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Jarrow March 2011 comes to Nottingham – Saturday 15th October 2011

At the start of October, Youth Fight for Jobs (YFJ) and other activists started a 330 mile march from Jarrow to London. “Why? Because we’ve had enough, and we know that it doesn’t have to be this way.” It is 75 years since the first Jarrow March/Crusade of October 1936, when mass unemployment and extreme poverty in the north-east of England drove 200 men to march in protest from Jarrow to London.

Notts Save Our Services will be welcoming the 2011 march on Saturday October 15th, on a day which is exactly 30 years since Norman Tebbit spoke his infamous words at a Tory party conference after the riots of 1981: “I grew up in the ’30s with an unemployed father. He didn’t riot. He got on his bike and looked for work, and he kept looking ’til he found it.” Seems like they haven’t learnt much as we have experienced both widespread riots AND major job cuts in 2011.

Notts SOS is to welcome the marchers on the Forest Recreation Ground, and march with them to Market Square, where there will be a joint demonstration against the cuts. The route of the March has been agreed and marchers will approach the Forest from Nottingham Road (Basford) for a brief meeting up on the Forest Recreation Ground, then the march will go down Mansfield Road into the city centre ending up in the Market Square.

This will be a major anti-cuts day for Nottingham and everyone is welcome to join the march and/or rally in the square against austerity, unemployment and education cuts. The march will also be welcomed in Mansfield the day before (see comment to this article for details).

The itinerary for October 15th is as follows:
10.00 Meet at Hucknall Ambulance Station on Annesley Road. Continue down Annesley Road to Hucknall Market Place.
10.15 Rally at Hucknall Market Place (for about 10 mins)
10.30 Leave Market Place and continue down High Street. High Street becomes Portland Street and then Nottingham Road.
11.00 Straight on at roundabout onto Hucknall Lane. Hucknall Lane becomes Main Street.
11.30 Turn left onto Bulwell Market Place for 20 min rally and 10 min break.
12.00 Leave Market place on Highbury Road. Continue as Highbury Road becomes Vernon Road.
12.30 Take left fork onto Nottingham Road. Continue as Nottingham Road becomes Sherwood Rise.
13.00 Cross Gregory Boulevard onto Forest Recreation Ground. Notts SOS demonstration assembles here – around 30 mins.
13.30 Leave Forest, turning right onto Mansfield Road. Right onto Upper Parliament Street. Left onto King Street. Continue on to Old Market Square.
14.30 Rally on Old Market Square.

Marchers will continue the march on Sunday 16th from Nottingham Trent Univ Clifton campus.

Sunday 16th October – Nottingham to Loughborough
10.30am Meet Clifton Lane (outside Nottingham Trent Uni)
10.40 Continue down Clifton Lane
11.00 Take first exit at roundabout and continue down Clifton Lane
12.15 Continue through Nottingham Road to Gotham
1.15 Nottingham Road becomes Leake Road.
Arriving 5.30pm in Loughborough with a Rally

All welcome – see you there!

Notts SOS planning meeting – Monday 12th September 2011 at the ICC

Notts Save Our Services will have its fortnightly meeting tonight – Monday 12th September – at the usual venue (YMCA International Community Centre on Mansfield Road), starting at 7.30pm and finishing around 9pm. We’ll be planning our forthcoming demonstration on October 15th, the same day that the Youth Fight For Jobs ‘Jarrow March 2011’ will complete its leg from Bulwell into Nottingham City Centre. We’ll also be discussing the next steps in the Save Our NHS Campaign (don’t forget the public meeting on the 22nd), proposals to address ‘welfare reform’ and reports from actions (Notts UnCut had their latest city centre event on Saturday). Meetings are open to all, and the agenda is formed on the day, so come and bring your ideas. We usually take the opportunity to go to a pub on Mansfield Road after the meeting.

Did you know? – you can get an email everytime a blog article is published on the Notts SOS website. Just scroll down and fill in the ‘Email Subscription’ form on the right. We also have a facebook page with notification of forthcoming events and a twitter feed.

