1100 march in Nottingham against austerity [with videos and photos]

Notts Save Our Service banner used on demonstrationOn Saturday 20th November 2010 the lively demonstration and march called by Notts Save Our Services assembled on the Forest Recreation Ground. Well over one thousand residents, workers, service users, pension and welfare recipients, parents, teachers, university and school students from all over Nottingham and Notts brought themselves along on a misty morning, and carried placards and banners against cuts. We marched to Nottingham city centre down Mansfield Road and many more people clapped from the pavement or hooted horns as we passed. At Speakers’ Corner a rally was held with many speakers explaining the effect of the cuts and encouraging more people to get involved with Notts SOS. Queens Street had to be closed to accommodate everyone.

Watch a video of the march as it left the Forest (links to photos are further below) and an edited video of some of the speeches on the podium and singing before and on the march.



Read press release advertising the march and rally: http://nottingham.indymedia.org.uk/articles/679.

Read collected media including photos following march and rally on Notts Indymedia: http://nottingham.indymedia.org.uk/articles/697

Look at pictures of the march and rally from the Trades Council website: http://www.nottstuc.org/2010/11/pictures-from-todays-demo.html
Lots more photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gideonmack/sets/72157625306734629/
BBC Nottingham news article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-11803578 (only 500 though! Journalist must have counted or estimated numbers at the beginning when the march was assembling whereas we did a proper roadside count on Mansfield Road). Anyway ITV News said it was 3000! See also Evening Post website coverage.

More reports and media to follow.

Well done to all that marched. We hope this will inspire more people to get involved with Notts SOS. In January we will hold a conference in Nottingham to work out a wider strategy as we know there are many and diverse ways the government cuts will affect our lives. In the meantime we hope that more anti-cuts groups will form whether around a specific campaign like Save Gedling School or with a general ‘save our services’ aim. Notts SOS planning meetings are held on Mondays in the International Community Centre. Details of these meetings and other planned events can be found on our website.

To find out just some of what’s happening in Nottingham and Notts, read our Newsletter –
Notts SOS Newsletter No. 1
: [Word version] [PDF version]

Notts Cuts Watch bulletins nos. 1, 2 & 3 [plus ‘Can’t Cut This’ video]

Notts Cuts Watch highlights local press coverage about cuts in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire …

Bulletin no.3: http://notts.indymedia.org.uk/articles/633

Bulletin no.2: http://notts.indymedia.org.uk/articles/613

Bulletin no.1: http://notts.indymedia.org.uk/articles/593

See also: Can’t Cut This campaign song – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7eQ73w4EvY against cuts to a London Arts College.


Militants attack Nottinghamshire County Hall during week of cuts revelations

Militants attacked Nottinghamshire County Hall in West Bridgford last Wednesday night. “Fuck austerity!” and “Fight the cuts!” were painted on walls and damage was done to windows. In an anonymous communique published on Notts Indymedia, they claim that they will “continue to attack in solidarity with all those who are abused by goverments and banks in the name of capitalism”. Continue reading “Militants attack Nottinghamshire County Hall during week of cuts revelations”

PRESS RELEASE – Notts Save Our Services campaign launched to fight the public service cuts

Notts Save Our Services campaign launched to fight the public service cuts. Also download leaflet that accompanies press release (pictured).

jpg image of notts sos press release 29 september 2010PRESS RELEASE

A coalition of organisations representing the people who provide public services and those who use them has been launched to fight the public sector cuts taking place across the City and County.  It will also spell out the alternatives to reduce the public sector deficit. Notts Save Our Services (Notts SOS) campaign is launched today as millions of workers take to the streets across Europe in a Day of Action to protest against government-imposed austerity measures. Continue reading “PRESS RELEASE – Notts Save Our Services campaign launched to fight the public service cuts”