Notts Cuts Watch #8 (29th Nov-5th Dec 2010) plus events for week beginning Monday 6th December 2010

Notts Cuts Watch #8 (29th Nov-5th Dec 2010) – this is the latest installment of the excellent Notts Cuts Watch which is a round up of the previous week’s cuts and anti-cuts news courtesy of Nottingham Indymedia. See It also includes a list of forthcoming events for this week. These events are also listed below, plus details of some of these events and more dates specific to education activity are mentioned on the Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts website.

The news this week has been dominated by snow which has rendered the north of the Nottinghamshire and much of the country almost inaccessible. But a little frozen water isn’t going to stop the important business of cutting private services and there’s no shortage of material for this week’s Notts Cuts Watch. All of it brought to you in a new, shorter format which is hopefully easier to use and more interesting .

You are also invited to submit additional news stories by emailing a special Notts SOS email address: nottssos+watch [at]


The following is a run-down of the anti-cuts events happening over the next week (thanks to Notts Cuts Watch compiler).

  • Monday 6th December, 2.30pm. Rally outside the Great Hall in conjunction the Vice Chancellor meeting that the occupation successfully negotiated.
  • Monday 6th December, 3.30pm all students are invited to join an open forum discussion with the Vice Chancellor over the raise in tuition fees and cuts to the university, which is taking place in the Great Hall. All students are allowed to come, even if you weren’t in the occupation; even if you’re unsure about your position.
  • Monday 6th December, 6.15pm, Bakersfield Community Centre, Sneinton. At this Nottingham City Council “We Asked, You Said” event, the council will tell us the results of a recent survey sent out in the arrow about which services should be cut, Sneinton Against the Cuts are urging people to come along and “make your voice heard!”
  • Tuesday 7th December, 7.30pm,The 3rd meeting of the Nottingham ‘Anarchists Against the Cuts‘ non-group will take place at the Sparrows Nest.
  • Wednesday 8th December, protest against Nick Clegg in Sheffield. University of Nottingham Students’ Union are putting on coaches, leaving the university at 10am. It isn’t clear if this is open to non-students.
  • Wednesday 8th December, Defend ESOL: a meeting about a cut to funding for ESOL (English for speakers of other language), called by UCU (Universities and Colleges Union) and NNRF (Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum). This cut to ESOL will affect both service users and teachers.
  • Thursday 9th December, MP’s will vote in the commons to raise tuition fees. NSACF have organised coaches to take students, staff and supporters down to London for the National Day of Action. The suggested donation for the coach is £5, but whatever you can afford. If you are interested, email: nsafac [at] with your name. Coach leaves 9am from Portland Building steps, University of Nottingham.

Continue reading:

Education, Education, Education – university fees and Gedling school protests in Nottingham on Wed/Thurs

NEW: What happened in Nottingham on the 24th? [report with links to photos and midlands TV coverage]

NEW (from London demo): Mounted Police charge protesters at Whitehall 24 November :
Commentary on Guardian website: Student protests: video shows mounted police charging London crowdMet police issue denial but witnesses tell of terrifying ordeal.

24 November: National Walkout against Student Fees and Cuts. In our region, so far there are walkouts being advertised in Leicester, Lincoln and Loughborough and Nottingham.
University of Nottingham action confirmed for Wed 24th is as follows: Rally at 2pm on Portland Building steps [view campus map – PDF]. Download Teach-in Leaflet. Then meeting at University of Nottingham, 4PM, ROOM D138 PORTLAND BUILDING, NOTTINGHAM UNI to join students and staff in open discussion. Speakers from University and College Union (UCU), Notts Save Our Services + Many more TBC. Info: 07849392842.

25 November: WE ARE ONE ‘Night of Light’ demonstration in Gedling to protest at the government closure of Gedling School – meet 5:30pm in the Phoenix pub car park [directions here]. Bring Glo sticks, torches … anything bright. Call Dale Vizzard for details: 07833762387. All welcome. Support from NUT:

Save Gedling School campaign on the Notts SOS march in Nottingham, 20th November 2010, with banner
Save Gedling School campaign on the Notts SOS march in Nottingham, 20th November 2010


The campaign to save Gedling School and Specialist Science College from possible closure is organising a ‘night of lights’ evening demonstration this week. The event will demonstrate the widespread community support for the school.

