Nottingham City Council budget cuts protest rally on Monday 9th March 2015, 1pm

For Immediate release
Scrap the Bedroom Tax Defend Council Tax Benefit Nottingham: Cathy Meadows 07913476905

Local Group rallies against Nottingham City Council budget cuts in Nottingham Market Square on Monday 9 March 1pm

A campaign group is rallying outside Nottingham City Council’s budget meeting at the Council House at 1pm on Monday 9 March. The group want to protest against :

  • proposed increase to council tax
  • cuts to advice services
  • unspecified cuts to leisure services which could mean cuts to library services including shorter opening hours, fewer staff and increased for computer use at libraries
  • lack of detail in budget proposals during the consultation period (see above)
  • failure of the City Council to publicise Bedroom Tax refund available to all social housing tenants in the City who were overcharged under to the Consequential Provision Regulations (CPR) 2006.

The group which campaigns against the bedroom tax and cuts to council tax benefit say that people hit by the bedroom tax and those receiving council tax support are having to use money meant for food, fuel and bills to try and make up shortfalls in council tax benefit and housing benefit – This is causing extreme hardship, debt and stress made worse by the threat of pursuit by Nottingham City Council . On top of that services which support people with debt, and court cases are being cut.

See also:

Events tomorrow and during the month of May – including May Day and forthcoming strikes

Diary dates for May

Reminder: Notts SOS Meeting tonight, 30th April, Nottinghamshire YMCA (International Community Centre), 61b Mansfield Road NG1 3FN, 7.30-9pm.

Tuesday 1st May – MAY DAY MAY DAY Organising Against Austerity – meeting hosted by the Anarchist Federation at the New Mechanics Institute, 3 North Sherwood St. Nottingham, NG1 4EZ. 7.00-9.00pm. Details:

Wednesday 2nd May – Notts-KONP (Keep Our NHS Public) Branch Meeting Friends Meeting House, 25 Clarendon Street Nottingham NG1 5JD, 7:30pm.

Thursday 3rd May – Notts Uncut planning meeting –
The Stage, 7a Wollaton St, Nottingham, NG1 5FW, 7pm.

Saturday 5th May – Nottingham May Day march and rally organised by Nottingham and Mansfield Trades Council – 10am from Forest Recreation Ground to Nottingham Market Square for rally with speakers. Details:

Monday 7th May – Chesterfield May Day march. Details:

Thursday 10th May – PCS, UCU and Unite health are striking over pensions. PCS town committee are inviting speakers from associated groups to a strike rally.–all-out/. For NHS Pensions Industrial Action Thursday May 10 assemble 10:30am QMC – Rally from 12:00pm Market Square, supporting members of UNITE Health, PCS and UCU who are striking in response to the attacks on the public sector pensions on Thursday. Look out for the NOTTS-KONP banner at the Queens Medical Centre Main Gate and join us – we will move to the Market Square for a rally from 12:00pm. See also, previous industrial action round=up from April:

Thursday 10th May – Nottingham Solidarity Network meeting, Sumac Centre, Nottingham, 7pm – Details: Followed by Autonomous Nottingham meeting at 8pm.

Thursday 10th May – Mansfield Meeting on NHS Changes, hosted by Manfield SOS – A public meeting is to be held in Mansfield on the topic of the changes to the National Health Service and what can be done to protect it from new threats. Starts 7.30pm at the Quakers Friends Meeting House next to the Civic Centre car park entrance in Mansfield.

Saturday 12th May – Notts Uncut Skillshare Workshop, The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields, Nottingham, NG7 6HX, 10am – Details:

Monday 14th May – Cancelled – Notts SOS regular forthnightly meeting will not take place today. The next meeting will be 28th May.

Thursday 24th May – Nottingham Solidarity Network meeting, Sumac Centre, 7pm – Details:

Saturday 26th May – Notts Uncut Great British Street Party, Nottingham City Centre, venue to be confirmed. See Facebook event page:!/events/340821982647541/

Monday 28th May – Notts SOS regular forthnightly meeting, Nottinghamshire YMCA (International Community Centre), 61b Mansfield Road NG1 3FN, 7.30-9pm.

More events and meetings:

Notts SOS campaigners condemn government of “haves/have yachts”

Notts Save Our Services

PRESS RELEASE: January 17th, 2012

Anti-cuts campaigners condemn government of “haves and have yachts”

Nottinghamshire Save Our Services (Notts SOS) have condemned Education Secretary Michael Gove’s suggestion that a new royal yacht be gifted to the Queen to mark the diamond jubilee.

Gove made the suggestion in a confidential letter sent to Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary and minister overseeing the celebrations, and to the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg.

