Nottingham anti-cuts diary dates in April 2011 – more added so keep looking for updates!

picture of a diary to add the following anti-cuts dates toHere are anti-cuts events coming up. Also take a look on the right for more details of Forthcoming Events, Comments and Twitter feed columns for more info, reports and comments. Join Notts SOS Facebook at

As you will see a big feature of this month’s activities is opposition to NHS ‘reform’ AKA privatisation.

Anti-cuts diary dates in April 2011

Friday 1st April Unison demonstration ‘Stand up for the NHS’ at Standard Court PCT offices. Report now out: Held as part of the ‘All Together for the NHS Day’.

Saturday 9th April Notts Uncut have planned another action in Notttingham city centre, meeting outside Miss Selfridge on Clumber St at 10.45 am for a 11.00 am start. Target to be announced on the day. The theme is NHS reforms so bring any placards etc relating to the Health and Social Care bill and if you can bring any hospital type props (gowns, scrubs, crutches, bandages etc) that would be fantastic. Please see info about this local action on UK Uncut website and the facebook event page. There is also now a Notts Uncut website at and a newsletter, No.1 April 2011: [Word version] [PDF version]

Monday 11th April Fortnightly Notts SOS planning meeting, at the YMCA International Community Centre, Mansfield Road from 7.30 pm until 9 pm. All welcome.

Wednesday 13th April Nottingham and Mansfield Trades Council organised public debate between Jon Collins, County Councillor Alan Rhodes, and a Trade Union official at The Djanogly Lecture Theatre, Nottingham Trent University, Shakespeare Street off Clarendon Road, starts 7.30 pm.

Thursday 14th April 3rd National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts. UK wide. Local action to be confirmed. Also on Facebook:

Tuesday 19th April ADMINISTRATE THIS! TENT CITY AND MARCH AT THE AUA CONFERENCE 19th of April 2011 UNIVERSITY PARK (MAIN) CAMPUS, NOTTINGHAM. Nottingham students are organising a vigourous response to the 18th to 20th Association of University Administrators meeting in Nottingham the future of Higher Education in the UK will be discussed by top managers from all over the country. As the government’s plans to lift the cap on tuition fees to £9000 is exploited by a cartel of administrations to monopolise high-end university education, the minister for universities, David Willetts, keynote speaker at the AUA conference, reassures us that the cuts in funding and the raises in fees will be ‘progressive’. as part of the action there will be a march on the Nottingham University main campus on the 19th and the tent city camp will last 2 days. More details: Open invitiation to participate. Facebook event page here:

Wednesday 20th April Second day of the tent city on Nottingham University main campus during the Association of University Administrators conference. The camp will last from the 19th-20th and hold workshops and discussions with activists and academics on the topics including: Anti-Oppression, Gender and The Cuts, Zombie Universities, Protest Tactics, Strategies, and Direct Action, Capitalism and Beyond. There will also be food, a kids space, music, performance, and art! See above (19th April) for details. Open invitiation to participate.

Thursday 21st April Save Our NHS – Kill the Bill– Notts SOS (health group) are hosting a public meeting about the Health and Social Care Reform Bill in conjunction with Keep Our NHS Public, 38 degrees and HIYE, at The Nottingham Mechanics, 3 North Sherwood Street, Nottingham, NG1 4EZ. Starts 7.30 pm.

Monday 25th Tuesday 26th April Fortnightly Notts SOS planning meeting, at the YMCA International Community Centre, Mansfield Road from 7.30 pm until 9 pm. All welcome. Moved from Monday to Tuesday due to the bank holiday.

Thursday 28th April MayDay Social, Polish Eagle Club, 2 Sherwood Rise, Nottingham NG7 6JN, 7.30 pm to late.

Saturday 30th April Mayday festival and march, Victoria Park, Sneinton, 11 am to 6 pm. March to City Centre and back to the park starts 12 noon.

Advance notice for May: Sunday 22nd May, Green Festival, Arboretum, 12 noon to 6 pm.