March for the Alternative – Birmingham. Sunday 18 September
Notts Trades Council will be funding a coach to this TUC sponsored event which will leave depart from the following locations / times:

Mansfield Civic Centre – 8.30 am
Sutton Bus Station – 8.45 am
Kirkby Council Offices – 9.00 am
Hucknall Market Place – 9.15 am
Nottingham Royal Centre – 9.30 am

The coach is free to Trades Council delegates and families but travellers will be asked to make a donation. Please let Paul Martin know as soon as possible if you require seats on the coach and your preferred pick up point. The return coach is expected to leave Birmingham at around 4.00 pm. Paul Martin is on 07986 351 807.

Notts Save Our Services statement on the August Riots

Notts SOS recognises that the causes of the riots and looting has to be
seen in a context of mass youth unemployment, public sector cuts and
police harassment.

Whilst the motives of individuals might vary, we do not doubt that
attacks on jobs and public services and a grossly unequal society within
a system which depends on persuading people that they must demand more
and more material goods to stimulate “growth”, and yet which denies some
people the means to access even a decent living, is a society which
cannot prosper.

Cutting public sector jobs, reducing social support and community
initiatives, making the vulnerable even more so, whilst allowing the
wealthy causers of the economic crisis to go unpunished, contributed to
the recent disturbances.

Actions to prevent further similar disturbances would need to be wide
ranging and involve deep seated change, but would be aimed at creating a
fairer society in which everyone can be treated justly, play a part,
live decently, and feel self respect and respect for others.

Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts have also produced a statement which can be found here:

‘Save Our NHS’ week of action in Nottingham and Notts – 5th and 9th July 2011 [plus video of Colin Leys presentation to Notts SOS]

kill the health and social care bill 2011 Notts SOSPlease come yourself and urge all your contacts to participate in these Save Our NHS events that will take place in Nottingham and Notts on Tuesday 5th July and Saturday 9th July. The government’s Health and Social Care Bill aims to open up the NHS to ‘any willing provider’. If passed, this Bill will fundamentally change the way our healthcare is managed and paid for in England, and it will result in vast inequalities. Opposition to the bill is already strong. The British Medical Association (BMA) of doctors have called for the bill to be withdrawn despite recent amendments, saying it will not protect the NHS. As users of the NHS we must also make our opposition known.

NOTTS SOS planning meeting: July 4th (Monday): Nottingham. ICC/YMCA, 7.30-9.00pm. Come and get involved with planning these events, and other anti-cuts activity.

NHS ANNIVERSARY EVENT: July 5th (Tuesday): Nottingham. Protest against privatisation of the NHS from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm at the London Road ‘BBC’ roundabout and help publicise the main city centre rally on Saturday. If some people could get there earlier at 3.15 pm this would be helpful as there are a lot of banners and placards to be erected.

NHS ANNIVERSARY EVENT: July 5th (Tuesday): North Notts. Come to the NHS’s 63rd Birthday Party on Tuesday 5th July at Bassetlaw Hospital, 11.00 am—2.30 pm. Meet near Blyth Road bus stop. Bring a balloon! Download flyer. See also Worksop Guardian coverage of local NHS listening event on May 27th.

SAVE OUR NHS MAIN RALLY: July 9th (Saturday): Nottingham. As part of the national day of action in defence of the NHS, Notts SOS will be rallying in the Market Square in Nottingham. We will rally at the Brian Clough Statue from 12 noon, followed by various activities around the city centre. Read press release. See Indymedia event for full details and list of supporters. Come and join this important event that will be happening across the country in many other towns and villages. Add your name to growing list of Facebook event participants.

NOTTS UNCUT SUPPORT ACTION: July 9th (Saturday): Nottingham. Notts Uncut are planning a very special action to support Notts SOS’s NHS day of action. We will be meeting outside Boots (Victoria Centre, Parliament St.) at 10am and then moving on to a secret target, however we need people to be around for this throughout the day. If you can turn up at 10am – brilliant, and the longer you can stay the better. If you aren’t available until later in the day please call us after 10am on 07856565214 and we’ll tell you where to meet us. Bring your nurses outfits, doctors coats, banners, placards and lots of energy! More info:

Press Release: Campaigners celebrate NHS 63rd Birthday

Campaigners in Nottinghamshire will celebrate the 63rd birthday of the founding of the National Health Service (NHS) on Tuesday 5th July 2011, by holding protests warning of the threat it faces from the coalition government.

