Defend ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) – meeting on 8th December

You are invited to a meeting about a cut to funding for ESOL (English for speakers of other languages).

This meeting has been called on Wednesday by UCU (Universities and Colleges Union) and NNRF (Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum). This cut to ESOL will affect both service users and teachers.

Date: Wednesday 8th December 2010
Time: 5.30pm
Place: The Square Centre, Alfred Street North, off Huntingdon Street. NG3 1AA


The government’s proposals for changing ESOL funding next academic year pose an extremely serious threat. They radically restrict the rights of many non-English speakers to publicly funded classes, and threaten the jobs of ESOL teachers.

In their new strategy for FE, the government will restrict access to public funding to students from ‘settled communities’.

Only those students ‘actively seeking work’ and receiving JSA or the new ESA (Employment and Support Allowance) would be eligible for full fee remission. Others would be subject to so-called ‘co-funding’, which in all likelihood means an increase in course fees, including for those in low-paid jobs and on Working Tax Credit or housing benefit. In addition, asylum seekers and students on Section 4 support would no longer be eligible for publicly funded language classes.

This attack on ESOL funding would undermine integration, progression and access to decent employment. It could push provision back into the margins of voluntary teaching and under-resourced community classes.

UCU and the Refugee Forum are jointly calling this organising meeting for teachers, students and others to discuss what action we can take to defend ESOL.

Everybody welcome.

Keep up the pressure on Saturday 4th December, 1pm-5pm

BREAKING NEWS: The University of Nottingham occupation is voluntarily suspended. The University management has agreed to a meeting with students and staff on Monday, for a discussion about the demands of the occupation from Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts.

The hundreds of students involved are now free to join the events in town on Saturday!

1pm: Protest tax avoiding corporations! Starts 1pm at Vodafone on Clumber Street in Nottingham City Centre. Other shops may be visited of corporations that are avoiding tax using off-shore headquarters and other dubious methods.

then stay for

2pm-5pm: Third day of action on student fees and education cuts in Nottingham on Saturday 4th December 2010, Market Square, in Nottingham City Centre.

Let’s keep up the pressure in the run up to the vote on student fees on Thursday 9th, and beyond. Elsewhere, the 4th has also been called as a general day of action against austerity, and against welfare and housing cuts. The students’ occupations and demonstrations have sparked enthusiasm and strong will such that anti-cuts activity cannot be ignored. Much more will be needed but last month has surely provided the beginning we needed.

Read the latest Notts SOS Newsletter – Issue no.2, December 2010.

Opposition to Nottingham City Council introduction of Day Centre charges and increases – Market Square protest 12.30pm, Tues 21st Dec 2010

Nottingham City Council recently introduced charges for people to attend its Day Centres, although not without there being a large campaign of opposition to this proposal. The charges have now come in and within weeks, the Council proposes to increase them from £2 to £3.50 a day. In addition, transport charges could go up from £2.60 to £4 daily, home care from £9.20 to £11.50 an hour, meals at home from £2.60 to £3.00 and there is also a proposal to scrap the maximum cap on home charges (currently £81).

Such massive increases will have a huge impact on users of these services, many of whom will have to either reduce or stop using them altogether. This in turn threatens the existance and future of these services (since one way of cutting services is to run them down and then say no one wants or needs them). There is a very short consultation period on these proposals and any responses should be sent to the City Council by 9 December 2010, to Helen Jones, Director for Adult Community Inclusion, Nottingham City Council, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham. NG2 3NG. Tel: 0115 915 5555. The City Council Executive Board will make a decision on 21 December with a view to implementation on New Years Day.

Nottingham City Unison has called a protest outside the Executive Board meeting 12.30pm on Tuesday 21 December, Old Market Square. All SOS and other community campaigner and trade unions are invited to participate.

Notts SOS Newsletter no. 2 for December 2010 – out now

We’ve produced the second of our newsletters in two-page format to make it easier to print off. We’ll also be distributing these on Notts SOS stalls. Hope you like it. Get in touch if you’d like to contribute to the next, or just send us a short article or information about your anti-cuts activities.