After March 26th – a good day out & a lot more to do back in Nottingham & Notts against the cuts! [with photos & videos] – add your experiences/comments/links

Notts SOS banner on the March 26th demonstration
Notts SOS banner on the March 26th demonstration in London (more photos & videos below)
The half a million who marched and took action in London on Saturday 26th March 2011 made our feelings known and we showed our strength. Those who are active in Notts SOS and from the many other anti-cuts groups around the country, together with all manner of service users and welfare and pension recipients, workers, students, families and children took to the streets to say no to the cuts.

The press and politicians seem to have made their minds up already. According to Lib Dem’s Vince Cable on the BBC Politics Show today “We’re not going to change the basic economic strategy” and, “No government – coalition, Labour or any other – would change its fundamental economic policy simply in response to a demonstration of that kind.”

Is this a challenge? It begs the question of what exactly would change the government’s mind? Certainly Notts SOS will stick to its call for “No Cuts” which means we will need to carry on the work of making the politicians aware of our demand. But we have already lost a lot and there will be more to be lost in the new tax year if we do not stand up and fight. So let’s all get involved.

Feel free to share your personal stories of the day, and links to your articles, blogs, photos and videos by adding a ‘comment’ to this article. You can also do the same on the Notts SOS facebook page.

A selection of images of the day:

Notts SOS banner on the march, with a few of the Nottingham contingent
Notts SOS banner on the march, with a few of the Nottingham contingent
Banner drop on a Bridge on March 26th
Banner drop on a Bridge on March 26th
Notts SOS and UCU East Midlands banners in London on March 26th
Notts SOS and UCU East Midlands banners in London on March 26th family on demo
Ed Woollard's family who we spoke to on March 26th demo who confirmed he had received a greetings card sent by Notts SOS from our January conference
Link to Ed Woollard support site:

Videos by Notts SOS/Uncut contingent on Oxford Street:



Also watch: Video of the deception by police on UKUncut occupation of Fortnum and Mason, leading to their ‘record’ number of arrests on the day: Not surprising to hear they will be taking legal advice …

Staff and students strike together again in Nottingham

Nottingham UCU staff, students and Notts SOS in Old Market Square 24th March 2011
Nottingham UCU staff, students and Notts SOS in Old Market Square 24th March 2011
This week, on March 22nd and 24th, the University and College Union (UCU) took strike action in defence of the pay and pensions of academic and academic-related staff and against the employers’ attempts to bypass nationally agreed procedures for making redundancies. The majority vote for the strike is also a response to the wider political situation and most immediately the rise in student fees. Staff on strike in Nottingham were from Castle College, South Notts College, Nottingham Trent University and University of Nottingham. Students added to the numbers on picket lines and ran solidarity events all over Nottingham. The local strike leaflet was written by staff and students together. [Download student side of leaflet] [UCU staff side of leaflet]. Look at some photos here:

UCU officers and campaigners put lots of effort into building for the strike, not least in co-ordinating between institutions. For some of us Notts SOS UCU members it was the first time we had been involved in organising a strike as opposed to just turning up for picket line duty. It’s a lot of work, but we learned lot from more experienced staff. I think we can be pleased with the results, because support for the strike was amazing. Hundreds of staff stayed away or picketed. Staff from other unions or no union beeped their horns in support at picket lines and asked for leaflets and information about the strike. Many university security staff were supportive and helpful also. Even though some public sector trade unionists crossed picket lines, others, notably City and County Council workers such as bus drivers, beeped their horns in support and passengers also waved at us.

The UCU and students condemned the University of Nottingham’s assertion that the strike was undemocratic, pointing out that not only was it entirely legal, but percentage-wise the majority in favour of the strike was bigger than the vote for the Conservatives in the last election.

The strike culminated in a rally in the Market Square attended by several hundred people. Speakers made it clear even though workers are not legally allowed to strike except over their own pay, terms and conditions, there is a mood to go beyond this just as there is elsewhere in the public sector. To do this university staff – UCU, Unison and others – need to work together more closely so that the government and employers fear our strength just as they fear the new radicalised student movement that mobilised in support of us this week.