In 2007, when the Royal Yacht Britannia was decommissioned, the cost of a new yacht was estimated at £60m.

Downing Street has been quick to insist there will be no government money for the project, despite the suggestion in Gove’s original letter, that might be a possibility. It appears that the key source of funding will be millionaires and corporate sponsors.

The government apparently feels it cannot tax these organisation and individuals to fund public services, but is happy to ask for sizeable donations for a new royal yacht. Whether public money or not, campaigners believe that this is a kick in the teeth to those affected by the vicious cuts imposed by the coalition government.

Rather than directing money to help those afflicted by their policies, the coalition would rather fritter it away on an oversized bath toy for one of the richest people in the country.

Brian Hocknull from Notts SOS said, “We keep being told that there’s no money, which is why services have to be cut. But apparently there’s money enough for the Royal Wedding; money for tax breaks for Philip Green, Vodafone and Goldman Sachs; money for wars in Libya and Afghanistan; money to turn London into a police state during the Olympics; and money for a new royal yacht. It seems the only thing there isn’t money for is ordinary people.”

“So much for all being in it together. My local Authority has had its central government funding cut by at least 28% over 4 years which will lead to decimation of services and privatisation of many remaining ones – both resulting in many redundancies” said Richard Buckwell, Ashfield UNISON’s branch secretary.

“My members also face pay cuts over 4 years, and the government is in the process of stealing £900 million from our pension funds – will this be going to fund a new royal yacht? We should be told”

Claire Taylor from Notts SOS added, “The reality of the government’s so-called austerity drive is that it those at the top are shielded from it. Public sector workers see their pensions under attack and their jobs at risk; disabled people fear being forced off benefits by welfare privateers such as Atos; and unemployed people are expected to work without pay under the Work Programme.

“Meanwhile the rich keep getting richer. Despite a stagnating economy, the number of millionaires in the UK rose by 17% from 2008-11. Bankers continue to rake in massive bonuses. FTSE 100 directors have seen their total earning rise almost 75% since the 2009 recession. We are very definitely not all in this together. This is a government defending the interests of the haves and have yachts.”


Notts SOS was launched in September 2010. They oppose cuts to services, job losses and cuts in benefits and aim to support workers organisations, service users, community groups in fighting cuts in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire. They hope to inspire confidence to think, meet and act. And to be inspired.


Notts SOS website:

Notts SOS Twitter feed:

Notts SOS feed:

Contact email: nottssos [at]

Notts SOS Newsletter no.6 – June 2011 – Save Our NHS, Hayward House success, Forests campaign, Notts Uncut, ATOS, Office Angels

The latest Notts SOS newsletter (no.6) for June 2011 covers the recent ‘Save Our NHS’ protests at the government ‘listening events’ in Nottingham and Notts, the outstanding success of the campaign to save the Hayward House Daycare unit on the City Hospital site, and update on the Sherwood Forest campaign, sustained protest in the city about corporate tax avoidance by Notts Uncut, plus action against ATOS healthcare over their medical tests and Office Angels over their treatment of temp worker. We also look ahead to our local NHS day of action on 9th July and the widespread coordinated strike action by UCU/NUT/ATL/PCS unions and maybe others on June 30th.

Read notts_sos_newsletter_no_6_june_2011 [Word Version]

Read notts_sos_newsletter_no_6_june_2011 [PDF Version]

See also: Diary Dates for May and June.

Nottingham anti-cuts diary dates in May and June 2011 – more being added so keep looking for updates!

picture of a diary to add the following anti-cuts dates toHere are anti-cuts events coming up. Also take a look on the right for more details of Forthcoming Events, Comments and Twitter feed columns for more info, reports and comments. Join Notts SOS Facebook group at or follow us on Twitter!/NottsSOS

Anti-cuts diary dates in May and June 2011

Monday 16th. Save Hayward House Daycare Campaign Meeting. Carlton Fire Station, 7pm. Details:

Opposing the NHS Reform Bill in Edwinstowe 17/05/2011
Opposing the NHS Reform Bill in Edwinstowe 17/05/2011

Tuesday, 17th May. NHS Healthcare Reform ‘listening’ event at Edwinstowe – 6pm to 8pm at South Forest Conference Centre, Edwinstowe, Mansfield, NG21 9JF. Details:

Wednesday 18th May. Notts SOS stall and leafleting picket outside the local NHS “Listening” event to raise concerns about the Health and Social Care Bill. Belgrave Rooms, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham Wednesday 18th May, 5.30pm. To go inside you’ll need to book a place in advance through Katie Ford, Personal Secretary Communications & Engagement (NHS Notts Primary Care Trust) Tel: 01623 673333. Internal: 43333. E-mail:

Saturday 21th May. Visit (and/or help with) Notts SOS health campaigning stall from 12-2pm in Market Square, Nottingham. There also will be an opportunity to sign a ‘Keep the NHS public’ petition.