The campaign began when Nottinghamshire council officers indicated they were minded to recommend the closure of Gedling School, with a decision to be taken by the council’s cabinet members on December 15.

Gedling is a popular and friendly school that excels in many areas – in 2009 it achieved the best science results in the whole of Nottinghamshire. Since the possibility of closure has been publicised there has been an upsurge of support for the school across community and party lines. In a meeting on Monday afternoon both Conservative and Labour Gedling District councillors told Nottinghamshire officials that their plans were based on incorrect statistics and muddled thinking.

The event will begin on Thursday November 25 at 5.30pm. Supporters are asked to assemble at the Phoenix Pub (on Wollaton Avenue. Nottingham NG4 4HU), before marching down Wollaton Avenue to a campaign rally that will take place within the grounds of the school. Bring torches,
glo sticks….anything bright!

Chair of the campaign committee, and parent governor, Caroline Diss, said:

“Any possible withdrawal of our local school, with its specialism and outstanding results in science, and which is at the heart of the local community, would represent a blow to any notion of parental choice.
There are no places in neighbouring schools that perform well in the area leaving the only alternative option for Gedling parents a school that is in special measures.

“We know that no member of the cabinet would want that for their children. They have the power to stop this nightmare scenario happening to ours We implore them to reject the local authority’s recommendation to consult on closure of Gedling School”

Terry Chambers, Head of Year 9, said: “We feel it was important to show the strength of feeling, not only from the pupils but also the parents, the staff, ex-pupils and the whole community against the closure of our school. Any closure would have a devastating effect on the whole community. It seems crucial decisions of this kind are based on spurious data and statistics when the reality is that they will be
destroying the future of so many people.”

Save Gedling School:
Save Gedling School (campaign supporters network):
Save Gedling School Facebook:

1100 march in Nottingham against austerity [with videos and photos]

Notts Save Our Service banner used on demonstrationOn Saturday 20th November 2010 the lively demonstration and march called by Notts Save Our Services assembled on the Forest Recreation Ground. Well over one thousand residents, workers, service users, pension and welfare recipients, parents, teachers, university and school students from all over Nottingham and Notts brought themselves along on a misty morning, and carried placards and banners against cuts. We marched to Nottingham city centre down Mansfield Road and many more people clapped from the pavement or hooted horns as we passed. At Speakers’ Corner a rally was held with many speakers explaining the effect of the cuts and encouraging more people to get involved with Notts SOS. Queens Street had to be closed to accommodate everyone.

Watch a video of the march as it left the Forest (links to photos are further below) and an edited video of some of the speeches on the podium and singing before and on the march.



Read press release advertising the march and rally:

Read collected media including photos following march and rally on Notts Indymedia:

Look at pictures of the march and rally from the Trades Council website:
Lots more photos here:
BBC Nottingham news article: (only 500 though! Journalist must have counted or estimated numbers at the beginning when the march was assembling whereas we did a proper roadside count on Mansfield Road). Anyway ITV News said it was 3000! See also Evening Post website coverage.

More reports and media to follow.

Well done to all that marched. We hope this will inspire more people to get involved with Notts SOS. In January we will hold a conference in Nottingham to work out a wider strategy as we know there are many and diverse ways the government cuts will affect our lives. In the meantime we hope that more anti-cuts groups will form whether around a specific campaign like Save Gedling School or with a general ‘save our services’ aim. Notts SOS planning meetings are held on Mondays in the International Community Centre. Details of these meetings and other planned events can be found on our website.