Read/download Notts SOS Newsletter No. 2 – Word version: nottssos_newsletter_2_dec_2010_final.doc

Read/download Notts SOS Newsletter No. 2 – PDF version: nottssos_newsletter_2_dec_2010_final.pdf

University occupation continues in Nottingham – invitation to join

Front of leaflet explaining continued occupation of Great Hall at University of Nottingham (Trent Building)

UPDATE: Occupation of Great Hall now suspended – meet 6pm instead at Portland Building. 03/11/2010.

UPDATE: Billy Bragg visited the occupation 03/11/2010.. See also:

UPDATE: Press Release Thursday evening 02/11/2010

Students from the University of Nottingham peacefully occupying the Great Hall of the Trent Building in protest against rising fees and cuts in higher education spending have been told to leave the building by 4pm today or they will be in violation of the code of conduct. However, following countless emails of solidarity, numerous donations of money, food and other supplies, and visits from professors, lecturers, teachers, school students and parents to show their support, the students have decided to peacefully continue the occupation. Website: Email: nsafac [at]

The occupation of the Great Hall in the Trent Building at University of Nottingham continues into its second day and more people are invited to get involved in the day, to stay over night or both. People are currently free to come and go. There have been meetings and lecturers speaking on various subjects. There is a quiet study area, huge meeting area and some free food. Amongst the things occupiers are asking for are stationery and art materials, films on DVD, internet (GPRS) dongles, games, more food, microwave cookers, blankets and heaters. If you are going take warm clothes and a sleeping bag plus blankets. See website ‘Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts!’: for the latest news and more about events that have taken place so far, and what is planned for the rest of the week and beyond.

Download occupation leaflet with information about daily meetings at 1pm: nottingham_university_occupation_leaflet_1_dec_2010 [PDF]


Trent Building is Building 11 on this map:

Download PCS union letter of support: [Word format] or [PDF format].

Text of statement by UCU to Vice-Chancellor:

This is a copy of the message sent earlier today to the VC

Dear Professor Greenaway,

We are aware that a group of students has occupied the Great Hall in protest over the planned increase in tuition fees and proposed cuts to HE funding. We share similar concerns about the financial cut-backs in Higher Education and urge you to engage with the students constructively and treat their concerns seriously.

Yours sincerely,
Mike Byrne
Secretary – University of Nottingham UCU
(on behalf of the local UCU committee)

Read more solidarity messages.

Original demands (to be added to, including turn the heating and internet back on!):

Students at Nottingham University have occupied The Great Hall in The Trent Building on University Park.

They say:

1. We demand that the University of Nottingham lobby the Russell Group and the government and issue a statement condemning all cuts to higher education, the EMA and the rise in tuition fees.

2. We demand that the University of Nottingham implement a complete open book policy in regards to existing budget constraints

3. We demand that the University of Nottingham ensure no redundancies for teaching, research or support staff.

4. Ensure that no victimization or repercussions for anyone participating in the occupation.

5. Allow free access in and out of the building.

Contact info:

Website ‘Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts!’:


Email: nsacaf [at]

Elsewhere in the UK ….

Occupation in Sheffield:

Watch University College London ‘dance-off video’:


Nottingham students are in occupation – University of Nottingham Great Hall – 30th November 2010 – part of another UK-wide day of action

Solidarity march in Greece for British students' actionSoldarity with student occupations - sabotage all systems of social control - poster

NEW: Press Release late evening 30/11/2010: Nottingham Students Plan to Keep Occupying University. “A General meeting, open to EVERYONE will take place 1pm tomorrow (Wednesday) at the great hall here at the uni of Nottingham! Come along!”

See also: Emergency Motion passed at UCU Special HE Sector Conference, Manchester 25/11/2010
The message announcing the occupation came on Facebook at around 12.40pm today. Nottingham is now added to the cities where students and supporters have occupied university buildings over education cuts and fee rises in the last couple of weeks. The occupation is of the Great Hall, Trent Building, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD. [Map]. Download campus map (building no. 11). See also NSAFC website: To follow on twitter: follow @nsafc

Listen to Guardian interview with one of the 150 Nottingham occupiers.