In Nottingham, Nottinghamshire Save Our Services (Notts SOS) will take over the London Road roundabout from 4pm-7pm. They plan to use the event to warn of the threat to the NHS and also to publicise a larger rally in Market Square at 12 noon on Saturday 9th July.

In the north of the county, campaigners from Bassetlaw Protecting our People and Services and Bassetlaw Save Our Services will hold a “birthday party” outside Bassetlaw Hospital from 11am-2pm.

The protests are an opportunity to celebrate the NHS and everything it has achieved, but are also an opportunity to warn people about the danger posed by the Health and Social Care Bill, currently going through Parliament.

Campaigners warn that despite the ‘listening exercise’ and government spin, the Bill still leaves the door open for private companies to take over the NHS.

Barry Donlan from Bassetlaw said, “Our NHS isn’t broken. So we don’t need to fix it. It has higher satisfaction levels and better outcomes than inefficient and unfair systems like the USA. At a time of supposed austerity, to spend £1.7 billion on restructuring the NHS and replacing it with an untried system seems the height of folly.”

Harry Powell from Notts SOS said, “The ‘pause’ to allow the government to listen’ has been followed by some changes and an extensive PR campaign. But we should not be fooled. The ‘reforms’ are still a very real threat to the NHS and there remains a pressing need to kill the Bill.”

Notes for editors
1.Notts SOS will also be holding a rally at Speakers’ Corner (the Clough Statue) in Nottingham from 12 noon on Saturday 9th July. This will be followed by various activities around the city centre. These protests form part of a “day of action to save our NHS”.

Previous action in May: Notts Rejects Plans For NHS and Emergency Operation. See also:

Watch Colin Leys’ presentation to Notts SOS, author of ‘The Plot Against the NHS’

Nottingham joint strike and anti-cuts action day – Thursday 30th June 2011 – final details

Join the Nottingham unions NUT, ATL, UCU, PCS joint strike march from The Forest and city centre rally at Trinity Square on 30th June, then meeting at Albert Hall with many solidarity actions. Supported by Notts Trades Council, Notts Save Our Services, Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts, University of Nottingham UCU Local Association, Notts Uncut, plus Notts Unison action at County Hall West Bridgford against cuts to social care provision in the County.

* Bring banners, friends and family!


  • 8.00am. Notts UnCut. Meet up at Nottingham Railway station to feed pickets and engage in solidarity action. Download Notts UnCut latest newsletter
  • 8.30am. Unison action against major cuts to social care provision – assemble County Hall, West Bridgford. Download leaflet: Notts ASCH demo 30 June 2011
  • 11 am. NUT, ATL, UCU, PCS joint strike march – assemble from 11.00 am, Forest Recreation Ground (Goose Fair site). Download: 30 June 2011 joint strike leaflet Nottingham
  • 11.30 am. Marchers leave The Forest, march down Mansfield Road, on to Milton Street and then in to the Trinity Square.
  • Noon/12.30 pm with the arrival of the march in Trinity Square. Speakers, stalls, refreshments and more in Trinity Square. There will be face painting and other activities for younger people.
  • 13.30 pm. March continues along Burton Street, South Sherwood Street and Parliament Street to the Albert Hall on Derby Road for speakers and debate on the way forward for the dispute. There will be live music provided by Banner Theatre, Trade Union speakers and an opportunity to contribute from the floor. Ending 3pm approx.

Background: Striking for pensions | Striking against Job cuts | Striking for you and your services
Teachers, lecturers, and civil servants, in the NUT, ATL, UCU, and PCS are being forced to take strike action on 30th June.

The strike is against Con-Dem plans to:
– cut public sector pensions by a third;
– increase the public sector pension age to 68;
– make public sector workers pay 50% more for it!
– cut jobs, hundreds of government jobs have already been lost in Nottinghamshire
– close workplaces, such as DWP Sutton and Mansfield
– Cut all public sector pay at a time when inflation is above 5% and utility bills will be increased by 19%!

