May – MAY DAY MAY DAY Organising Against Austerity – meeting hosted by the Anarchist Federation at the New Mechanics Institute, 3 North Sherwood St. Nottingham, NG1 4EZ. 7.00-9.00pm. Details:

Wednesday 2nd May – Notts-KONP (Keep Our NHS Public) Branch Meeting Friends Meeting House, 25 Clarendon Street Nottingham NG1 5JD, 7:30pm.

Thursday 3rd May – Notts Uncut planning meeting –
The Stage, 7a Wollaton St, Nottingham, NG1 5FW, 7pm.

Saturday 5th May – Nottingham May Day march and rally organised by Nottingham and Mansfield Trades Council – 10am from Forest Recreation Ground to Nottingham Market Square for rally with speakers. Details:

Monday 7th May – Chesterfield May Day march. Details:

Thursday 10th May – PCS, UCU and Unite health are striking over pensions. PCS town committee are inviting speakers from associated groups to a strike rally.–all-out/. For NHS Pensions Industrial Action Thursday May 10 assemble 10:30am QMC – Rally from 12:00pm Market Square, supporting members of UNITE Health, PCS and UCU who are striking in response to the attacks on the public sector pensions on Thursday. Look out for the NOTTS-KONP banner at the Queens Medical Centre Main Gate and join us – we will move to the Market Square for a rally from 12:00pm. See also, previous industrial action round=up from April:

Thursday 10th May – Nottingham Solidarity Network meeting, Sumac Centre, Nottingham, 7pm – Details: Followed by Autonomous Nottingham meeting at 8pm.

Thursday 10th May – Mansfield Meeting on NHS Changes, hosted by Manfield SOS – A public meeting is to be held in Mansfield on the topic of the changes to the National Health Service and what can be done to protect it from new threats. Starts 7.30pm at the Quakers Friends Meeting House next to the Civic Centre car park entrance in Mansfield.

Saturday 12th May – Notts Uncut Skillshare Workshop, The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields, Nottingham, NG7 6HX, 10am – Details:

Monday 14th May – Cancelled – Notts SOS regular forthnightly meeting will not take place today. The next meeting will be 28th May.

Thursday 24th May – Nottingham Solidarity Network meeting, Sumac Centre, 7pm – Details:

Saturday 26th May – Notts Uncut Great British Street Party, Nottingham City Centre, venue to be confirmed. See Facebook event page:!/events/340821982647541/

Monday 28th May – Notts SOS regular forthnightly meeting, Nottinghamshire YMCA (International Community Centre), 61b Mansfield Road NG1 3FN, 7.30-9pm.

More events and meetings:

MAY DAY MAY DAY: Organising Against Austerity – meeting at the Mechanics – Tuesday 1st May 2012

MAY DAY MAY DAY: Organising Against Austerity


A MAY DAY meeting for all those interested in organising against austerity outside of parliamentary avenues. Hosted by the Anarchist Federation.

Download: MAY DAY MAY DAY Leaflet or read same text below.

As the cuts sink in around us, neoliberalism is adapting rapidly to overcome public resistance. But new forms of collective, direct, and effective action against capitalism have bubbled up across the world at the same time. The work begins locally and spreads rapidly, but it can only happen here if we put our heads together, work with the resources we have, learn from our successes and setbacks, and mobilise. May Day seems like a great place to start!

Come one, come all, but leave anything you’re selling at home. The meeting will be facilitated and focused around main ideas presented before and perhaps during the event. A free literature table will be available and everyone’s encouraged to fill it up. Organisations are welcome but party-political speeches telling us what we already know are not.

Please come with ideas to share on the following sorts of topics or suggest your own via email or facebook

What remains of the anti-cuts/anti-capitalist movement in Nottingham? What is its focus and aims? How do the people involved see things progressing?

Have we lost the battle against the cuts? If not, where should we focus our activity? If so, what does organising against austerity now entail? What do we mean by ‘success’ in this context?

How is our class experiencing and responding to austerity? What will we settle for? How long before regular mass civil disturbances take off? What could they achieve?

How would a successful movement relate to permanent organisations such as trade unions and charities? And what is the role of existing, long-standing campaigns?

Email: nottingham [at] or find the facebook event to find out more or suggest topics, questions or participants.


Sunday 29th April, 2PM: Open House at the Sparrows’ Nest, St. Ann’s: Making plans and placards for Nottingham May Day on 5th May. Bring stuff and ideas. Phone or email The Sparrows’ Nest (details on website).
For more info on this year’s May Day March see facebook, or