UK wide live coverage via the Guardian website: BBC news : Tuition fee protesters in ‘cat and mouse’ with police. WATCH USEFUL VIDEO about week long occupation continuing in London. USEFUL LINK to UK-wide actions: NEW: Guardian round-up of 30th Nov action [long video].
From the occupation:


Students of the University of Nottingham and their supporters are currently occupying the Great Hall to add pressure to Nottingham University management to meet the following demands:

1. We demand that the University of Nottingham lobby the Russell Group and the government and issue a statement condemning all cuts to higher education, the EMA and the rise in tuition fees.

2. We demand that the University of Nottingham implement a complete open book policy in regards to existing budget constraints.

3. We demand that the University of Nottingham ensure no redundancies for teaching, research or support staff.

4. Ensure that no victimization or repercussions for anyone participating in the occupation.

5. Allow free access in and out of the building.

Links to Facebook, website, twitter:

UK updates:

Quick updates from students around the country (and beyond!)


Thousands of students marching in London. Going down Whitehall the Police attempted to kettle them, students ran back and are now going down Oxford Street. Bus drivers honking horns in unison, chants of “Workers and Students – Unite and Fight”.

60 people have occupied Birmingham City Council Chamber

Brighton and Hove have removed staff from offices in anticipation of demonstrations.

Liverpool University roof occupied and banners hung.

ITALY – Thousands marching in Rome, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Naples, Venice, Palermo and Bari. Chanting “They block our future, we block their cities”.

Hundreds outside Vince Cable’s office in Twickenham chanting “Shame on you for turning blue”.

700 students have occupied Leeds University. Again!

Hundreds marching in Sheffield to Nick Clegg’s office chanting “Nick Clegg we know you – You’re a ——- Tory too”.

Three banks closed in Leeds anticipating occupations.

2,000 marching in Manchester. University occupation continues.

UCU and PCS union members join march in Leeds.

School and sixth form students walk out in Hardenhuish, Chippenham, more from Sheldon on their way to join.

Edinburgh march with coffins “RIP Education” on the side.

Leeds police attempt to kettle students. Students chant “Too many kettles – not enough tea!”

Several hundred marching in Bristol.

King’s College London occupied.

Plymouth University in occupation for EIGHTH day.

Mass walkouts in Cardiff.

Many hundreds protesting in Colchester.

Protest tax avoiding corporations! Starts 1pm at Vodafone on Clumber Street in Nottingham City Centre on Saturday 4th December

Vodafone tax avoidance demonstration with Won't Pay as They Go bannerNotts Save Our Services will be calling on corporations to pay their tax on Saturday 4 December. We meet at 1pm outside Vodafone on Clumber Street and will visit a few other tax avoiders after that.

This is our second demo in Nottingham about corporate tax. For info and videos of the first and other tax related articles, see:

PRESS RELEASE: [Notts SOS Tax Avoidance Day of Action Press Release] [PDF format]

Download flyer:
Tax avoiders protest nottingham 4th dec 2010

Background: VODAPHONE – Taxman let Vodafone off £6bn bill. Private Eye investigation: Vodafone – don’t pay as you go and Vodafone-a-friend at HMRC . ARCADIA GROUP including TOPSHOP, DOROTHY PERKINS & MISS SELFRIDGE: Philip Green to be target of corporate tax avoidance protest and Topshop chief Sir Philip Green to conduct review of coalition spending cuts.

Text of flyer:

Avoiding tax is big business. British corporations avoid up to £25 billion a year in tax, with major offenders including Vodafone (owes £6 billion); Boots (paid £0 in tax last year); and Top Shop, where boss Philip Green has signed ownership of his company over to his wife in the tax haven of Monte Carlo. He now pays no tax in Britain .

Tax-avoiding corporations cost the government billions each year, money that could be used to invest in services and protect jobs. Instead, HMRC are writing off tax bills for the richest in our society, whilst sending bills to pensioners, workers and others who they claim owe thousands due to their miscalculations.

Notts Save Our Services will be joining a national day of action against tax-avoiding corporations, starting from Vodafone in Clumber Street and visiting other tax-avoiders along the way.

Tell the corporations: it’s time to pay tax!

Join us on Saturday 4 December at 1pm outside

Vodafone. Bring your banners, placards, whistles. Tweet the demo: #ukuncut

Third day of action on student fees and education cuts in Nottingham on Saturday 4th December 2010, 2-5pm

Nick Clegg's pre-election student fees pledge, now brokenAs you will have seen elsewhere on our website, anti-fees/cuts action is being taken by Nottingham students and staff at both Nottingham Trent University and University of Nottingham today (now supported by UCU and NUS locally), and a Third Day of Action Against Cuts to Education has been called already to take place in the Market Square, Nottingham city centre, on Saturday, December 4 from 2:00pm – 5:00pm.

Facebook: Official Nottinghamshire Protest against the cuts to education

NOTE: This was originally advertised for Sunday, but it has been brought forward a day and the time is now 2pm, so people can start at the Vodafone demo at 1pm, then continue in the Square.

The organisers are keen that this is not only involving students but all who will be affected by the education cuts and fees increases and encourage creative methods of protest,

“The student occupations at Edinburgh, Newcastle, Cambridge and UCL universities, and the Royal Holloway Against Cuts group have all voted to call for a day of local demonstrations across the UK against cuts in education.

The decision was taken to hold this third national day of action on a Sunday so that parents, younger students, trade unionists and other supporters of the campaign who aren’t able to join us on the walkouts can take part.

We need to draw in all the other groups who are fighting against cuts, and who want to support our fight to save education and defend EMA.

In Nottingham we are holding a rally in the city centre, for everyone affected by the cuts to the public sector. This isn’t just for university students, it’s also for teachers, staff, lecturers, college students, secondary school pupils, primary school pupils, parents, workers in the public sector, trade unionists.

Help spread the word- invite your friends to this event on facebook, print off some leaflets to hand out at your school/college/workplace.

ALSO! Keep in mind, a national day of action does not just have to be just marches and speeches organised by a few people. Get together with people you know and plan something creative/devious/disruptive/fun/progressive/meaningful.”

Come to Notts SOS planning meeting – Monday 29th November at 7.30pm. Plus Notts Cuts Watch #7.

Notts SOS campaigners meet each week in Nottingham to share information and to discuss and organise anti-cuts activities. Groups and inidividuals who are fighting cuts to services are welcome to participate in these meetings. Venue details are on our contacts page.

Forthcoming events include continued action against student fees on Tuesday 30th November, a second demonstration outside Vodafone in December and a Notts SOS conference in January. We will also discuss holding a joint stall with Nottingham CND who are campaigning to scrap Trident 2.

Read a round-up of last weeks cuts and anti-cuts news: Notts Cuts Watch #7 on Nottingham Indymedia.

“The Student Revolt is ON!” in Nottingham – get info via website, facebook, twitter & email

Nottingham Trent University anti-fees action 30th November 2010
Nottingham Trent University anti-fees action 30th November 2010

University of Nottingham anti-fees action 30th November 2010
University of Nottingham anti-fees action 30th November 2010

After successful protests last week, the new campaign Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts invites students and staff to get involved on Tuesday 30th November saying,

All out for next Tuesday!
As we are sure you are all aware there has been action up and down the country this week against the government’s shameless attack on our education.

At University of Nottingham urgent action is needed to co-ordinate the campaign – a big rally on campus is one thing – but walkouts and rallies at local schools, colleges and at Trent Uni too is what is going to make this a fight we can win!

University of Nottingham – Time: Tuesday, November 30 · 11:30am. Location: Portland Building steps, Students’ Union, University of Nottingham.

Also at Nottingham Trent University – Meet 12 noon, Students’ Union, Byron House, Shakespeare St. for a march.

Here is how you can help:
1. Invite all your friends to the Facebook event page, and tell everyone you know about the protest (outside of Facebook too)!
2. Join us flyering – from 11:30 Friday & Monday outside the Portland building (near the cash points).
3. Pick up posters from us & put them up in your halls/local shops etc.
4. Encourage all the education workers – academics, admin, cleaners and even security to join us and take action!
5. If you are not at Nottingham Uni but want to co-ordinate some action – get in touch!

Website ‘Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts!’:



Email: nsacaf [at]

Flyer/Poster PDF: action_fees_cuts_30_nov_2010.pdf