This strike action is not happening because union members and their families are greedy; pensions are a vital part of our pay. These union members have chosen to work in the public sector because they believe in providing good public services for all and taking strike action is never an easy decision.

The attacks on the public sector are part of a much bigger agenda. The Con-Dems want to privatise the NHS, cut spending on schools and services, price our kids out of college and university, cut benefits to those in need and see unemployment soar.

In essence, they want to attack every service that we value and hold dear.

Yet none of this is necessary. The richest 1000 people in Britain have seen their wealth increase by £130 BILLION in the last two years to a staggering £396 BILLION. Instead of cutting staff the Government should employ more tax inspectors to get in the £120 billion in avoided, evaded and uncollected tax by the rich, such as the reported £6 BILLION owed by Vodafone.

We’re taking action to stand up for pensions and public services for all. Bring your family and join us on the demonstration and rally to show your support for public services and public servants.

Unison action at County Hall. Please back demonstration ahead of the Full Council meeting on 30 June. We’ll be protesting from 8.30am (the council meeting starts at 10am). All staff, service users and community groups welcome. Make some noise so your councillors can hear you!!!
Adult day care centres forced to close. The council plans to close 35 specialist adult day centres, and replace these with just 13 generic ones. UNISON fears this will leave too few centres, forcing elderly or vulnerable people to travel further. Over 118 care staff face the sack.
Supporting People budgets halved.The council also plans to cut £10million of funding to ‘Supporting People’ projects—with many axed or cut as much as 50%. The council under-spent by £24million in the last financial year, but intends to cut frontline services to the most vulnerable and needy. The council claims it has consulted widely on these plans, but UNISON fears these cuts have yet to be fully explained to those most likely to face them.

UKUncut support: Notts Uncut will be supporting the June 30th strikes by members of NUT, ATL, UCU and PCS.
Nottingham UKUncut will be involved in several activities throughout the day and would love as many people as possible to come along to any or all of them, starting the day by visiting the picket lines and delivering some breakfast to the strikers, meeting at 8am at the front of the railway station. After the pickets have all been fed we will be forming a Notts Uncut bloc on the march. Assemble at the Forest Recreation Ground at 11am and look out for the Notts Uncut banner. If you are able to come along at 8am to feed the pickets can you send us a message to let us know please – everything else, just turn up.

University of Nottingham UCU Local Association and Nottingham Students against Fees and Cuts. Those university staff who are able to take the day off (UCU has a seperate pension scheme not controlled by government in which changes have been railroaded by employers) will join at the Forest at 11am and March to Trinity Square. The key message from Nottingham University staff and students is that cuts to university teaching budgets by 80% and enormous rises in student fees will price out students of less wealthy families or leave them with crippling debts. Due to pension changes staff will get a pay cut and worse standard of living in retirement. Government and employers have chosen to make the people pay for the mistakes of the banks. Trade unions are right to defend the terms and conditions of ordinary workers. We urge you to support the actions on 30th June.

What can I do?

There has already been a great deal of work done but there is still much to do. Joint union leaflets are being produced and should be available for collection / distribution on Friday 24 June. Your help distributing these leaflets will be invaluable. I have attached an electronic copy for e-distribution, attachment to web sites etc but to order paper copies, please contact 07771 940812.

Saturday 25 June

There will be an opportunities to leaflet in the Market Square, Nottingham from 12.00 and at Long Eaton Carnival, West Park, Wilsthorpe Rd from 12.00. Support at Long Eaton would be especially welcomed.

Thursday 30 June

It is hoped that p1cket lines can be advertised on the Trades Council website so please ensure you keep checking for updates.

ATL, NUT, PCS and UCU members will be delighted to see you and your members visiting their lines, marching with your flags and banners, celebrating in the Trinity Square and rallying in the Albert Hall so PLEASE publicise these events to your own membership, encourage them to pop along and show your support. We’d be delighted to pass on any messages to members in the participating unions so feel free to send them to this address.