Previous article:

Nottingham UCU staff, students & Notts SOS Defending  ESOL 24th March 2011
Nottingham UCU staff, students & Notts SOS Defending ESOL 24th March 2011
“Don’t Cut ESOL Classes!”

This was the message at the rally on Thursday March 24 in opposition to the cuts in funding ESOL classes. ESOL stands for English for Speakers of Other Languages and classes have traditionally been free for most students, who include people on JSA and ESE. But in Nottingham 76% of people on ESOL courses do not receive these benefits. They include refugees, asylum-seekers and other migrants who need English to integrate and contribute to British society. One of the messages of the rally was David Cameron’s hypocrisy in stating that refugees should integrate and at the same time removing one of the most important ways they can do this.

About one hundred and fifty teachers, students and their supporters attended and several refugees spoke about how important free access to English classes is to them. Their confidence in speaking in public in a second language is a tribute to their teachers and shows that having good language skills is not just about the ability to communicate but the confidence to do it in the first place. As one of the speakers said, it is an attack on basic human rights.

Removal of free ESOL classes is about more than saving money. It is about marginalising vulnerable people and we need to understand it as part of the state’s attack on refugees and asylum seekers, making it even harder for them to access help.

Even though this rally took place hours after the UCU rally earlier in the day, dozens of higher and further education staff and students waited after their own event to attend the ESOL rally. As one UCU member said, “Education is vital for liberation”.


Notts SOS newsletter no. 4 including NHS, academies & forestry local campaigns [plus video ‘Andrew Lansley Rap’]

We are pleased to bring you the Notts Save Our Services newsletter no.4 for March/April 2011 including several articles on local action taken against the cuts plus advertising of forthcoming events [Notts SOS No. 4 Word version] or [Notts SOS No. 4 PDF version]. In addition this week’s events include UCU strikes and rally, an ESOL day of action and a Budget Day protest. Also read this report from Bassetlaw SOS after their latest public meeting. And what is likely to be the biggest protest in London against government since the anti-war march, is talking place on Saturday 26th. See diary for details. The next Notts SOS meeting is Monday 28th March at the usual venue.


University staff picket lines supported by students and many others in Nottingham

Official picket UCU armbands at University of Nottingham during strike day 22nd March 2011
Strike day 1 at University of Nottingham
Yesterday, 22nd March 2011, was the first day of strike action by members of the University and College Union in England including lecturers, researchers, admin and library staff from 47 universities taking strike action in defence of their USS pension scheme. Strikes in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland took place last Thursday & Friday, and yesterday.

Picket lines were formed at all entrances of the University of Nottingham. A joint staff/student campaign leaflet was handed out (Download student side of leaflet. UCU staff side of leaflet) as well as information about the effects of the proposed changes to the pensions scheme that would see new staff (and those with a gap in employment or extended leave) being put on to a much worse scheme, plus increases in employee contributions for everyone with little evidence that this is needed. The threat of action and offer of negotiations by UCU has already seen the gap increased to 30 months from 6 months plus there is now an indefinite delay in implementation. Many people in vehicles passing the entrances honked their horns in support including both City and County Council workers, Post Office workers, bus drivers, taxi drivers and many people in vans of private companies and cars. Security staff at entrances were supportive. The student support was particularly excellent, with groups from Nottingham Students Against Cuts and Fees present at the picket lines and saying on their website,

WE, NOTTINGHAM STUDENTS AGAINST FEES & CUTS, EXPRESS OUR STAUNCH SUPPORT FOR AND SOLIDARITY WITH THE UCU of Nottingham University / NTU and the UCU groups on strike nationwide. We stand with staff members in their attempt to defend their pension schemes from the cuts that are being imposed and which will have a drastic detrimental effect on the education sector and thus society as a whole. These cuts affect our community, students and staff alike, as they threaten not only jobs but educational establishments, irreparably damaging the overall value and quality of education. Read more:

Today, Wednesday 23rd, NSAFC will hold a ‘Teach-out’ with tents outside Hallward Library on the University of Nottiongam main campus from 12 noon and all afternoon to highlight the campaign against marketisation of education, cuts to teaching budgets and to support the UCU strikes. Notts TUC are holding a Budget Day protest against all cuts from 5-7pm in the Old Market Square, Nottingham.

