PRESS RELEASE – Notts SOS ‘Combating the Cuts: Planning for Action’ conference on Saturday 15th January 2011




The anti-public spending cuts campaign, Notts Save Our Services, is holding a one day event on Saturday, 15th. January at Dunkirk and Old Lenton Community Centre. We are bringing together a wide range of providers and users of vital services. The aim is to develop effective, challenging ways of opposing and obstructing the Coalition Government’s assault upon both the public and voluntary sectors.

Brainstorming groups will focus on areas such as local government, education, benefits/pensions, health services, military spending, etc.. The conference runs from 10.30 to 16.00 with food and refreshments available. All opponents of the public spending cuts are welcome and further details are available on our website

For more information contact Ross Longhurst on 0115 837 7937.

Additional info for participants – please follow this link:

Notts Cuts Watch #12 and Diary Dates for weeks beginning 10th & 17th Jan 2011

New year, new cuts. After an unplanned two week break, Notts Cuts Watch is back with a rundown of the cuts and resistance in Nottinghamshire since Christmas. Read Notts Cuts Watch #12 (covering last week Jan 3th-9th 2011):

Here are forthcoming events this week and next – follow links for details:

Monday 10th Jan – the first Notts SOS meeting of the year, at the ICC/YMCA. All welcome. Full venue details.

Tuesday 11th Jan – Nottingham protest against the cut of Educational Support Allowance.

Tuesday 11th Jan – Anarchists Against the Cuts meeting.

Saturday 15th Jan – COMBATING THE CUTS: PLANNING FOR ACTION! – come to the first Notts SOS conference & get involved!

Tuesday 18th January – Mansfield Notts SOS group next meets at 7pm on Tuesday 18th January at the Gas Club, off Lime Tree Place (At the bottom of Ratcliffe Gate). Mansfield Group of Notts SOS are planning a demonstration against the cuts in Mansfield in Mid February – more information soon. Come along if you want to help organise and build for a demo in Mansfield to fight the cuts.

Thursday 20th Jan – Beeston & Chilwell Defend Library Services meeting.

Thursday 20th Jan – Save Gedling School – Phoenix pub at 6.30. The fight to save Gedling school continues.

Thursday 20th Jan – Racism, Cuts and the Right – Nottingham Unity meeting.

Collective action can stop these cuts – Notts SOS member speaks on The Guardian’s ‘comment is free’

A member of Notts SOS has written the latest article in The Guardian’s The cuts get personal section.

Rosemary Muge, Tuesday 21 December 2010 12.30pm:

Our group in Nottingham has a genuine belief the cuts could be stopped if sufficient protest was amassed locally and nationally …

Read Rosemary’s full article at:

The article concludes:

Our group has a genuine belief that the cuts could be stopped if sufficient protest was amassed locally and nationally. I would like to believe this, and am certainly prepared to act as though I believe it and move towards that end. But sometimes you just have to fight for things even if you don’t think you’ll get them. My own pragmatic and more realistic hope is that during what is to come in the next few years, sufficient noise will be made by groups like ours for people to realise what is going on: that this is a bad and unfair way to run things – and that we are not all in this together.

Capitalism – as it has evolved by the 21st century – has caused this. There could be better ways of controlling and regulating it if only there was a party with the will and the ability to do it, and a people sufficiently engaged and aware to vote them into power.

Want to get involved? Come to the Notts SOS conference on 15th January 2001. Our first meeting of the New Year is on Monday 10 January 2011 at 7.30pm in the ICC/YMCA. See for venue information and how to contact us.

Collective action can stop these cuts – Notts SOS member speaks on The Guardian’s ‘comment is free’

A member of Notts SOS has written the latest article in The Guardian’s The cuts get personal section.

Rosemary Muge, Tuesday 21 December 2010 12.30pm:

Our group in Nottingham has a genuine belief the cuts could be stopped if sufficient protest was amassed locally and nationally …

Read Rosemary’s full article at:

The article concludes:

Our group has a genuine belief that the cuts could be stopped if sufficient protest was amassed locally and nationally. I would like to believe this, and am certainly prepared to act as though I believe it and move towards that end. But sometimes you just have to fight for things even if you don’t think you’ll get them. My own pragmatic and more realistic hope is that during what is to come in the next few years, sufficient noise will be made by groups like ours for people to realise what is going on: that this is a bad and unfair way to run things – and that we are not all in this together.

Capitalism – as it has evolved by the 21st century – has caused this. There could be better ways of controlling and regulating it if only there was a party with the will and the ability to do it, and a people sufficiently engaged and aware to vote them into power.