If you are free on the day and would like to help out on the day, please let us know. Stewards are always welcome and ‘gophers’ a necessity. Anything you can do would be appreciated.

Speakers are required for the Trinity Square celebration – if you or a representative of your union or a campaign group you are involved in would like to speak in support of the action, please contact Cara Nurse of PCS at, Paul Martin at or 07986 351807

Nottingham – coordinated strike action and support activities – Thursday 30th June 2011

Following successful ballots of the NUT/UCU/ATL/PCS unions, coordinated strike action will take place with support activities in Nottingham during the day of Thursday 30th June. Marches in the city, Market Square demonstration and conference (Albert Hall). Coaches from Notts. Full details forthcoming.
See also: School & college walkouts planned to coincide with public sector strikes

Press Release – Notts Save Our Services calls for action to save our NHS – Saturday 9th July


Notts Save Our Services calls for action to save our NHS

Nottinghamshire Save Our Services (Notts SOS) are calling for a “day
of action to save our NHS” on Saturday July 9th.

In Nottingham there will be a rally at Speakers’ Corner, but
campaigners are hoping for activity across the country, building on
widespread opposition to the government’s Health and Social Care Bill.

Among the groups already signed up to support the day of action are
Youth Fight for Jobs, Save Hayward House Daycare, Disabled People
Against Cuts, the local branches of the Socialist Party and Anarchist
Federation and anti-cuts groups from Lewisham and Nuneaton. Notts SOS
are still keen to get as many people involved as possible.

Campaigners believe the Bill will open the door towards widespread
privatisation of the NHS, undermining the universal, free at the point
of need, service.

Rosemary Muge from Notts SOS said, “They are now desperately spinning
to get people on board. But make no mistake, the fact that Andrew
Lansley says his main intentions are still intact means that even with
these alterations they are leaving the way open for private companies
to take over and make profits from sickness.”

Harry Powell from the campaign said, “The ‘pause’ to allow the
government to listen’ has been followed by some changes and an
extensive PR campaign. But we should not be fooled. The ‘reforms’ are
still a very real threat to the NHS and there remains a pressing need
to kill the Bill.”


Contact: Harry Powell
Tel: 0115 8377937
Web: @nottssos

Notes for editors

1. A statement about the event with a full list of supporters can be
found on the Notts SOS website:

2. In Notttingham protesters will be assembling at Speakers’ Corner
(the Clough Statue) for a rally from 12 noon. This will be followed by
various activities around the city.

3. Notts SOS was launched on 29th September 2010. They oppose cuts to
services, job losses and cuts in benefits and aim to support workers
organisations, service users, community groups in fighting cuts in
Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire. They hope to inspire confidence
to think, meet and act. And to be inspired.


Notts Save Our Services
Twitter: @nottssos

Appeal for materials and volunteers for NHS demo banner/placard making


For the action planned on the NHS anniversary large banners and placards need to be designed and made.

We need:

– Materials such as sheets, etc. for banners, poles to hold them up and large pieces of cardboard and paper for placards.

– People to design and make these items.

If you can help by supplying materials and/or making the banners and placards then please contact Ross at

Notts SOS Newsletter no.6 – June 2011 – Save Our NHS, Hayward House success, Forests campaign, Notts Uncut, ATOS, Office Angels

The latest Notts SOS newsletter (no.6) for June 2011 covers the recent ‘Save Our NHS’ protests at the government ‘listening events’ in Nottingham and Notts, the outstanding success of the campaign to save the Hayward House Daycare unit on the City Hospital site, and update on the Sherwood Forest campaign, sustained protest in the city about corporate tax avoidance by Notts Uncut, plus action against ATOS healthcare over their medical tests and Office Angels over their treatment of temp worker. We also look ahead to our local NHS day of action on 9th July and the widespread coordinated strike action by UCU/NUT/ATL/PCS unions and maybe others on June 30th.

Read notts_sos_newsletter_no_6_june_2011 [Word Version]

Read notts_sos_newsletter_no_6_june_2011 [PDF Version]

See also: Diary Dates for May and June.