On Thursday 24th there will be a UK-wide strike day involving both University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University and Further Education colleges. Picket lines will be formed in the morning and there will be a rally in defence of education in the Old Market Square , Nottingham from 11am at least until 2pm. All welcome. Details here: Then at 3.30pm will be the ESOL day of action against cuts to English for Speakers of Other Languages – this open air meeting will also take place in the Old Market Square. Download flyer: ESOL Day of Action flyer 24 March 2011. Help us show the importance of English classes.

The campaign is growing and this is becoming more than solidarity. The struggle of students against huge fees rises and cuts to support like ESA is identified with the cuts agenda and the general attack on wages and conditions in education work places. There are a number of unions in universities and colleges such as Unison and UNITE and hopefully the struggle can be broadened in the coming months. The Notts SOS campaigns aims to link up service users and community campaigns as well as workplaces, schools and colleges. The UCU is taking 3 coaches from Nottingham to London for the ‘March for the Alternative’ on Saturday 26th as are many other unions.

Press cutting with photograph in evening post of one UCU picket line taken on 22nd March
Press cutting with photograph of one UCU picket line at University of Nottingham

Reports from another Saturday of anti-cuts action in Nottingham – more to come!

Sleeping bag protest inside Barclays Bank, Nottingham, 19th March 2011
Saturday 19th March 2011 saw sustained action against austerity with a joint stall by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and Notts SOS. Scrapping Trident missiles in Scotland and the rest of the death-dealing UK arms industry (including those in Nottingham) are cuts we in Notts SOS can certainly support.

This was followed by a Notts UnCut ‘Bail-in’ occupation of Barclays Bank and vocal protests outside high street shops like Vodafone, BHS and Boots who have managed to avoid paying tax in UK by various schemes, and who have been allowed to do so by HM Revenue and Customs. Earlier in the day, Vodafone had closed its shutters 10 secs after seeing one protester with a banner, and this was before things had even got started! Glad to see the message is getting across. Barclays is not the only bank which has faced action by UK Uncut and Natwest was also visited. Barclays was targeted today in Nottingham because of their bosses’ admission that it paid just £113m in UK corporation tax in 2009 – a year when it rang up a record £11.6bn in profits (so that’s less than 1%, meanwhile we are facing VAT of 20%). Most seriously we are being told that the government cannot afford to look after vunerable people in our cities – having got rid of the Supporting People budget that supports homeless projects, women’s refuges and other important services. This was highlighted by the 40+ Notts Uncut demonstrators on Saturday by lying in sleeping bags inside Barclays, whilst bank customers, staff and the police were able to hear why we are angry. It was made clear that staff were not targetted since they are not the ones receiving massive bonuses from a bank that was bailed out by the government using public money. Barclays paid out £2.5bn in salaries and bonuses last year. Lots of photos on Nottingham Indymedia. More photos. Watch various videos via Notts SOS facebook page or directly on You-tube.

Elsewhere in Notts, a petition was handed in against the Health and Social Care Bill which will see further privatisation of NHS services. 38 Degrees and Notts Save Our Services presented a 180,000 signature petition to Anna Soubry, the MP for Broxtowe, at Beeston Library. Anna Soubry sits on one of the parliamentary select committees currently scrutinising the NHS Bill. A public meeting will now be held in Nottingham on 21st April co-organised by Notts SOS, to explain what the Bill will mean to the future of NHS services, if it is not defeated.

This week sees more events including two days of strike action at Nottingham universities and colleges and final preparation for the monster march in London on Saturday 26th (with over 30 coaches going from Notts). More local diary dates are listed here. Get involved by contacting Notts SOS or letting us know about action you are taking or would like to take against the cuts!