To find out just some of what’s happening in Nottingham and Notts, read our Newsletter –
Notts SOS Newsletter No. 1
: [Word version] [PDF version]

Leaflets for Saturday’s Notts SOS anti-cuts demo and for next week – with diary dates for November/December 2010

Download leaflet we’ll be handing out on the demonstration taking place on Saturday: leaflet_for_demo_nov_20_with_dates.pdf

Upcoming Campaign events:

22 November: Regular Notts SOS Campaign organising/committee meeting – 7:30pm, International Community Centre, Mansfield Road, Nottingham. Venue details here:

24 November: National Walkout against Student Fees In our region, so far there are walkouts being advertised in Leicester, Lincoln and Loughborough and Nottingham.

25 November: WE ARE ONE ‘Night of Light’ demonstration in Gedling to protest at the government closure of Gedling School – meet 5:30pm at the Phoenix pub [directions here]. Brign Glo sticks, torches … anything bright. Call Dale Vizzard for details: 07833762387.

29 November: Notts SOS Campaign organising/committee meeting – 7:30pm, International Community Centre, Mansfield Road, Nottingham.

4 December: Protest against corporate tax evasion – 1pm outside Vodafone on Clumber Street, Nottingham with march onto Boots on Wheeler gate. Part of a nationwide protest against Vodafone and Boots who evade billions of pounds in tax.

6 December: Notts SOS Campaign organising/committee meeting – 7:30pm, International Community Centre, Mansfield Road, Nottingham.

From the Forest to the Square – All out for a big Notts demonstration against the cuts – Saturday 20th November

Saturday 20th November is when we must make the City and County authorities in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire aware of the strength of feeling that is growing against cuts to services, jobs, welfare and education. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a locally or centrally controlled budget, we can’t allow these cuts to go ahead without a fight.

To find out just some of what’s happening in Nottingham and Notts, read our Newsletter –
Notts SOS Newsletter No. 1
: [Word version] [PDF version]

We will be assembling at the Forest Recreation Ground from 11.30am and marching at 12.30pm to the Market Square in Nottingham City Centre for a rally. The event is ‘Demonstration Against the Cuts ‘ and we say “There is an alternative. Make the rich pay for the crisis.” Bring your banners and placards (otherwise some will be available from Notts SOS). Let’s make it as big & noisy as possible!

Unless we refuse to accept them, all these cuts will go ahead while the well off people who govern us remain unaffected. If services and welfare are taken away, many people with illnesses and disability will suffer. If education is cut children and students of all ages will suffer. Facilities will close or get reduced and many more people will suffer. Is this the kind of society we want to live in?

All this,

  • while the banks remain bailed out with billions of pounds.
  • while vast city bonuses are still being given to individuals.
  • while private interests are being allowed to take over every aspect of life.
  • while huge corporate tax bills, like those of Vodafone or Boots, are avoided by sleight of hand.
  • while inequality of earnings is greater than ever.
  • while food and fuel prices are rising.
  • while billions of pounds are spent on weapons.
  • while billions of the world’s poor remain poor or are exploited for financial gain.
  • while the environment is ignored in the relentless search for profit and growth.
  • while the cause of the financial crisis remains virtually unchanged.

There must be a better way.

We won’t change the world in a day, but we have to take a stand against austerity.

Let’s remind the politicians who the Big Society really is.

We call on all workers, benefits and pension recipients, community groups, arts organisations, charities, school and college students, to unite and show opposition to the cuts in our region. Campaigners from nearby areas are welcome to join.

Housing under attack – join a flash mob in Market Square, Tuesday 2nd Nov at 6pm

Logo of Framework, homelessness charity in Nottingham and Notts

At the Notts SOS meeting last night it was announced that Framework workers have called for a “flash mob” – that is, a mass of people to turn up in Nottingham City Centre in the Market Square today Tuesday 2nd November 2010, to make a poignant protest.
Update: Framework flash mob took place – read a report on Notts Indymedia.
Continue reading “Housing under attack – join a flash mob in Market Square, Tuesday 2nd Nov at 6pm”

Monday 25th October – Notts SOS meeting – 7.30pm. Plus details of Bassetlaw campaign

The scale of the cuts in the County is now apparent. Consultations in the city have been little more than form-filling exercises so the City Council can work out what to cut with as little bad press as possible. Councillors were rude to campaigners in several of these meetings and left little time for questions about the cuts. It’s vital that residents of Nottingham and Notts, and those that work in the region, get together to work out a plan of action. Come to our next planning meeting if you can.