Want to get involved? Come to the Notts SOS conference on 15th January 2001. Our first meeting of the New Year is on Monday 10 January 2011 at 7.30pm in the ICC/YMCA. See for venue information and how to contact us.

Planning meeting to launch ‘Nottingham Solidarity Network’ – Forest Fields and Hyson Green area – Tuesday 21st December 2010

An initiative has come out of Anarchists Against the Cuts to form a network aimed at fighting cuts and fostering community action in Forest Fields and Hyson Green and hopefully across Nottingham:

The Nottingham Solidarity Network will be forming soon! We are currently a group of community activists in the Forest Fields and Hyson Green area who want to form a network of local groups across the city. The aim of this network would be to support each other and show solidarity with one another. We are committed to local community ownership of our own resources, where people genuinely take back decision making for themselves. We have no party political agenda or time for the authorities.

There will be a meeting to decide how the network will take shape at the Sumac Centre on Tue 21st Dec, 7pm.

Article continues on Notts Indymedia:

See also: Nottingham Against Austerity

Reminder – earlier in day on 21st at 12.30 there will be a protest in the Market Square against City Council care charges:

COMBATING THE CUTS: PLANNING FOR ACTION! – 15th Jan 2011 – come to the first Notts SOS conference & get involved! Agenda announced

Anti cuts march and demo in nottingham november 2010
Anti-cuts march and demo in nottingham, Nov 2010

Come to the first Notts SOS conference COMBATING THE CUTS: PLANNING FOR ACTION! – our major event to kick off anti-cuts action in 2011!

Download Agenda: [Word] [PDF]

Venue: The Old School, Montpelier Road, Dunkirk, Nottingham, NG7 2JW. [Map, with arrow showing venue on Dunkirk Roundabout]. Buses: Indigo 5 or NCT 13.

Time/Date.: 10:30 am until 4:00 pm on Saturday 15th January 2011

Please fill in form below and email it to nottssos [at] to indicate attendence to help us with numbers etc.
Our event is also listed on Facebook – you can indicate attendence there but please email completed form too, please.

Across the UK, groups have sprung up in opposition to the cuts being imposed by the Coalition Government – with students, protesting against the trebling of fees, taking the lead. Locally Notts Save Our Services (Notts SOS) has organised a public meeting, a demonstration attracting more than 1,000 people and a number of smaller actions. Students have rallied at both local universities and occupied the Great Hall at University of Nottingham.

But it is not enough to simply protest against the cuts, even in vast numbers. This is one of the key lessons from the movement against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. If we want to win, we need a strategy. Notts SOS have some ideas about what this might involve, but we don’t pretend to have all the answers. It is with this in mind that we are organising the Combating the Cuts event on Saturday, 15th. January 2011.

We hope to bring together as many people as possible to come up with ideas for campaigning around the different lines of attack on our communities and then try and build these into a coherent strategy. For this to work, we need participation to be as wide as possible: activists, service users, public sector workers, trade unionists, the unemployed and others. We need your ideas to carry the fight-back forward.

So get in touch with us to let us know that you will be participating. Also tell people you know about this important event.

Find out further details by emailing nottssos [at] or by phoning 0115 837 7937. Disabled access and facilities. Drinks and food will be available. If you need a creche please email rosemarymuge [at] expressing your interest and we may be able to book one.

To help us with numbers please email Notts Save Our Services at: nottssos [at]

I am interested in participating in the Combating the Cuts Event and I would like to receive further details:





See you there. Together we can do it!

Notts SOS on ITV as massive cuts in local authority budgets are announced

Notts SOS Newsletter no. 2 for December 2010 – out now

We’ve produced the second of our newsletters in two-page format to make it easier to print off. We’ll also be distributing these on Notts SOS stalls. Hope you like it. Get in touch if you’d like to contribute to the next, or just send us a short article or information about your anti-cuts activities.

Read/download Notts SOS Newsletter No. 2 – Word version: nottssos_newsletter_2_dec_2010_final.doc

Read/download Notts SOS Newsletter No. 2 – PDF version: nottssos_newsletter_2_dec_2010_final.pdf

Come to Notts SOS planning meeting – Monday 29th November at 7.30pm. Plus Notts Cuts Watch #7.

Notts SOS campaigners meet each week in Nottingham to share information and to discuss and organise anti-cuts activities. Groups and inidividuals who are fighting cuts to services are welcome to participate in these meetings. Venue details are on our contacts page.

Forthcoming events include continued action against student fees on Tuesday 30th November, a second demonstration outside Vodafone in December and a Notts SOS conference in January. We will also discuss holding a joint stall with Nottingham CND who are campaigning to scrap Trident 2.

Read a round-up of last weeks cuts and anti-cuts news: Notts Cuts Watch #7 on Nottingham Indymedia.