Notts Joins March Against Cuts – go and be part of the monster march on Saturday 26th

On March 26th, Notts residents will join hundreds of thousands of people from across the country to protest against the government’s austerity drive. Trade unions in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire will be taking more than 30 coaches to London to join the monster March for the Alternative against the cuts. Thousands of service users, welfare recipients, workers and students will make their anger known on the streets of London.

‘SAVE OUR NHS – KILL THE BILL’ public meeting in Nottingham on 21st April 2011

Petitions handed to Anna Soubry (Con) MP today, 19th March 2011, at Beeston library

Public meeting: SAVE OUR NHS – KILL THE BILL

Professor Colin Leys and local experts will explain the threat to the NHS from the Health Bill and answer your questions.

Date/time: THURSDAY APRIL 21ST, 7pm until 9pm.

Venue: MECHANICS INSTITUTE, 3 North Sherwood Street Nottingham, NG1 4EZ.

Download poster/flyer: Save our NHS public meeting poster 21 April 2011.

Read: Ten Good Reasons to Kill Lansley’s NHS Bill!

The Health Bill now before parliament will destroy our NHS:

Public meeting organised by: Notts SOS health group, Keep Our NHS Public and 38 degrees.

University and college strikes next week including Nottingham city centre demo on 24th March 2011

UCU logoNottingham staff and students have mounted a united campaign at our local universities and colleges to support University and College Union strike action on the 22nd and 24th of March (Tuesday & Thursday next week in Nottingham). There will be picket lines on the 22nd and 24th and solidarity action by students from both universities and FE colleges via Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts. A joint staff/student leaflet has been produced at Nottingham University. Download student side of leaflet. UCU staff side of leaflet. The context of the strike is not only pensions (or forthcoming action on pay and condidion) but the commodification of education.

On Thursday 24th March, UCU members from all FE and HE institutions in Nottingham and across the country will be on strike together. AS PART OF THIS A PUBLIC RALLY WILL BE HELD THURSDAY 24th MARCH at 11 noon until 2pm OLD MARKET SQUARE NOTTINGHAM CITY CENTRE. Everyone is invited to support the rally. University of Nottingham UCU branch is also running coaches to London for the 26th TUC ‘March for the Alternative’. Nottingham University UCU office Tel: (0115) 9514976 Email: ucu [at]

Later in the afternoon on the 24th will be the ESOL day of action against cuts to English for Speakers of Other Languages. Nottingham open air meeting will take place in the Old Market Square at 3.30pm. Download flyer: ESOL Day of Action flyer 24 March 2011. Help us show the importance of English classes.

See also: Photos from student anti-cuts fundraiser

Background: Tomorrow (Thursday 17th March 2011) members of the University and College Union that represents lecturers, researchers, admin staff and part-time students in universities and colleges in Higher and Further Education will begin a week of strike action to defend pensions. The action will begin in Scotland, followed by Wales, Northern Ireland and England (on Tuesday 22nd) before the final UK-wide day next Thursday 24 March. Employers have ignored attempts to meet employers at ACAS to negotiate. Due to continued support and negotiations, the proposed changes have been temporarily postponed but the employers still refuse to meet. See: The union does not claim a monopoly of wisdom on the Universities Superannuation Scheme, only that as one of the fund’s co-founders more than thirty years ago it is dear to our hearts and central to terms and conditions. The union remain committed to negotiations and are willing talk any time, anywhere, to the employers to protect members’ interests, but if they won’t talk we have no option other than to take action.

Notts anti-cuts diary dates for fortnight beginning Monday 14th March 2011

picture of a diary to add the following anti-cuts dates toHere are anti-cuts events coming up. Also take a look on the right for more details of Forthcoming Events, Comments and Twitter feed columns for more info, reports and comments. Join Notts SOS Facebook at

Anti-cuts diary dates in weeks beginning Monday 14th and Monday 21st March 2011

Monday 14th March Notts SOS planning meeting, at ICC/YMCA, 7.30-9.15pm. Meetings are currently fortnightly.