Notts SOS meeting: Monday 25th October, 7.30pm at the ICC (International Community Centre), YMCA, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3FN. Please just turn up.

The SOS campaign is also taking shape in Bassetlaw. Activists recently attended a Save Bassetlaw Hospital meeting along with 150 other people. Continue reading “Monday 25th October – Notts SOS meeting – 7.30pm. Plus details of Bassetlaw campaign”

Hundreds protested at Notts County Hall on Thursday 21st October

Today Nottingham Evening Post reports on the campaign protest at Nottinghamshire County Council HQ in West Bridgford on Thursday 21st October, the same day that Councillors voted to implement £75m worth of cuts over the next four years. 164 proposals were ‘debated’ to help the authority save £150m and Councillors gave the green light to more than half. These ‘category A’ proposals, will be made shortly, while the rest will be put out to consultation. Cuts next year include axing 1,300 posts and many services will be affected. And this is only the beginning. This is the challenge that we will be facing in the County from now on.

See also: a commentary and lots of photos from the demonstration, posted on Indymedia the Sunday following the event.

To get involved with Notts SOS come to our next meeting, contact us, or join the Facebook group. Feel free to add information about your events, your experiences, comments and opinions to our website. Continue reading “Hundreds protested at Notts County Hall on Thursday 21st October”

Hundreds protested at Notts County Hall on Thursday 21st October

Today Nottingham Evening Post reports on the campaign protest at Nottinghamshire County Council HQ in West Bridgford on Thursday 21st October, the same day that Councillors voted to implement £75m worth of cuts over the next four years. 164 proposals were ‘debated’ to help the authority save £150m and Councillors gave the green light to more than half. These ‘category A’ proposals, will be made shortly, while the rest will be put out to consultation. Cuts next year include axing 1,300 posts and many services will be affected. And this is only the beginning. This is the challenge that we will be facing in the County from now on.

See also: a commentary and lots of photos from the demonstration, posted on Indymedia the Sunday following the event.

To get involved with Notts SOS come to our next meeting, contact us, or join the Facebook group. Feel free to add information about your events, your experiences, comments and opinions to our website. Continue reading “Hundreds protested at Notts County Hall on Thursday 21st October”

Get involved with Notts SOS – events in week starting 18th October [plus School Support staff demo video]

Events and meetings below. See also: Drop in Consultations continue in City – Wollaton, The Meadows, Clifton, New Basford, Radford & Lenton.

Monday 18th October – Unison protest: SAY NO TO PAY CUTS FOR SCHOOL SUPPORT STAFF. 4.00pm (onwards). OLD MARKET SQUARE IN FRONT OF COUNCIL HOUSE. Download schools protest flyer 18 October 2010 and GMB union Midland and East Coast Region newsletter supporting the demonstration. All welcome.

Wednesday 20th October – COME TO THE FIRST NOTTS SOS GENERAL ANTI-CUTS PROTEST IN THE MARKET SQUARE ON THE DAY OF THE SPENDING REVIEW. Starts 5pm and will continue at least an hour. All welcome. Bring banners, noisy things, leaflets and most importantly your workmates, friends and family.

Thursday 21st October – Anti-cuts event at Nottinghamshire County Council. Lobby of County Hall, West Bridgford from 12.30pm when the County Council is due to publicise massive proposed cuts and privatising most of its services. If you want coach seats for the protest at Notts County Council on Thurs 21st Oct please contact Pete Watson; or the Notts CC Unison website
Coaches are coming from Worksop, Mansfield, Newark & Beeston.. All welcome.

Next week: Monday 25th October – Notts SOS meeting. 7.30pm on Mon at the ICC (International Community Centre), YMCA, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3FN. Please just turn up.