Sunday 22nd May, Green Festival, Arboretum, Nottingham, 12 noon to 6 pm. Visit Notts SOS stall.

Monday 23rd May. Notts SOS Planning meeting. Regular fortnightly meeting at the International Community Centre, Mansfield Road, Nottingham. 7.30pm until 9pm.

Friday 27th May. ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) students are handing over their massive petition against hikes in their course fees to Lilian Greenwood MP this Friday at 3pm. Please go down and show your support. The fee increases mean that 84% of those currently learning English (including many refugees and asylum seekers) will not be able to carry on with classes from September. TIME AND PLACE – 3pm at Lilian Greenwood’s Office, 12 Regent Street, Nottingham, NG1 5BQ.
Saturday 28th May. This is a callout from UK Uncut for a national day of action, this time focussing on NHs reforms. Nottingham Uncut are Meeting outside Parliament Street Boots at 12 noon. Details: See also Facebook event page: Notts Uncut Emergency Operation.

Tuesday 31st May. Spanish ‘Real Democracy’ meeting. Meet Victoria Centre Clock Tower to go to the meeting venue.

Saturday 4th June. Visit (and/or help with) Notts SOS health campaigning stall from 12-2pm in Market Square, Nottingham.

Monday 6th June. Notts SOS Planning meeting. Regular fortnightly meeting at the International Community Centre, Mansfield Road, Nottingham. 7.30pm until 9pm.

Tuesday 7th June. Rally at Gedling School to oppose the closure. Open invitation. 5.30-6.30pm. Details:

Tuesday 14th June. The proposed closure of Hayward House daycare has now to be examined by the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee of Nottingham and Notts. The meeting at which HH will be on the agenda starts 10.15am in room LB41, Loxley House (Nottingham City Council, near side entrance of Nottingham station, Station Street). Written submissions (please make one) are needed by 23rd May. Details:

Monday 20th June. Notts SOS Planning meeting. Regular fortnightly meeting at the International Community Centre, Mansfield Road, Nottingham. 7.30pm until 9pm.

Thursday 30th June – Coordinated strike action by NUT/UCU/ATL/PCS unions and support activities. March, Market Square demonstration and conference (Albert Hall), all in Nottingham. Coaches from Notts. Details forthcoming.

Notts SOS meeting tonight – 9th May 2011

Notts SOS continues its campaign against all cuts in Nottingham and Notts. Join our planning meeting tonight (Monday 9th May 2011) at 7.30pm at the YMCA International Community Centre on Mansfield Road. Meetings are every two weeks and usually last around an hour and a half. We are compiling a more comprehensive list of cuts and threats to services to help build the bigger picture locally and to spur action, so please help. And there is plenty more to get involved with between meetings (next one after this is the 23rd)!

Meet Notts SOS activists on Nottingham’s “Mayday 2011” – Saturday April 30th

Meeting some of the many people involved with Notts Save Our Services and getting involved with anti-cuts activity in Nottingham and Notts couldn’t be easier. Just come down to the Mayday International Workers’ Day event in Victoria Park, Sneinton on Saturday 30th April. Download flyer here or view below. Assemble in Victoria Park, Bath Street, near the Victoria Leisure Centre at 11 am. The march will leave the Park at 12 for Speaker’s Corner (Clough statue). Then we return to Victoria Park for music, stalls, speakers, BEER TENT and much more – staying there until mid-afternoon.

Mayday is a celebration of the struggle for change which workers are engaged in all over the world. The courage shown by the peoples of Tunisia and Egypt in removing vicious, money-grubbing dictators is truly uplifting. In taking to the streets and banding together to defend their homes against Mubarak’s hired looters, the Egyptian people have tasted freedom after 1000s of years of autocratic rule. In paying tribute to the young people who turned out in force to protect the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, its director called for “a vision where a people’s greatness is measured by the quality of the lives of their poorest citizens not by the size of their armies or the scale of their buildings.” While we watch Egypt hopefully in the coming months, we can all think of other countries run by a load of millionaire toffs, helped out by an unaccountable, sometimes thuggish, police force. Sound familiar? While Barclays announce colossal profits, old people are facing having to pay for their care. How does the UK treat its poorest citizens? JOIN IN THE FIGHT BACK.

Notts SOS Newsletter no.5 – May 2011 – Save our NHS, Hayward House Daycare, TUC demo

The latest Notts SOS newsletter for Mayday and beyond (no.5) covers the recent ‘Save our NHS: Kill the Bill’ meeting, a new campaign to stop closure of Hayward House Daycare on the City Hospital site, and a report from the 26th March TUC demo, looking ahead to what will hopefully be coordinated strike action on June 30th.

Download Word version of Newsletter #5 or Download PDF version of newsletter #5.

Forthcoming events mentioned in the newsletter include Mayday on 30th April and the Green Festival coming up later in May. Also don’t forget the Mayday social next week: Thursday 28th April MayDay Social, Polish Eagle Club, 2 Sherwood Rise, Nottingham NG7 6JN, 7.30 pm to late.

Also : Download Nottingham Mayday 2011 flyer.

Nottingham anti-cuts diary dates in April 2011 – more added so keep looking for updates!

picture of a diary to add the following anti-cuts dates toHere are anti-cuts events coming up. Also take a look on the right for more details of Forthcoming Events, Comments and Twitter feed columns for more info, reports and comments. Join Notts SOS Facebook at

As you will see a big feature of this month’s activities is opposition to NHS ‘reform’ AKA privatisation.

Anti-cuts diary dates in April 2011

Friday 1st April Unison demonstration ‘Stand up for the NHS’ at Standard Court PCT offices. Report now out: Held as part of the ‘All Together for the NHS Day’.

Saturday 9th April Notts Uncut have planned another action in Notttingham city centre, meeting outside Miss Selfridge on Clumber St at 10.45 am for a 11.00 am start. Target to be announced on the day. The theme is NHS reforms so bring any placards etc relating to the Health and Social Care bill and if you can bring any hospital type props (gowns, scrubs, crutches, bandages etc) that would be fantastic. Please see info about this local action on UK Uncut website and the facebook event page. There is also now a Notts Uncut website at and a newsletter, No.1 April 2011: [Word version] [PDF version]

Monday 11th April Fortnightly Notts SOS planning meeting, at the YMCA International Community Centre, Mansfield Road from 7.30 pm until 9 pm. All welcome.

Wednesday 13th April Nottingham and Mansfield Trades Council organised public debate between Jon Collins, County Councillor Alan Rhodes, and a Trade Union official at The Djanogly Lecture Theatre, Nottingham Trent University, Shakespeare Street off Clarendon Road, starts 7.30 pm.

Thursday 14th April 3rd National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts. UK wide. Local action to be confirmed. Also on Facebook:

Tuesday 19th April ADMINISTRATE THIS! TENT CITY AND MARCH AT THE AUA CONFERENCE 19th of April 2011 UNIVERSITY PARK (MAIN) CAMPUS, NOTTINGHAM. Nottingham students are organising a vigourous response to the 18th to 20th Association of University Administrators meeting in Nottingham the future of Higher Education in the UK will be discussed by top managers from all over the country. As the government’s plans to lift the cap on tuition fees to £9000 is exploited by a cartel of administrations to monopolise high-end university education, the minister for universities, David Willetts, keynote speaker at the AUA conference, reassures us that the cuts in funding and the raises in fees will be ‘progressive’. as part of the action there will be a march on the Nottingham University main campus on the 19th and the tent city camp will last 2 days. More details: Open invitiation to participate. Facebook event page here:

Wednesday 20th April Second day of the tent city on Nottingham University main campus during the Association of University Administrators conference. The camp will last from the 19th-20th and hold workshops and discussions with activists and academics on the topics including: Anti-Oppression, Gender and The Cuts, Zombie Universities, Protest Tactics, Strategies, and Direct Action, Capitalism and Beyond. There will also be food, a kids space, music, performance, and art! See above (19th April) for details. Open invitiation to participate.

Thursday 21st April Save Our NHS – Kill the Bill– Notts SOS (health group) are hosting a public meeting about the Health and Social Care Reform Bill in conjunction with Keep Our NHS Public, 38 degrees and HIYE, at The Nottingham Mechanics, 3 North Sherwood Street, Nottingham, NG1 4EZ. Starts 7.30 pm.

Monday 25th Tuesday 26th April Fortnightly Notts SOS planning meeting, at the YMCA International Community Centre, Mansfield Road from 7.30 pm until 9 pm. All welcome. Moved from Monday to Tuesday due to the bank holiday.

Thursday 28th April MayDay Social, Polish Eagle Club, 2 Sherwood Rise, Nottingham NG7 6JN, 7.30 pm to late.

Saturday 30th April Mayday festival and march, Victoria Park, Sneinton, 11 am to 6 pm. March to City Centre and back to the park starts 12 noon.

Advance notice for May: Sunday 22nd May, Green Festival, Arboretum, 12 noon to 6 pm.