Monday 14th March Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts are running two ‘Education Strikes Back’ teach-ins to discuss how to continue the fight against the cuts to education. UCU have voted for strike action, so it’s an exciting time and we have lots to discuss. All are welcome. One will be on the 14th March, 6pm in D137 Portland Building (students union), main campus. Facebook link:

Wednesday 16th March The other NSAFC teach-in on the 16th, 6pm at Nottingham Trent (check the facebook
group for the location). Bring any ideas you have. Facebook link:

Wednesday 16th March – Bassetlaw SOS Public Meeting at the Crossing Church & Centre, Newcastle Street, Worksop. Starts 7pm. Download public meeting flyer. Download Bassetlaw anti-cuts flyer.

Thursday 17th March – Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts are putting on a fundraiser to raise money and to publicise the campaign. Make Music, Not Cuts – Live Music and *Bring and Buy* Rummage Sale Fundraiser at The Maze, Mansfield Road, Nottingham. Doors and Open Mic at 7pm, Show at 8pm.

Friday 18th March Save Our NHS. 38 Degrees/Notts SOS health group. Informal planning meeting at Friends Meeting House, 25 Clarendon Street Nottingham NG1 5JD. Room 3 from 7:15 for 7:30pm start ’til 9:00pm. The idea of this meeting is to plan and organise a public meeting to take place in the near further. See also: If you want to know the ins and outs of what’s actually going to happen to our NHS, follow the link and watch this video:

Saturday 19th March Nottingham CND & Notts SOS are holding a joint stall in the Market Square, at 11.30am. The theme is ‘Cut Trident not Public Sevices/Jobs’. See also CND adds support to TUC march against the cuts. Stay on for the UK-Uncut event at 1pm…

Saturday 19th March Notts-Uncut Part-of UK-Uncut. Starts 12 noon. A protest against tax evasion and the cuts. Maybe a march through the streets to target the banks, Vodafone etc. Invite everyone you know 🙂
We will rendevous either at the lions or the Brian Clough statue, details tbc. Here is the event on UKUncut and on Facebook:!/event.php?eid=129737010431818

Sunday 20th March ‘Out of the Woods’ event. Save Sherwood Forest / Forest Campaign Network / Notts SOS are running a gathering & ramble at Sherwood Pines, Edwinstowe, Mansfield NG21 9JL. Meet 2pm at the large notice board between the car park and visitors centre for a 2.15pm start to follow the white route for a relaxed an buggy-friendly ramble of about 40 mins duration. Download poster for more details including directions to the car park and a RSVP: Out of the Woods 20th March 2011 and Leaflet with more info about why the campaign must continue.

Tuesday 22nd March Universities and Colleges Union (UCU) strike at University of Nottingham over proposed pension changes. See also March 24th for major strike day with other institutions. Pickets at all main entrances to campuses 8am-12 noon. More details here.

Wednesday 23rd March Nottingham & Notts Trades Union Council, Budget Day Lobby, 5pm. Old Market Square, Nottingham. All welcome.

Thursday 24th March Universities and Colleges Union (UCU) members (lecturers, researchers & admin staff) from all FE and HE institutions in Nottingham and across the country will be on strike together over pensions, pay and condition of employment. AS PART OF THIS A PUBLIC RALLY WILL BE HELD THURSDAY 24th MARCH at 11 am until 2pm OLD MARKET SQUARE NOTTINGHAM CITY CENTRE. Everyone is invited to support the rally. There will also be a strike day on the 22nd. Pickets at institutions will take place on the mornings of both 22nd and 24th, from 8am. More details here.

Thursday 24th March ESOL day of action against cuts to English for Speakers of Other Languages. Nottingham open air meeting will take place in the Old Market Square at 3.30pm. Download flyer: ESOL Day of Action flyer 24 March 2011. Help us show the importance of English classes.

Saturday 26th March – TUC ‘March for the alternative’: Put this in your diary now! London – initial details of route are here – Loads of coaches through local union branches: